Scholarship Reflection 1

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Destiny McDaniel

MUS 150

Professor Guerrero

4 December 2021

Scholarship Reflection

It appears from the article that students who go to wealthier education systems are more

likely to have technology-based music classes within their daily curriculum. Which is

understandable due to the expenses of technology, however technology-based music classes

should not be a privilege. Another topic mentioned within the article was the statistics that

technology isn't really introduced into the traditional music classes, which shouldn’t be the case.

Personally, I was not really exposed to technology within the music curriculum till my senior

year of high school. Like the article states, I was in fact a “traditional” music student. The article

mentions how students engaged in the non-traditional music classroom setting are more likely to

accept a job within music recording and/or music industry. I believe students should be able to

enjoy the traditional standard of music education while also growing with society and

experiencing the new opportunities, such as technology in music.

During my time as a high school student, it was extremely rare for technology to be

incorporated within my music classes. With this being my experience, I believed that technology

was not important whatsoever within the music education curriculum and that I didn’t need any

knowledge within technology to teach music. As I have grown and through reading this article,

my opinion about technology and music education has done almost a one-hundred eighty flip. If

COVID-19 can teach us anything, it is that technology is crucial for the society we live in now.

Many music performances over the past two years would have either never been shared with the
world, or would not have had the chance to be enjoyed by those who have fallen ill to the

pandemic. Technology within the music education system allows performers to record

themselves from the comfort of their own home then combine and blend all the audio takes

together until they are gifted with a clean video with multiple colors to be shared with everyone.

My audition to the School of Music here on campus wouldn’t have been possible without

technology due to our current state of society. There are so many ways you can incorporate

technology within music education and it should be increased within our average school

Work Cited

Dammers. “Technology-Based Music Classes in High Schools in the United States.” Bulletin of

the Council for Research in Music Education, no. 194, 2012, p. 73. Crossref,


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