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Gil Christian T.

Centina 2018-07830
August 16, 2018

Management: A Door towards Productivity

On a daily basis we all need to manage our time, our money, and our
personal responsibilities; however, with the ever advancing technologies, numerous
tasks and distractions come to rise as well. This makes it hard for the most of us to
keep up with our endless to-do lists. Due to this, there is an arising need for all of us
to study management, because in today’s fast paced world, our personal
management system is key to achieving our goals. With its four functions: planning,
organizing, leading and controlling, one is given direction to where he or she is

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Many of us seek the luxury of time for pleasure; however, not everyone can

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get what they want. People may have the same number of hours in a day, but many

of us find it more often than not that we do not have enough time. There is just so
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little time and so much to do that people go out of focus. Management solves this
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dilemma; by managing our time or through time management, we learn how to
prioritize things. Time management eliminates one’s procrastination habits and

teaches to accomplish what is needed and can be done in a specific timetable. It

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helps a person finish more errands with less effort and gives direction to what a
person should do next.

Wherever we go, we cannot deny the fact that money is also a necessity. In
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today’s generation, most, if not all, people believe that there is no such thing as a
free lunch, so if one gives something, a return is expected along with it, and usually
money is that return. Just as essential for us to make money, how we spend and

invest it matters as well. Through management, we learn how to reduce our costs

and utilize our resources at an optimum level, we become capable of differentiating

our wants and our needs and later on, able to realize that prioritizing our needs is a
must, and what is merely a desire or a want can be acquired later in time.

Management also helps in achieving individual and group goals. It gives one
an idea on how to have a firm leadership quality in a group in order to establish an
effective authority and responsibility. Through proper management, people can

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identify who is accountable to whom, who can give instructions to whom, who are
superiors and who are subordinates.

Because of obligations piling up, whether in school or out in the community,

we sometimes forget to unite with our family, relatives, and friends. This is the
leading cause of broken relationships. With the help of management, one is able to
create a strong connection with people and learn how to properly deal and
communicate with them. By managing professional work, we can have more time to
enjoy other aspects of life such as our family, friends and personal interests.
Management helps one to maintain a better overall balance in life.

To cut a long story short, it is essential for us to study management because

it is a way of thinking practical in life. With proper management, one is allowed to

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plan and balance his or her resources in such a way that every task is completed.

Additionally, it equips a person with many benefits needed to succeed in a career,

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such as: time management, proper allocation of resources, leadership quality,

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better decision-making skills, practical thinking, and most importantly, productivity.
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