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Unidad Educativa “Paulo VI

Ñame: Andrés Pérez

Course 3^BGU ‘‘D"
Date: 2Ü20-04-02

Unit 4-Raading

Reading Exercise 1
Read the text about a company callad Zappar, and complete the sentences
widi these words.
Invention ■ screcn ■ device ■ tobict ■ software ■ apps
y 1 Ttiís tirty trackín^ device works wlth mysmartphone and tells me where r parked
my car!
y 2 tdQn’tusuaUytvpedQcumentsQnmy tabtet :Ipreferto use an old-fashtoned
fce3dx)ard for ihat.
✓ 3 No.ítism a new__invention Granddad. Smanohones líke this one have been around for
ye are.
. software
✓ 4 IworkforacompanvthatreoroBrams softw are foruseinrhecLothingíndüStrv.
✓ S Unís LatermodelallowsyoutotnteractwithyourComputer bytouchlngthe___screen
y 6 IVe got a lot of useful opps ___onmy mobile,but Idownloaded this one Just for fun!

S Reference

Readíhg Exercise 2
Read the text about throwatvay technology and choose the correct answer,
True or False.
What doesth etext say abouttechnology?
Few people nowadays considergettingthings ñxed whentheystopworking.
(ly u e l Fhlse
»Z 2 Rapid development in technology encourages people to buy new equipment.
{ifruel False
^ 3 In the past.thingscould be mended iftheydidn’tworkpropet'ly.

4 Technologies we still use todaycost much less to parchase in the past.

Ttue ( Fblse]
•/ S Our buying habíts have a negative impact on the environment.
I Truel False

0 Reference

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