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Constraining the Generalized Uncertainty Principle with the light twisted by rotating

black holes and M87*

Fabrizio Tamburini,1, ∗ Fabiano Feleppa,2, † and Bo Thidé3, ‡

ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien,
Lorenzstraße 19, D-76135 Karlsruhe, Germany
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University,
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden
We test the validity of the Generalized Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle in the presence of
strong gravitational fields nearby rotating black holes; Heisenberg’s principle is supposed to require
additional correction terms when gravity is taken into account, leading to a more general formula-
arXiv:2103.13750v1 [gr-qc] 25 Mar 2021

tion also known as the Generalized Uncertainty Principle. Using as probe electromagnetic waves
acquiring orbital angular momentum when lensed by a rotating black hole, we find from numerical
simulations a relationship between the spectrum of the orbital angular momentum of light and the
corrections needed to formulate the Generalized Uncertainty Principle, here characterized by the
rescaled parameter β0 , a function of the Planck’s mass and the bare mass of the black hole. Then,
from the analysis of the observed twisted light due to the gravitational field of the compact object
observed in M87*, we find new limits for the parameter β0 . With this method, complementary to
black hole shadow circularity analyses, we obtain more precise limits from the experimental data of
M87*, confirming the validity of scenarios compatible with General Relativity, within the uncertain-
ties due to the experimental errors present in EHT data and those due to the numerical simulations
and analysis.

INTRODUCTION during the observations. Specifically, we will focus on the

use of the EM orbital angular momentum (OAM) [42, 43]
Most of the knowledge we have about our Universe is of light lensed by a Kerr BH to constrain the GUP pa-
obtained by extracting the information encoded in the rameter β. In fact, up to now, astronomical observations
spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) waves emitted by ce- have used only a small subset of the EM field proper-
lestial bodies and, more recently, from neutrinos and ties such as the conserved quantity energy, related to the
gravitational waves in the framework of multi-messenger invariance with respect to time, intensity and polariza-
astronomy [1–3], including new phenomena observed at tion. Energy, for example, is related to the frequency of
extremely high energies and in strong gravitational fields, the EM wave and through spectroscopy chemical abun-
where the classical formulation of the Heisenberg uncer- dances are revealed; including the Doppler effect one gets
tainty principle (HUP) can loose its validity. Following additional information about the motion of a source or
this ansatz, the formulation of a new Generalized Uncer- reveals the presence of a gravitational well. Similarly, by
tainty Principle (GUP) should be mandatory to study using in a clever way the intensity of the field one reveals
physics at very high energies or, equivalently, at short e.g. the distance of a galaxy with standard candles.
distance scales; quantum gravitational corrections are ex- OAM, theorized by Abraham in 1914 [44], is one of
pected to prevent black hole (BH) evaporation near the the two components of the EM total angular momen-
Planck scale [4], as also suggested in Ref. [5]. The formu- tum, namely J, a conserved quantity of the EM field
lation of a GUP has implications in various fields [6–25]; concomitant with the ten-dimensional Poincaré group of
black hole physics, String Theory [26, 27], Loop Quantum Noether invariants [45]. The quantity J is composed
Gravity [28], Deformed Special Relativity [29–40], where and transported in two different forms: the spin angular
not only General Relativity (GR) but also Quantum Me- momentum (SAM) S, and L, the OAM, in a superposi-
chanics (QM) breaks down, suggest that the HUP can tion J = S + L; SAM and OAM, however, do not gen-
be obtained by introducing quantum-gravitational cor- erally behave as two independently separated EM con-
rections to the classical definition of the commutator of served quantities: an interplay between OAM and SAM
two conjugate variables, such as the coordinate x and the occurs. Only in the paraxial approximation OAM and
momentum p with their corresponding operators x̂ and SAM behave as they were two independently propagat-
p̂, [x, p] = i~. In order to test the validity of the GUP ing gauge–invariant observables. SAM is associated with
in strong gravity conditions we use a new method that the polarization of light and its helicity and, down to the
is now starting to be used in astronomy and astrophysics quantum level, finds correspondence with the spin of the
and could give a hint to multi-messenger astronomy: the photon, while OAM with the spatial configuration of the
exploitation of the whole set of total and partial con- beam in amplitude and phase. Each OAM beam is char-
served quantities of the EM field [41] to obtain more in- acterized by a number ℓ of twists in its azimuthal phase
formation about the source from the EM waves collected and p radial modes, and each photon of the beam carries

