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Adrienne Bennett

HPE 3071
Project #1: Needs Assessment

 Target Population (1 points)

o Senior Citizens living in Montgomery County, Ohio

 Why Conduct Needs Assessment (4 points):

o An increasing number of older adults in the United States wish to age in place
instead of moving into assisted living facilities. This number has grown as the
baby boom generation has aged. According to Mather et al. (2019) the number of
Americans ages 65 and older will actually nearly double by 2060, rising to 95
million from 52 million in 2018. More older adults are now living alone which
can lead to concerns as to whether or not they are getting their basic needs met.
For example, 26% of women ages 65-74 lived alone in 2018. This number rose to
39% of women ages 75-84 and 55% of women ages 85 and older (Mather et al.,
2019). A needs assessment would be beneficial in establishing whether or not
these individuals are getting their physical, mental, social, and emotional health
needs met.
Mather, M., Scommegna, P., & Kilduff, L. (2019, July 15). Fact Sheet: Aging in
the United States. PRB.

 Stakeholders (2 points):
o Health Promotion Planner
o Doctor
o Occupational Therapist
o Social Worker
o Representatives from Area Agency on Aging
o Community Residents

 Secondary Data (4 points):

o CDC: Promoting Health for Older Adults
Includes helpful basic statistics on homepage, as well as links to other pages with
more statistics depending on the information/resources you are looking into.
Helpful for overall health, fall prevention, and specifically cognitive health.

o Montgomery County Community Health Assessment 2019
County level health data that helps to show disparities between different
population groups in the Montgomery County/Dayton area. It includes behavioral
health, chronic diseases, health risks, access to care, and information on built-
environment in the area.

o United States Census: Montgomery County, Ohio
Includes a breakdown of the demographics in the area and includes information
on housing, living arrangements, and the economy.

 Additional Information (3 points):

o % of population that have access to healthy whole foods, either through personal
shopping, delivery, or meal delivery
o Number of mental health resources for priority population in a given area
o Availability of access to transportation for this population to get to health
appointments, shopping, or social activities
o % of population considered obese compared to number who have access to
regular physical activity
o Fall risk for the priority population in this area

 Primary Data (4 points): List 2 sources of primary data you would use and explain why
you would use each source to collect primary data for your priority population.
o Face to Face Interviews: Given the age of the priority population, I feel that face
to face would be much more beneficial than written, telephone, or electronic
interviews. Even though this would be more time-consuming, it would also give
a chance for first-hand observation, also (especially if the interview was done at
the individual’s home).
o Meeting: To gather larger numbers of people together at once to see if there are
already any common themes or problems that this priority population already
feels that they are experiencing.

 Who will Collected Primary Data? (2 points):

o Representatives from Area Agency on Aging who are trained in working with this
o Possibly volunteers (who would need to be trained on how to interview)

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