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Introduction to Computers

Performance Task Final Exam

Mrs. J. Norman

The students will key and format two documents to demonstrate that they can
professionally format the documents we learned this semester. The students will

1. MLA Academic Report 50%

2. Minutes of the Meeting 50%

Total 100%

MLA Report Rubric

Criteria Excellent-4 Good-3 Fair-2 Poor-1

Line spacing Report double- Mostly double- Applied line Did not follow
spaced, 0 spaced and with spacing some of line spacing
spacing before 0 spacing Before the times. rules.
and after; and After.
Margin Margin set to 1- Three of the four Two of the four Did apply
inch all around. margin settings margin settings correct margin
are correct. are correct. settings.
Headings Four lines Sometimes Mostly Did not format
formatted correct, but not formatted according to
correctly. all instances. incorrectly. instructions.
Report Title Keyed in initial Keyed in all Keyed in initial Did not key at
caps and center caps and center caps with all..
aligned.. aligned. incorrect
Paragraph All paragraphs Most paragraphs Some Paragraphs are
Format indented 0.5 indented 0.5 paragraphs not indented
inch utilizing inch utilizing indented 0.5 and/or word
word wrap. word wrap inch utilizing wrap not
word wrap utilized.
Punctuation Consistently Mostly applied Sometimes Not applied.
spacing rules & applied applied
Minutes of Meeting Rubric

Criteria Excellent-4 Good-3 Fair-2 Poor-1

Line spacing Report single Mostly Single- Applied line Did not follow
spaced, 0 spaced and spacing some of line spacing
spacing before double-spaced in the times. rules.
and after; appropriate parts
paragraphs with 0 spacing
single-spaced Before and
with double After.
space between
Double space
after title, after
Margin Left 6 blank Left 5 single Used Double Did not leave
lines at the top spaced or less spacing and then any blank lines
of page one to lines at the top Entered 6 times at the top.
make the 2-inch of the page. or less.
top margin.
Beginning Lines Three lines Sometimes Mostly Did not format
formatted correct, but not formatted according to
correctly. all instances. incorrectly. instructions.
Side Headings Keyed in all Keyed in all Did not key Did not key at
caps and bold;12 caps and bold;14 according to all.
pt. font size and pt. font size and format
left aligned.. left aligned instructions.
Closing Lines Complimentary Most of the Some Formatting not
closing followed Complimentary complimentary applied.
by comma, 3 closing closing lines
blank lines and formatted formatted
secretary’s name correctly. correctly.
and title.
Punctuation Consistently Mostly applied Sometimes Not applied.
spacing rules & applied applied

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