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Abbie Chesnut

Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins
Purpose/Objective Statement

The purpose of this strategic communications campaign is to encourage SLCC students to be

intentional with the career they are choosing and gain research and understanding before

beginning their career path. This would be done prior to the beginning of the semester as

students are choosing classes to enroll in for college. The channels used to get this information

to our audience would be flyers and handouts given to them personally on campus referring

them to a website with additional channels such as videos, articles, and other resources. By

researching careers, students can save time and money by choosing a career they enjoy. They

will gain confidence, drive, and purpose in their career path because they gained experience

and knowledge in their career. This will aid in their success.

Audience Analysis


1. Young adults (average age, 25) (Summers & Green, 2021)

2. Majority of students are females (55% female) (Summers & Green, 2021)

3. 32% of students identify as non-white (Summers & Green, 2021)

4.Median Household Income: $68,515 per year (College Simply, 2021)

5. 74% of students are part-time (VFA, 2021)


1. Motivated, career driven people. About 73 percent of students entering SLCC intend to

transfer to four-year institutions. (Development and Alumni, 2016)

2. Fresh into the career world - open to hearing this information and may find it useful.

5.2% of SLCC students are first time freshmen, while 49.6% are other freshmen. Freshmen

make up 54.8% of students. A large portion of SLCC students are just getting started in their

careers and may be more interested in the information we are training on. (SLCC, 2021)
Abbie Chesnut
Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins
3. Hands-on learners. SLCC Students have resources to participate with employers to explore

potential career fields. “The College has established active partnerships with more than 500

local businesses and school districts to provide skills training, professional development,

and academic programs to current and future employees.” (SLCC, 2021)

4. Looking for meaningful employment. Invested in their future. Slcc Mission statement

states: “We engage and support students in educational pathways leading to successful

transfer and meaningful employment.” (SLCC, 2021)

5. Majority is Gen Y (millennials) - Digital natives - learn tech fast and take advantage

of the benefits. Used to rapid change and adaptation. Lower employment levels and

smaller incomes have left younger Millennials with less money than previous

generations (Goldman Sachs, 2021)

These statistics will be able to help us because we will be able to know where

our information will be helpful. Knowing that most students are in their 20s lets us know

that they are in the prime age of deciding what career to choose. They will be the ones

to benefit from our handouts and training. Since we are targeting SLCC students it's

important and interesting to know that more than half of the student body are part time

at the campus. This lets us know that they are more than likely working or have families

that would be taking up their time as well. The statistics we have found on our audience

show that we will be working with both men and women, with 55% being females. This

will guide us in our project to create training and resources for diverse jobs that include

both high male and female populations. While career paths are open to both sides, it is

important that we make these training applicable to fields that draw both male and

female candidates so it is relevant to our audience as a whole. We want to make sure

Abbie Chesnut
Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins
these students choose degrees that will create success and make them happier. We are

very excited to share our tips and tricks to all freshmen and those searching for a new



Given the purpose and objective of our campaign, as well as the demographics and

psychographic profile of the target audience, our team has the following objectives:


● Understand motivation to be successful.

● Understand college work is an increase in time and effort but it pays off

● Understanding you can do what you love to do and be successful.


● We are here for you

● We have been through this before like you

● You are safe with us and your dreams can come true.


● Implement and practice your chosen job by experiencing it first

● Reduce the time you spend fumbling around choosing your profession if you do what

you love to do already.

● Up front dedication of schooling time at SLCC will pay off a solid career in 2-4 years.


- Website Include keystosuccess.utah

- Flyers

- Swag - Pencil / Candy / Other

- Powerpoint

- Email - Auto response back

Abbie Chesnut
Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins
- Google Form (Survey)

Website - This can reach our specific audience at SLCC, but anyone who searches for career

and college help online can utilize it as our main channel. This has high frequency because our

target audience can look at your website as many times as you want. This is an example of a

push and pull site because people must go looking for help on the internet and then they can

pull from our site the information as they desire. It also has a bit of synchronicity embedded in

the links. This allows for some immediate dialogue.

Flyers - This is a more limited reach channel since those who will see it will be limited to SLCC

students who go to in person classes. We will be limited to the timeline that the campus allows

our channels to be presented. This is a push channel, since we are providing a visually

appealing flyer that we push upon them in hopes they pull info from it. Flyers may be less

effective, but feed the audience to our website with more resources. We can however have a lot

of saturation by printing and putting up as many posters as we want or allowed around campus.

By seeing a repeated message through the flyers, people will be more likely to use the


Swag - Swag will help the audience feel connected to our messaging and be able to represent it

themselves. By having swag items such as the pencils we are creating or other items, they will

be exposed more often to the messaging we are sharing. Swag might be more expensive at the

start, but the investment will help create the desire of our targeted audience to inquire about our


Powerpoint - A power point creates credibility with lots of target information, which is important

in a communications campaign. Our frequency is limited to those who see this on our website or

are around when we do our communication campaign on campus. It is mainly an example of a

push channel. It is a pull too because if they like it then will ask for more information if what they

see is useful.
Abbie Chesnut
Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins
Email - Emails can be highly efficient and go to as many people as you want. You control when

and how it is sent. It can be targeted to specific individuals or groups. It will be formatted

similarly to the flyer which can grab the audience's attention. A downside to emails is that it can

be pushed aside easily. It will not be our main channel but can be useful for specific areas of our


Branding Guide

Geometric and simple styles


Color Scheme:

Blues, greens and neutrals - muted colors to create a calming tone

Fonts: (found these fonts on Canva)

The font size is subject to change depending on where it is located.

Abbie Chesnut
Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins

Sample Pictures for Website:

Stick with the color scheme and photos (live)

- Education themed, classroom photos

Abbie Chesnut
Sonia Carnell
Emma Hopkins


College Simply. (2021, 10 13). SLCC diversity and demographics. SLCC diversity and


Development and Alumni. (2016, 1 1). Salt Lake Community College.


Goldman Sachs. (2021, 1 1). Insights- Millenials. Goldman Sachs.


SLCC. (2021, 1 1). SLCC at a Glance. Salt Lake Community College.

Summers, D., & Green, B. (2021). Salt Lake Community College Fact Book 2020-2021. Salt

Lake Community College.

VFA. (2021, 1 1). Voluntary Framework of Accountability. VFA Member Public Profile Page.

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