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Name: Manzano, Kristine Marie C.

Course/Year/Block: BS Criminology 1 Block E

1. How does the author introduce the topic of his essay?
He introduced the topic of his essay by quoting words about his skill on English language, the
national artist for literature and theater Rolando S. Tinio.
2. In paragraph #4, the author asks the question “Why?”, this signals that he is explaining
something. What exactly is the phenomenon he is explaining?
I think he is explaining why Filipinos are hired to teach English in other ASEAN countries.
3. What are the explanations he provides for the phenomenon you identified in no.2 above? Give
3 answers
 Filipino teachers will accept a pay scale that is still higher than what they would get in
the Philippines.
 They are conversant with American popular culture, a happy (or unhappy) result of
colonialism and neo-colonialism.
 They are still Southeast Asians beneath their skin and are thus familiar with Asian
cultural practices, whether said or unsaid.
4. What are the explanations he provides for the phenomenon you identified in no.4 above? Give
3 answers.
 His best students in English and Filipino were tutored by the crème de la crème, many of
them teaching in private schools.
 He introduced them to the worlds of the language they are studying and it is in the formal
realm of the textbook or the popular ones of film, graphic novel, YouTube or anime.
 Today’s generation of students is no longer burdened by the guilt of learning English and
mastering it.

5. How does the author end his essay?

The author ended his essay by summarizing it with a quotation from his friend and fellow
professor which says that, “The Philippines is a multi-lingual paradise.” He then explained it
simply in his own words, “The earlier we know we live in a paradise of many languages, the
better we can savor its fruits ripened by the sun.”
1. How is the argumentative essay the same or different from the explanation essay and the blog?
- The difference between argumentative essay, explanation essay and blog is that the
argumentative essay tries to convince the reader to accept the writer's point of view. While
informative essays provide information and explanations in a straightforward manner to the
readers. The blog provides the facts and information or basically your insights on the specific
topic you’ve chosen.

2. What is the role of research in producing the argumentative essay?

The role of research in producing the argumentative essay is to prove that the topic you
have chosen is true based on the information that you have obtained on the sources of the topic.
Having a strong evidence of your topic makes a reader be persuaded by your argumentative
3. What pre-writing tasks must be undertaken before you write an argumentative essay?
First, choose one side that you agree with. Second, list all the factual support for your
argument, do the same for the other side, list all the factual support that you’ve gathered for that
position so that you can confidently write an argumentative essay.
4. How can you practice intellectual honesty when you write your essay or paper?
To practice intellectual honesty, you must engage in the idea that interests you. Carefully
selecting the sources of the information and citing it properly instead of claiming others work
and discovery.
5. Write your research based argumentative paper with a clear introduction, body and conclusion.
Does CHED approve face-to-face classes in 2021? Are students' and teachers' health
ready to engage in this? This issue is one of the hottest topics that is circulating on social media.
These past few days, the Commission on Higher Education is preparing for possible limited in-
person classes in low-risk areas for transmitting the virus. Some people agree, and some are
against it.
As a student, I agree with this since they said that it is only a limited in-person class
based on the ABS-CBN article last December 2, 2020. CHED Chairman Prospero De Vera said
the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) had adopted a policy that
allows in-person or face-to-face classes in the lowest classification of community quarantine.
The article on ABS-CBN also said it is also optional for the universities to conduct face-to-face
classes and only the selected courses like health-related programs like nursing, medicine,
physical therapy, etc. Our authorities are crafting some guidelines in conducting a face-to-face
They mentioned that the learning area must be well ventilated. If the students and
teachers stayed in the badly ventilated room, the higher the risk. For example, the Our Lady of
Fatima University will be conducting face-to-face classes this 2021. They placed markers in the
buildings, required spaces between students and teachers. They also installed signages and other
information materials to remind every person the health and safety protocols. They also limited
the number of students that will be inside the room to maintain physical distancing. Of course,
the health officials recommended installing more alcohol dispensers, sanitary mats, and contact
tracing information of the students and staff. If their guidelines are successful, the other
universities might try their method as long as their area is low-risk for transmitting the virus.
College students are allowed to have face-to-face classes but only selected courses like
health-related programs. They are the most needed professionals in our situation right now.
Without them, all our health will be at risk. We must understand that they need in-person
demonstrations for them to avoid malpractice in the future. And if the situation gets better, our
environment, the economy will rise again, all people are allowed to go outside, and education
will be more effective again.

