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Rubric for assessing Communication Project (Lab Report)


Department of Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Program)

Group : Matrix Numbers :

Rubric for Communication Project Lab Report

Criteria very poor poor satisfactory good excellent Score

0% <S≤20% 20%<S≤40% 40%< S≤ 60% 60%<S≤80% 80%<S≤100% (%)

Background information is researched with

Background information is vague or brief. Background information is researched with good citation (i.e. reference is cited in text while
Introduction No introduction is Background is vague or brief, objective is
Objective is stated but no clear linkage with adequate citation. Objective is stated with the reference is given in the reference section).
presented. vague, or background or objective is missing.
the background. the clear linkage with the background. Objective is stated with the clear linkage with
the background.
Material and methods Provide detail and useful information to
No materials or methods on Doesn’t provide enough information to Provide satisfactory information to represent Provide clear information to represent an
represent an experimental set-up & step by
on measurement measurement tool are represent an experimental set-up & procedure an experimental set-up & procedure for the experimental set-up & procedure for the
step procedure (with the aids of figure) for the
system described. for the proposed measurement system. proposed measurement system. proposed measurement system.
proposed measurement system.
Accurate data is obtained from the developed
Accurate data is obtained from the measurement system and the accuracy of the
Relevant data is obtained from the
developed measurement system and the data is evaluated via benchmarking with other
Data is brief and missing significant pieces of developed measurement system
Data No data reported. accuracy of the data is evaluated via measurement system. Post-process of the data
information. satisfactory. The accuracy of the measured
benchmarking with other measurement such as statistic, data analysis, data
data is uncertain.
system. processing, etc to obtain important feature/ info
from the acquired data.
Two components of One component of
conclusion missing: conclusion missing: Conclusion summarizes experiment, cites the
___Summary ___Summary significant data to support the important fact, to
Conclusion is brief and is missing significant
Conclusion No conclusion present. ___Significant Data to Support Fact ___Significant Data to Support Fact what extent the objective is addressed, and
pieces of information.
___Addressing Objective or Not ___ Addressing Objective or Not discuss unavoidable sources of error for future
___Discuss Unavoidable Errors for Future ___ Discuss Unavoidable Errors for Future improvement.
Improvement Improvement
Report is well organized and cohesive but Report is well organized and cohesive and
No attention to detail Report is somewhat organized with some
Report quality Report contains many errors. contains some spelling or grammatical contains no mechanical errors. Presentation
evident spelling or grammatical errors.
errors. seems polished.

Comments (if any): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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