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EU leaders begin negotiations on controversial refugee deal

EU leaders gathered in Brussels on Thursday for a decisive summit to stop more refugees
and migrants coming into Europe.

The controversial draft deal would see one Syrian refugee from Turkey resettled in the EU
for every migrant Turkey takes back from Greece. The aim is to discourage refugees to make
the crossing to the Greek islands.

For Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, this would be a much needed solution.

‘I’m looking forward to a credible agreement today, in order to try to reduce or to stop the
illegal flows from Turkey to the Greek islands,’ he told reporters outside the European
Council building.

In return for its help, Turkey could be offered accelerated talks on EU membership and a
lifting of visa restrictions,

Cyprus however says it would veto such a deal while Turkey refuses to recognize the
Republic of Cyprus.

‘If Turkey will fulfill its obligations then there is no problem. But without it, we can do
nothing’ said Cypriot president, Nicos Anastasiades.

Outside the European Council building, Amnesty International held a demonstration with
banners urging ‘Don’t trade refugees.’ The human rights group says the ‘blanket return’ of
refugees to Turkey is inhumane.

‘Something that I think many of us who stand for justice, freedom and dignity have been
quite appalled by is the notion that for every Syrian that risks their life on an un-seaworthy
boat – a lot of children, remember – to get to Greece, that only one resettlement place would
then conditionally be offered to another Syrian. This is morally reprehensible: conditional
humanity is no humanity at all!’ said Amnesty International spokesperson Iverna McGowan.

EU leaders now have long negotiations ahead but say they are hopeful a deal can be struck.

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