Final Project

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The Final Project

Ronisha Wesley

College of Southern Nevada

Position Paper

Trusted Advisors,

At the present time, technology is leading the world in every aspect and influencing every

career field. I feel that advandoning technology would place our students at a severe

disadvantage in their education. Therefore if you take the internet away from the students, how

would they be able to keep up with information that might not make it into textbooks? or that

might become outdated by the time it is published in a traditional format. The internet allows

students to have a better way to communicate with their teachers and classmates. For example

the pandemic plays a major factor on why technology is important. Without the internet or

computers how would any of the teachers be able to teach or reach out to their students to make

sure they are mentally okay and how would the students be able to go to school or even complete

any assignments. Even after the whole shut down and we are back in class having internet and

chrome books that the students are able to take home and back to school is allowing students to

keep up with their assignments. The internet is so important in everyone’s life that they are

saying on the ( )website

“free internet access must be considered as a human right, as people are unable to get online

particularly in some developing countrie due to lack of meaningful ways to influence the global

players shaping their everyday lives”. According to , “over the past 20 years more

people are online today than they were at the start of the millennium and looking at broadband
access, in 2000, just half of Americans had broadband access at home. Today, that number sits at

more than 90%”. So, if you were to ban technology it would be a major setback for students and

we would not be able to prepare them for the real world that technology is taking over.

Free Internet access should be a basic human right, study says. (2019). Phys Org.

How has technology changed - and changed us - in the past 20 years? (2020). How Has
Technology Changed - and Changed Us - in the Past 20 Years?
Identification of Standards

The Nevada Computer and Technology Standards and the ISTE Standards have
similarities and differences. Both are intended to prepare students to be proficient technology
users. They differ because the student section of the ISTE Standards is designed to empower
student voices and ensure that learning is a student-driven process. In contrast, The Nevada
Computer and Technology Standards “incorporate the skills and knowledge that students require
to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly digital society.” (pdf, Nevada
Computer and Technology Nevada Computer and Technology Standards).

The Nevada Computer and Technology Standards are based on the National Educational
Technology Standards for Students (NETS‐ S) put forth by the International Society for
Technology in Education (ISTE). Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge,
and develop innovative and creative products and processes using technology. Verbs used within
both are similar. An example is in the Nevada standard in the domain Research and Information
Fluency Indicator A. Plan strategies to guide inquiry is equivalent to the ISTE Standard in the
domain of Knowledge Constructor standard 1.3a Students plan and employ effective research
strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

The two contrasts by “The Nevada Computer and Technology Standards are unique in that
they are not content standards. They are simply standards. The notion of technology integration
suggests that technology taught in isolation is not as effective as when technology is used in
context.” (pdf, Nevada Computer and Technology Nevada Computer and Technology Standards)
Nevada standards indicate at which grade level students should know content. Nevada standards
stop short of assigning indicators to specific grade bands. “The national indicators take the role
of strands and Nevada indicators demonstrate how the NETS‐S should be applied within specific
grade bands in Nevada.”

The National Indicator that I will be using for my lesson is Communication and
Collaboration. The students will use digital media and environment to communicate and work
together, including at a distance, to help and support each individual learning and contribute to
the learning of others. This lesson is second grader and the Standards that I will be using is 2.B
Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats. 2.1 Communicate information and ideas to peers and parents using digital text and
illustrations .
Lesson Plan


● Determine the number of minutes in hours and half hours (Number talk)
● Counting by 5s (Number talk)
● Add 2 digit numbers by adding on one number in parts
● Develop efficient strategies for adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers
● use standard notations
● notice what happens to the tens place when a multiple of 10 is added or subtracted


● Investigations website
● Teaching Slides
● SAB p.201

Group Size

● 2 to 3 Students in a group


Display teacher presentation of clock. Count how many minutes there are from the 12 to the
1. label this interval "5 min." explain that "min." is the abbreviation for minutes. Students will
continue to label the clock. Discuss that 60 minutes is also the same as one hour.

Adding On One Number in Parts

Begin the session with a discussion of Problem 2. Read the problem aloud.

Franco had 25 dragon stickers. He went to the sticker station and bought 2 more strips of ten
dragon stickers. How many stickers does Franco have now?

How do we write an equation to represent this problem? 25 + 20 or 25 + 10 + 10.


For my assessment I will be using the worksheet that is located on the student sample page
and I will used that as my Entry and exit slips or I can used the interview assessment and that is
when you have a small talk with students that are in the classroom can help them feel at ease
even as you get a sense of what they know, and you may find that three to five minute interview.
Students Sample

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