Management - Case Study - MC210915085

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Section : 3
M.ID : : MC210915085

Aspects of Case

 Bill Harrison is a machine operator.

 He is 57 years old.
 He is well settled in his personal life.
 Top paying worker.
 Bill have worked at the same company for 37 years and doing the same job for 20 years.
 Bill Harrison is bored with the work he is doing.
 Bill has the habit of talking a lot with the employees.
 Alice is the supervisor of the company.
 Noticed Bill wasting his time by talking with the other employees.
 Bill is friendly and like by all employees.
 There is no available worker to replace the job of Bill as machine operator.
 Bill is the trusted employee of the company.
 Bill losing his interest as he is well settled in his personal life.
 Alice wants to motivate bill.
 She is clear that the company needs Bill’s expertise and experience.
 Alice considering transferring Bill to another area.


1. What approach to motivation would you use to try to motivate Bill? Explain in detail what
you would do?
2. Suppose Alice could transfer Bill. Would you recommend that she do it? Justify your
1. I would try using the reinforcement theory to motivate bill. This theory is explaining
behaviour function of its consequences. Especially in this case Bill is a trusted employee.
Therefore, I would try to show appreciation. For example, in order to show appreciation, I
would promote Bill to a higher position. By this his workload will increase which will also
increase his productivity. For the position I would make as a trainer or mentor for new and
fresh employees. Because he is very much comfortable with newcomers, young employees
and they also felt the same with Bill. This allows the new workers to learn the required skill
from Bill more easily and efficiently. After the promotion Bill require to invest more of his
time and be productive to monitor and guide the new employee. This also involves many
trainings session beside his main work. It will motivate him to work more diligently to prepare
the new workers so he will avoid spending his time leisurely talking with employees. Next,
introducing some special incentives such as increase in annual holiday, flexible worktime and
more. It will show our appreciation towards his contribution along with-it Bill will be
motivated by the new incentives. And he will be more responsible towards his new work and
continue to be more productive in workplace. He will also feel appreciated and do more
works in the workplace to show his sincerity.

2. I will never recommend Alice transferring Bill unless she found a better replacement for Bill. It
is impossible from my point of view since he has a lot of experience in his works as he worked
in that company for 37 years and in that same job for 20 years. It clearly shows his expertise
in his work. Therefore, it’s quite risky for Alice to suddenly transfer him as she might struggle
to find another employee as bill. Moreover, as a supervisor she should also talk with Bill
about the whole scenario and how he feels about it. Directly transferring him without asking
might make him feel not appreciated a trusted employee of the company. This might result in
some negative consequences. For example, he might not be productive and responsible as he
used to be. This will affect the organization negatively. Even if Alice thinks it’s a suitable job
for him, his opinion in this is really important. So, I will never suggest Alice to transfer Bill
without his concern and without a better replacement for him.

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