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Final Exam 2015

Advanced 1

1. Match the adjectives below to the correct definition. ( / 15)

cross delighted depressed desperate disillusioned determined

flabbergasted furious horrified insecure let down overjoyed proud
relieved apprehensive

a. _______________ worried or nervous about something that is going to happen.

b. _______________ angry or annoyed
c. _______________ very pleased and happy
d. _______________ very unhappy over a long period
e. _______________ in a very bad situation, almost without hope
f. _______________ unhappy because you have lost your belief in something
g. _______________ very sure that you are going to do something, even if others disagree
h. _______________ very, very surprised.
i. _______________ extremely angry
j. _______________ upset because you find something very shocking.
k. _______________ not feeling confident about yourself or your situation in life.
l. _______________ disappointed by something or someone.
m. ______________ extremely happy about something.
n. ______________ pleased at your own or other people's achievements.
o. _______________ pleased because something you were worried about didn't happen.

2. Complete the following sentences using the present perfect simple or present perfect
continuous. ( / 15)

a. Apparently, Robert __________ (have) an accident – he's on his way to the hospital right now.
b. How long __________ (you look) for a new job?
c. I __________ (wait) for the phone to ring all morning. I can't stand it anymore!
d. __________ (you ever play) baseball?
e. I know why Julian looks so tired – he __________ (work) too hard recently.
f. Neil __________ (never do) anything like this before in all the time I've known him.
g. You __________ (watch) videos for over three hours now; it's about time you found something else to do.
h. I __________ (never see) Carla looking so depressed.
i. It's no secret that Steven and Monika __________ (see) each other for several months now.
j. I __________ (try) to get in touch with Jerry all morning, but I __________ (not have) any luck yet.
k. I __________ (never understand) why people aren't prepared to queue up in a civilized manner.
l. I __________ (wait) for the taxi for the last 25 minutes. Why __________ (it / not arrive) yet?

3. Listening ( / 20)

Listen to a phone conversation between Susan, a customer, and Martin, a customer service
representative. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

A. Susan has a problem with her (home / mobile) telephone.

B. Susan is a (long-time / new) customer of Martin’s company.
C. Susan says the engineer (repaired / caused) the problem.
D. Martin asks Susan to explain what (happened / made her angry).
E. The problem is that one of her telephones (is missing / doesn’t work).
F. Martin wants to (clarify / summarise) that the engineer left without repairing the phone.
G. The engineer told Susan she needed (to schedule another visit / write a letter of complaint).
H. Martin (shows / doesn’t show) empathy.
I. Martin (doesn’t understand / understands) the problem very well.
J. Martin (will / won’t) try to solve the problem today.

4. Reading ( / 20)

Read the passage and answer the questions.

Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III (Bill) was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Bill was the second of
three children in an upper-middle class family. He enjoyed playing games with the family and was very
competitive. He also loved to read. Bill became bored in public school so his family sent him to Lakeside
School, a private school, where he excelled in math and science and did well in drama and English.

Gates became interested in computer programming when he was 13, during the era of giant mainframe
computers. His school held a fund-raiser to purchase a teletype terminal so students could use computer time
that was donated by General Electric. Using this time, Gates wrote a tic-tac-toe program using BASIC, one
of the first computer languages. Later he created a computer version of Risk, a board game he liked in which
the goal is world domination. At Lakeside, Bill met Paul Allen, who shared his interest in computers. Gates
and Allen and two other students hacked into a computer belonging to Computer Center Corporation (CCC)
to get free computer time but were caught. After a period of probation, they were allowed back in the
computer lab when they offered to fix glitches in CCC’s software. At age 17, Gates and Allen were paid
$20,000 for a program called Traf-O-Data that was used to count traffic.