a quantized amount of angular momentum ±ℓ~ [42, 46] (see for example [78–89]), including extreme astrophysi-
down to the quantum level [47]. OAM found numerous cal scenarios like those that can be observed in the neigh-
applications in different fields of research and technol- borhoods of black holes or with alternative theories of
ogy, including radio waves [48, 49] and radio [50–54] and gravity in the presence of dilaton BHs [90] or boson stars
optical [55] telecommunications, far beyond the classical [91].
multiplexing schemes [56]. A new quantum-corrected Schwarzschild solution, re-
The novel use of the EM OAM offers new tools of in- cently proposed in [92], connects the deformation of the
vestigation for astronomy and astrophysics [57, 58]. The Schwarzschild metric of a static BH directly to the GUP
most striking result obtained so far is the measure of the uncertainty relation, without relying on a specific rep-
rotation parameter of the compact object in M87* [59]. resentation of commutators. Moreover, such a solution
Rotating BHs initially described by Kerr [60], then ob- has been extended to charged and rotating black holes
served by the Event Horizon (EHT) collaboration [61–66] in Ref. [93], followed by the analysis of the M87∗ BH’s
can be revealed by the presence of twisted light and thus shadow [94, 95]. In the case of rotating BHs, an effect of
of OAM [67]: when light passes nearby a rotating BH, the GUP can be found in the variation of the Arnowitt-
the twisted geometry of this type of spacetime imparts Deser-Misner (ADM) mass of a BH.
a twist in light’s spatial phase distribution, thus reveal- Let us now define the parameter β0 = β/2M 2 (the
ing the BH’s rotation. OAM can be naturally emitted or rescaled GUP parameter). The ADM mass of the black
imposed to the light of distant sources also by other dif- hole is modified as M ′ = M + β0 Mp2 , where M is its
ferent astrophysical phenomena: EM waves can acquire bare mass and Mp denotes the Planck mass. For any
OAM when they traverse peculiar regions in space con- given value of the GUP parameter β, there should exists
taining, e.g., plasma inhomogeneities, in which case they a critical spin above which the solutions bifurcate into
are resonant with the turbulent plasma [68, 69]. The sub-Planckian and super-Planckian phases, separated by
use of OAM in astronomical instrumentation allowed the a mass gap in which no black holes can form. Hereinafter
first direct imaging of extrasolar planets [70] by artifi- we will use Planck’s units, where Mp is set to unity as
cially imposing OAM to the light coming from celestial well as the speed of light c, the Planck constant ~ and
bodies [71–75] and improve the resolving power of any the gravitational constant G.
optical instrument up to one order of magnitude [76]. The quantum version of a rotating BH can be obtained
In this letter we present new limits for the GUP from from the line element of the Kerr metric with mass M
the OAM analysis of spacetimes of rotating BHs by us- and angular momentum J [93]. In Boyer-Lindquist coor-
ing the software KERTAP [77]; GUP corrections have dinates,
been obtained and then compared with the results com-
ρ2 2rS ra sin2 θ
ing from the OAM analysis of EHT data [59]. ds2 = −Adt2 + dr2 − dtdφ + ρ2 dθ2
∆ ρ2
rS ra2
GUP LIMITS FROM M87* WITH OAM + r 2 + a2 + sin2
θ sin2 θdφ2 , (2)
It is usually assumed that, in order to formulate the where r is the spheroidal radial coordinate, rS = 2M the
GUP, one has to modify the HUP by using a dimen- gravitational radius, A = 1 − rS r/ρ2 , ρ2 = r2 + a2 cos2 θ
sionless parameter β (with a value which is a priori and ∆ = r2 − rS r + a2 are the quantities that define
unknown and thought to be of the order of unity or the classical Kerr spacetime characterized by the rotation
slightly different [40, 78, 79]) and including in the for- parameter a = J/M . The GUP-corrected metric can be
mulation the presence of linear and quadratic terms, found by replacing the BH mass with
[x, p] = i~(1 − 2βp + β 2 p2 ), leading to
M → M + β0 , (3)
~ lp2 −1
∆x∆p ≥ 1+ β 2 ∆p2 , (1) where β0 is the GUP parameter and γ = (1 + β0 ) . The
2 ~ GUP-corrected spacetime is given by replacing
when we consider e.g. the position, x, and the conjugate rS → 2M (1 + β0 ) = 2M γ −1; a → a (1 + β0 ) = aγ
momentum, p, of a test particle with their corresponding 2 2 2 2
ρ → r + a γ cos θ; 2 2
∆ → r − 2M γ −1
r + a2 γ 2 .
quantum observables, x̂ and p̂; in Eq. (1), lp refers to the
Planck length. To determine the limits to the GUP parameter β0 , we
However, the choice of β ∼ 1 renders quantum gravity solve numerically the null geodesic equations in strong
effects too small to be measured; therefore, without im- gravity conditions for different values of β0 with the
posing a priori any constraint on the value of the GUP MATLAB version of the software KERTAP [77] and per-
parameter β, current experiments can predict larger up- form the OAM beam analysis to relate the OAM spec-
per bounds on it, which are compatible with observations trum with the rotation of the GUP-modified BHs as it

was made in Ref. [59] to measure the rotation param-

eter of the compact object in M87* from EHT data. 50 50

Analysing the OAM content in the lensed light observed 100 100

in the neighborhoods of the black hole with the spiral 150 150

spectrum [96], we can see that the rotation is revealed by 200 200

the ratio q between the ℓ = 1 and ℓ = −1 OAM spectral 250 250

components [59, 67]. 300

50 100 150 200 250 300
50 100 150 200 250 300
To determine the effects of the GUP-corrected gravita- 0.8 1
tional field, we fixed the size of the accretion disk’s (AD)
to rdisk = 10, given in units of BH masses of an ideal Kerr 0.6



