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A. Hours of Work
B. Attendance and Punctuality
C. Overtime

A. Hours of Work
*7 DAYS per week
Zero operating
schedule *12 HOURS per day

Employee working *6 DAYS per week

schedule *8 HOURS per day

Zero restaurant is running from Mondays to Sunday and is opened from

8AM to 9 PM as it offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Employees are scheduled
with different shifts, and each are to work for 8 hours a day. The employees will
be divided into shifting group, the 1st shift will start at 6AM and will end at 3PM
while the 2nd shift will start at 12PM up to the closing hours of 9PM. As for the
employee rights, each will be given 1 hour meal break, each group will have to
come up with their own preferred time of break if the half of the group will work,
employees from each group cannot have their break at the same time.
The restaurant is open for 7 days and thus based on the workers basic rights,
employees must only work for 6 days. The restaurant is honoring this policy,
employees will be given a 1 day off per week that will be settled between the
restaurant, the group, and the employee.
Employees can request specific shift and the restaurant will try its best to
accommodate the preferences.

B. Attendance and Punctuality

It is the employee’s responsibility to come to work on time and to avoid

excessive absences. The restaurant will acknowledge illness and any other
circumstances that will be beyond the employees’ control as a valid reason to
absent. Employees will be given 5-minute grace period, beyond that will be
considered late. To monitor the attendance of the employee, everyone is required
to sign into a daily time record (DTR). Immoderate absences and unpunctuality
may become a valid ground for disciplinary action or termination as it will
negatively affect not only restaurant but also the workloads of the other

Employees are expected to report on work based on their shift, if an
employee is to absent for a personal reason, he/she may ask to change shift with
the other employee. Both parties must give the restaurant and heads up in case
of change of shift. And if it’s for a sudden reason, he/she may report it to the
restaurant either thru email or text so that they can think of a possible solution or
ask other employees to attend to work.

Employees are expected to report on work based on the time of their shift,
if an employee is to be late for a personal reason, he/she may report it to the
restaurant so they can adjust the workloads. The reason for being late must be
reported to the restaurant and it must be valid.

C. Overtime
Sometimes due to unexpected circumstance there will be a need for the
employee to work beyond their schedule. Zero restaurant is acknowledging the
employees’ overtime and will compensate the employee. If the employee work
for more than 8 hours he/she is to receive payment for overtime. Employees shall
not work overtime without the approval of the management. Hourly rate will be
multiplied by 25% to come up with the right overtime payment.

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