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Break-out Plan #6

Date: October 29, 2021

Break-out Title/Topic: Writing Introductions: Good vs. Bad Writing Resources Time
Check-in: (A quick, community building activity)
Kahoot: As always, the first thing I will do at the beginning of the breakout session is
remind everyone of our ground rules. Then I will introduce the “Kahoot” activity to get
everyone engaged. The Kahoot game will be surrounded around the break-out topic of
“Good vs. Bad Writing.” The Kahoot will consist of 9 unique questions. This is an
educational activity that will engage the mentees for the rest of the break-out and help
them understand the difference between good and bad writing techniques.
Kahoot 5
Learning Objective: (what will my mentees get out of this break-out?)
Learning objective of the sixth breakout: By the end of the breakout session, the mentees
should understand how to construct an introduction paragraph and know the difference
between good and bad writing strategies.
Introduction: (what information do mentees need from me before activity?)
Email: A couple days before our breakout I will send the mentees an email describing what
we will be doing in the breakout. I will email the mentees a specific topic with 3 supporting
details and let them know they will be preparing an introduction paragraph during our
breakout session. While it’s not necessary, If the mentees want to prepare their
introduction paragraph beforehand, this gives them the opportunity to do so.
Email 5
Activity: (How will I get my mentees involved in this break-out?)
Introduction Writing Activity: To help my mentees prepare for their research paper, I will
prepare an “introduction writing activity” where they can practice writing well-constructed
introduction paragraphs. To begin the activity, I will put a topic on the whiteboard and
provide 3 supporting details. With the selected topic and details, I will ask the mentees to
formulate an introduction paragraph including a thesis statement (they learned how to
create well-constructed thesis statements during our last breakout session). I will give
them each 5 minutes and then I will ask a couple of them to share what they came up
with. After they are done sharing, I will show the mentees what a strong introduction
paragraph looks like so they can contrast and compare. Hopefully this exercise will help
Function on
the mentees formulate well-constructed introduction paragraphs for their research paper.
Blackboard 10
Debrief: (What did the mentees learn from what I just did?)
Final Questions: At the end of the breakout, I will ask the mentees “What did you get out
of this breakout session?” and “Did you find this breakout session useful?” I will ask these
questions using an anonymous poll on Blackboard. In doing so, I hope the mentees will
answer honestly and I can use their feedback to make necessary adjustments for next
time. This is also a time where I can answer any outstanding questions that the mentees Anonymous
have. Poll on
Blackboard 2
Summary: (Repeat the learning objective and the work that was done to get there)
Learning objective of the sixth breakout: By the end of the breakout session, the mentees
should understand how to construct an introduction paragraph and know the difference
between good and bad writing strategies. This will be achieved through the “Kahoot
Activity” and the “Introduction Writing Activity.”

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