BH, and the rotation parameter a = 0.85 with inclina- 0.4
tion i = 17◦ . It is immediately evident, as seen in the 0.4

upper panels of Fig. 1, that the result of the gravitational 0.2

lensing due to a rotating compact object in the presence 0

-10 -5 0 5 10
-10 -5 0 5 10
of gravitational GUP corrections appears different from OAM OAM

that of a Kerr BH described by the standard equations

of GR. The image in the inner parts of the AD nearby
the BH results modified, as expected [94, 95]. In this FIG. 1. Upper panels: Intensity of the z-component of
an ideal accretion disk around a rotating BH with rotation
way, a double action on the vorticity of the lensed EM parameter a = 0.85 for a Kerr with β0 = 0 (left), and a GUP
radiation occurs: the central region of the AD, where the BH with β0 = 1 (right). The scales are in arbitrary numbers.
gravitational field of the BH is more effective to imprint We note that the more the GUP parameter grows the more
its swirling effects to twist the lensed light, is replaced the shadow of the BH increases.
by regions of the GUP-corrected spacetime that are less Lower panels: the corresponding OAM spectra for Kerr
efficient to imprint a twist. At the same time the size (β0 = 0) and GUP BH (β0 = 1) show that the rotation of a
of the GUP BH increases, invading the center of the AD GUP BH imposes a smaller twist to the lensed light as the
parameter β0 increases (see text).
and modifying the local geometry of the spacetime and
the inner shape of the AD. This is evident from the spi-
ral spectra in the lower panels of Fig. 1: the standard
Kerr solution shows an OAM spectrum richer in high- a Vs q Plot i=17°
order components with q = 1.2549 and a central peak Comparison with TIE 1 =0 (GR)
EHT data analysis
with height hℓ=0 = 0.7350. On the other side, the GUP
Ratio q = height (l=+1) / (l=-1)

TIE 2 Exp. Data (TIE)

spacetime shows q = 1.1842 and a higher ℓ = 0 compo- SMILI EHT10 DIFMAP, SMILI,
nent (hℓ=0 = 0.8243), indicating a less effective transfer
95% C.I.
of OAM to the lensed light by the compact object. 1.3
=0.3 0
In Fig. 2 we report the simulations of the rotation =0.1
0 =0.3
parameter a Vs q (OAM asymmetry parameter) of Kerr 1.2

and GUP BH with rotation parameters varying in the in- 0


terval 0.4 ≤ a ≤ 0.985 and GUP parameter 0 < β0 ≤ 1. 0

The more the GUP parameter β0 increases, the more the 1.1
=0.9 =1 0
=0.7 0 0
corresponding (a, q) curve is confined to lower regions of 0
the plot, towards values of the parameter q. This effect 1
clearly indicates that the rotation of the compact object 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
is less effective in the transfer of OAM to the lensed light
because of the GUP corrections. By comparing the BH
parameters obtained with other independent methods or FIG. 2. Plot of the BH rotation parameter a Vs q (the asym-
from experimental data, one can constrain the values of metry parameter of the OAM spectrum) of rotating black
the GUP parameter with twisted light. To this aim, we holes in GUP geometries, obtained for different values of the
compare our numerical results with those obtained by the rescaled GUP parameter β0 . The numerical results have been
EHT collaboration [61–66] in epochs 1 and 2 (TIE 1 and obtained with KERTAP and the curves between the estimates
2) [59] as reported in Fig. 2, and with the simulations of have been interpolated with Hilbert polynomials. Then, the
a Kerr BH with the parameters of M87*. In this case, we results of the numerical simulations have been compared with
those obtained from the numerical simulations of Kerr met-
assume for M87* a rotation parameter a = 0.90 ± 0.05 ric and the analysis of the data performed by the EHT team
(95% confidence level) and inclination i = 17◦ ± 2◦ ac- in their observational epochs 1 and 2. The parameter q de-
cording to Ref. [59]. To determine the limits to β0 we creases as β0 increases: GUP BHs with high β0 values twist
take as reference the 95% confidence zone defined by the much less the light lensed by them.
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