1. Who is likely to attend your talk?
 Smokers
 Journalists
2. What is their background (education, profession, age range, gender, etc.?)
People who smoke from age 25-44 years old and 45-64 years old (highest rate),
people who smoke from age 18-24 years old (lowest rate) and people who works on
construction sites, fast-food restaurant, transportation and waste management.

3. Why do you think they will come?

I think they will come to know that are the alternatives beside smoking and
mostly the causes why people smoke.
4. How will you convince them to stop their smoking habit?

By giving them the facts and risks of smoking, estimating the money they are
spending on a pack of cigarette they are buying to make them realize that they lost so
much money just to buy a pack of cigarette.


1. How would you describe the following characters in the story? Support your description
of the characters with details from the story. You may use the table below as your guide.
Characters Description Support (Identify the
paragraph where the details

Sara The nut-brown fudge The older boys had begun to

hover about like bees, ogling
them like treat- but only the,
not the nut-brown fudge in a
housedress melting in the sun.

Camilla and Faye two creamy long-legged éclairs Camilla and Faye tittered, now
regarding him. “That’s Sara the
Square you’re shaking hands

Frederick A young boy with his Doberman One day, before the boys
zoomed in, a younger boy
approached with his Doberman,
reaching for the Faucet.

Felix The older brother of Frederick “Nothing, Kuya,” Frederick

replied, choking. He cleared his
throat and spat a sliver of
honey-lemon. It glistered gold
on the pavement before Dolby
licked it off.

2. How do Camilla and Faye see Sara? Support your answer with details from the story.
Answer: “That’s Sara the Square you’re shaking hands with. “
3. How do Camilla and Faye see Frederick? Support your answer with details from the story
Answer: “Think of worms, of diarrhea,” Camilla said, nose addressing the still air
4. There is a recurring image/s in the story that is associated with the character Sara. This
recurring image/s is a symbol that has meanings beyond the literal level. What are these
Answer: Sara develops a crush on Felix. But shortly after, Felix simply takes off and forgets
about her, leaving her with an unhappy memory, despite the sweet candies they shared over
the summer.
5. What realities about the human experience does the story present?
Answer: Some people only look at the physical attributes not on the inner beauty of the


1. Aside from the genres presented above, what are the other communication materials or genres
used across professions? Name at least 2 and five a detailed structure of each.

Using Telegram
2. How different are these genres in terms of structure when compared to their online
Well, these genres seemed to be more formal-looking than their online counterparts.
3. In what instances would the traditional form of genres be useful? What about their online
It would be useful if online versions are used too much. This happens when a company receives
a lot of email and tend to be not reading your sent email at all. But when you use the traditional
form, it is much more effective to send a message (although it takes more time).


1. Watch the video …
Answer the table below base on what you learn from the video…


BEFORE THE Bring extra copy of your resume, always ready your
INTERVIEW interview clothes, practice answering interview questions,
match your assets that matches the job requirements, and
research the company.

DURING THE Active sitting position, good eye contact, shake your hands
INTERVIEW firmly, always pay attention, be attentive, watch your body
language, and always look interested.

AFTER THE INTERVIEW Make sure you get your interviewer’s business card, review
every detail of the interview, write a thank you email, and
if you don’t get the job, thank your interviewers for their
time and consideration.
2. Watch the video…
Answer the table below base on what you learn from the video…



Shake hands firmly Don’t use two hands to shake the

interviewers hand

Sit as far back in the seat of the chair as If you sit too far forward in the chair, you
you can were likely to slouch back subconsciously

Place your hands on the table rather than Avoid leaning forward on the table

It is important to be natural and not to stare Narrowing your focus on one interviewer

Gesticulation is natural and it makes you Don’t be afraid to use gesticulation when
look more at ease and confident explaining or answering broad questions

Proper communication can combat If you're not paying attention, you're not
nervousness going to be able to give a good response

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