(English (Auto-Generated) ) Microsoft Excel 01 Payroll Part 1 - How To Enter Data and Create Formulas (DownSub - Com)

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welcome to assignment number one for

Microsoft Excel in 2013 we're going to

use Excel to create a spreadsheet for

our business we're going to launch the

program and start a blank workbook now

since this is the first assignment that

we're going to do with Microsoft Excel

we need to go through some of the things

that you see in any spreadsheet first of

all the spreadsheet is designed in

organized according to cells just like

in the game battleship where you have

columns that are letters and rows that

are numbers you can identify cells such

as this one by such as g6 to enter in

information into a cell you simply click

it and start typing and so I'm going to

type employee payroll press enter and

you notice that this cell even though it

extends into column B really it is only

in a1 now let's use Excel as a payroll

we're going to keep track of the hours

that our employees worked this week and

we'll keep track of their wages so first

of all we need to put some column

headings in so I'm going to put in the

title last name and then first name and

then I'm pressing tab between these keys

so that it moves the selection moves to

the right hourly wage and then I'm going

to put in the date let's say January 1st

and press Enter over here I'm going to

say that this is the hours worked and

this is their total pay so I'll just put

the word pay now you notice you can

expand a column by clicking between the

column headers like between D and E now

you can see the whole word the next

thing you need to do is you need to

invent some names so you get to come up

with about 20 names maybe 15 for your

employees I'll type them in now

now you can see that I've invented names

last names and first names and now I'm

going to give them an hourly wage each

person makes about fifteen dollars or so

so I'll type in some numbers here you

notice when you type in numbers they are

right justified when you type in the

person's name in your spreadsheet that

they are all left justified that's just

a convention that Microsoft Excel uses

so that you can identify letters versus

numbers now one of the items that you

will most commonly use in Excel is

formatting these are all hourly wages

I'm going to select this range with my

mouse by clicking and dragging the first

square is actually highlighted even

though it's white the other ones are

grey but what I want to do is change

them into a currency so I'm going to

click on the dollar sign up here and you

notice that they all become dollar signs

they all are the hourly wage for each


now let's invent a number for each of

the employees for how long they worked

the average work week for a full-time

person is about 40 hours so I'll create

wages or I'm sorry I'll create the

number of hours that each person worked

in this column

after giving each employee a number of

hours we're going to start working with

formulas now over here on this line the

square in e4 I'm going to create a

calculated number a calculated cell if a

person gets $15.90 an hour and they work

for 40 hours how much do they get paid

well fortunately the calculations in

Excel are quite easy to do on my

keyboard I'm going to press the equal

sign and you notice up here in this area

called the formula bar we have an equal

sign as well as the equal sign in the

cell now I'm going to click on the cell

that has the wage in it 1590 when I

click there the letter C 4 is entered

into the formula bar C 4 is the wage

$15.90 now I want to multiply 1590 so

I'm going to press the shift in the

eighth key which is the multiply sign

and then I'm going to click the 40 the

dot the number of hours that this person

worked so my formula is equals to C 4

times the number that's in cell d4 when

I press ENTER it'll tell me that this

person gets six hundred and thirty six

dollars if you go and change some of

these numbers such as if we added an

hour here and I type 41 and press Enter

the calculation is automatically updated

when you double click on a cell that has

a formula you will see that the colors

correspond to the cells that you clicked

so c4 is in blue which is this number

and d4 is in red I'm going to press

ENTER again and it shows the numbers

again Microsoft Excel has a nice feature

where you can copy and paste formulas if

I right click on this cell and choose

copy and then I click on the next cell

and choose paste it'll automatically

calculate the next line

you can also highlight a range and

choose right-click and paste it will

fill down where all of those numbers are

why is this one locally look like

railroad tracks or a bunch of pound

signs it's because the value is actually

too large to be held in this in the cell

so I need to make the column a little

bit wider and now it becomes visible

another way to fill down if you want to

you can go to the corner of a cell where

there's little green dot and if you

click exactly on the corner and drag

your mouse down it will also fill down

the values in that column and so now

I've quickly calculated the pay for

every single employee one more thing

we're going to do with this formula is

we're going to add a few lines at the

bottom I want to know who is the maximum

press enter who is the minimum press

enter what is the average pay and what

is the total pay these numbers max min

average in total are just labels but

over here in this column I'm going to

put in a corresponding formula Microsoft

Excel has hundreds of formulas that are

predefined here's one of them you type

in the equal sign and then you type the

word M a X you notice that these

automatically are drop-down menus that

show that this is one of the formulas

that Excel knows about after typing max

I use the open parenthesis which is the

shift key and 9 and I'm going to drag my

mouse across a range of cells till they

come to the very top release the mouse

button and press shift + 0 to do a

closed parenthesis so what this will do

it will give me the maximum of all of

these cells the maximum person is

getting $45 an hour and so you can see

in this line here that Trent man is

making 45 an hour now I'd like to know

who the minimum is so I'm going to do

the same process type equals sign mi n

open parentheses and drag my mouse

across our range and I will tell it what

the minimum is after I press shift and 0

enter and the lowly person in my office

is getting six dollars and ninety cents

that looks like it's Paul Smith now

what's the average employee well I can

type in equals and then a V and you see

there is a bunch of formulas for average

I just want this most simple one I'm

going to choose average I'm going to

select the range closed parenthesis and

press Enter the average employee makes

$16.48 okay let's take this range here

of three different formulas highlight it

right click it with a mouse copy it now

I want to click in the next column over

right click and paste and now you see

that we have the maximum the minimum and

the average for the number of hours that

are being worked now you notice that

these values are listed as dollars

they're actually not dollars there are a

number of hours that the persons are

working so I want to change these

formattings back to general numbers up

here in the ribbon where you will find

the number formatting area there's a

small arrow that if you click it will

bring up a dialog box that shows all

different types of formatting for

numbers I'm going to select general and

click OK now why does this number have

so many decimal places in it it's

because it's because we are computing an

average it would be nice if we would

just round these off - maybe the 10th

the tenths place or the hundreds place

so let's go to these zeros here and

we're going to decrease the decimals

that we're rounding to so to the nearest

tenth is good enough for us so now we

have the number of hours Mac

some of minimum and average for our

employees here in column D for column e

we could also find the men the maximum

the minimum and the average as well so

let's highlight this group I'm going to

select this bottom right corner and drag

to the right and it fills to the right

now and shows me that these are the

maximum dollars that someone made the

minimum dollars and the average once

more these are dollars figures these are

not hours so let's change these to the

dollars format so I'm going to click up

here on the dollar sign and now we have

the average the maximum in the minimum

in the salary for this set for this week

so now we've created the maximum the

minimum and the average for each of

these columns column C D and E we

haven't done anything yet with a total

for the total let's find out what the

total number of hours worked was and

let's find out what the total number of

wages that we've paid is so for the word

sum we type equals S um and that will

give us the total let's do Shift + 9 and

then I'm going to select a range here

I'm going to select all of the hours

worked close parentheses and enter and

you'll see that there were 695 hours

worked in my shop now I'm going to fill

this to the right and shows that I made

a lot of more paid a lot of money for my

wages this week I'm going to change this

to a dollar sign format and it shows now

eleven thousand five hundred and

thirty-two dollars the last thing we

should do is put our name at the top so

maybe C one is a good place type in your

name press ENTER save the spreadsheet

print it and you're done with the

assignment number one for Excel

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