In early 1973, Bill Gates served as a congressional page in the U.S. House of Representatives. He scored
1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and was accepted by Harvard University. Steve Ballmer, who became CEO of
Microsoft after Bill retired, was also a Harvard student. Meanwhile, Paul Allen dropped out of Washington
College to work on computers at Honeywell Corporation and convinced Gates to drop out of Harvard and
join him in starting a new software company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They called it Micro-Soft. This
was soon changed to Microsoft, and they moved their company to Bellevue, Washington.

In 1980, IBM, one of the largest technology companies of the era, asked Microsoft to write software to run
their new personal computer, the IBM PC. Microsoft kept the licensing rights for the operating system (MS-
DOS) so that they earned money for every computer sold first by IBM, and later by all the other companies
that made PC computers. Microsoft grew quickly from 25 employees in 1978 to over 90,000 today. Over the
years, Microsoft developed many new technologies and some of the world’s most popular software and
products such as Word and Power Point. Although some have criticized Gates for using questionable

business practices, he built Microsoft into one of the largest companies in the world. He has been described
as brilliant but childlike, driven, competitive, intense, fun, but lacking in empathy.

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. In 2012, his $61 billion dollars in assets made him the
world's second richest man according to Forbes Magazine. In 2006, Gates announced that he would cut back
his involvement at Microsoft to spend more time on philanthropy and his foundation. The Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation supports many causes including the quest to eradicate Polio, fighting AIDS, malaria and
tuberculosis; providing vaccinations for children; and even reinventing the toilet among many other things.

1. Which of the following WAS NOT a program written by Bill Gates or Paul Allen?
B. A computerized version of Tic-Tac-Toe
C. Traf-o-Data
D. A computerized version of Risk

2. Which is NOT true about Bill Gates in the first paragraph?

A. He was involved in drama
B. He enjoyed public school
C. He was competitive
D. He was born in Seattle, Washington

3. In which of the following ways were Bill Gates and Paul Allen NOT alike?
A. They both dropped out of college
B. They both went to the same college
C. They went to the same school
D. They both liked computers

4. Which of the following was the EFFECT of Bill hacking into the CCC computer?
A. They were allowed back on the computer eventually
B. He wrote a TIC-TAC-TOE program
C. He lost computer privileges
D. He met Paul Allen

5. Where was Steve Ballmer a student?

A. Harvard University
B. The passage doesn't say
C. Washington College
D. Albuquerque, New Mexico

6. Microsoft earned money every time....

A. Traf-O-data was used
B. IBM sold a computer running MS-DOS
C. CCC used its software
D. IBM built a computer

7. What does the word "philanthropy" mean in the last paragraph?

A. wealth
B. computer technology
C. charity
D. business

8. What question is answered in the second to last paragraph?

A. How rich is Bill Gates?
B. What new technologies, besides MS-DOS, did Microsoft develop?
C. What does empathy mean?
D. How many people work for Microsoft today?

9. The second to last paragraph describes...

A. how Microsoft became a bigger company than IBM
B. the technical details of MS-DOS
C. how Bill Gates became a billionaire
D. how Microsoft rose to a major corporation

10. If the entire passage was limited to the last paragraph, what would an appropriate name for the passage
A. The Rise of Microsoft
B. The Business Practices of Microsoft
C. Microsoft and its Billionaires
D. Microsoft

5. Speaking ( / 30)

A. “Since the 1970’s, Americans have probably become more interested in physical exercise and in staying
healthy than at any other time in U.S history. This awareness soon spread all over the world.
- Do you know the reasons for a change like this?
- Are we becoming more health conscious of our weight and health?
- What is one of the most popular forms of exercise today?

B. Where do you think the greatest number of accidents take place: at work, at home, or on the highways?
What are the leading causes of injuries?
- Name at least two ways you can prevent fires at home.
- What are some of the greatest risks for the elderly at home?
- What are some home safety precautions you can take especially if you have small children?

C. “Technology is killing leisure time… We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations
and we are more stressed than ever.” Do you agree with these lines? Give your opinion about this issue.

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