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Akreditasi PP IAI–2 SKP

Biosimilar Drugs
L K Mela Dewi
School of Pharmacy, Management and Science University (MSU), Malaysia

Biological medicines are medicines that are made or derived from a biological source and as such are complex molecules, with inherent variability
in their structure. A biosimilar medicine is a biological medicine which is highly similar to another biological medicine already licensed for use.
It is a biological medicine which has been shown not to have any clinically meaningful differences from the originator biological medicine
in terms of quality, safety, and efficacy based on a comprehensive comparability exercise. Biologic products are widely used in treatment for
neutropenia, cancer, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and enzyme or hormone deficiencies.

Keywords: Biological medicine, biosimilar, drugs

Obat-obatan biologis adalah obat-obatan yang dibuat atau berasal dari sumber biologis dan merupakan molekul kompleks, dengan variabilitas
yang melekat pada strukturnya. Obat biosimilar adalah obat biologi yang sangat mirip dengan obat biologis lain yang sudah berlisensi untuk
digunakan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa obat biologis terbukti tidak memiliki perbedaan bermakna secara klinis dari obat biologis pencetusnya
dalam hal kualitas, keamanan, dan efikasi berdasarkan uji perbandingan secara komprehensif. Produk biologis banyak digunakan dalam
pengobatan untuk neutropenia, kanker, penyakit inflamasi dan autoimun, dan enzim atau kekurangan hormon.

Kata kunci: Biosimilar, obat, obat-obatan biologis

Biological medicines are medicines that are patients. World Health Organization in their medicines are under development by
made or derived from a biological source 67th World Health Assembly in May 2014 pharmaceutical companies in Europe. By mid-
and as such are complex molecules, with adopted two major resolutions to overcome 2015, twelve biosimilar molecules have been
inherent variability in their structure. Wide the issue of affordability and accessibility issue marketed as 19 brands and have been widely
ranges of substances are included in this of biologics products. First is promoting access used for patients’ treatment across Europe.4
category, such as recombinant therapeutics, to biotherapeutic products and ensuring As an increasing number of biologics face
monoclonal antibodies, growth factors, and their quality, safety and efficacy, while the patent expiration, biosimilars offer a major
fusion proteins.1,2 Biologic products are widely second strategy is on regulatory systems opportunity for drug developers. By 2020,
used in treatment for neutropenia, cancer, strengthening in which WHO was requested patents will expire on twelve biologics with
inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and to provide guidance, especially on dealing global sales of more than $67 billion.5
enzyme or hormone deficiencies.3,4 Global with increasingly complex biotherapeutic
biologics sales have grown to more than products, including similar biotherapeutic What is Biosimilar?
$100 billion.5 Biologics and vaccines sales products (SBPs) or biosimilar.3 A biosimilar medicine is a biological medicine
were estimated $289 billion (24% from total which is highly similar to another biological
worldwide prescription share) in 2014 and are The expiry of patents for several originator medicine already licensed for use. It is a
projected to grow to $445 billion by 2019.6 biologics had led to introduction of “similar” biological medicine which has been shown not
products to provide additional options for to have any clinically meaningful differences
Despite of having proven benefit in treating patients as well as the prescribers.4,7 First from the originator biological medicine in
many life-threatening and chronic diseases, time entered to pharmaceutical market in terms of quality, safety and efficacy based on
cost of treatment with biologics are very 2006 (Omnitrope®, a somatropin biosimilar to a comprehensive comparability exercise.4,8
expensive, thereby limiting their access to Genotropin®), increasing range of biosimilar Biosimilar contains a (copy) version of the
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Table 1. Biosimilar definition in some countries

Previous Terminology Current Terminology Definition
Similar Biologic WHO Similar Biologic Product (SBP) A biotherapeutic product that is similar in terms of quality, safety, and efficacy to an already licensed
Product (SBP) reference biotherapeutic product that was developed and approved on the basis of the principles
outlined in WHO guidelines on evaluation of SBPs.3
Follow on Protein or US FDA Biosimilar A product highly similar to the reference product without clinically meaningful differences in safety,
Follow on Biologic (FOB is use in regulatory context on the purity, and potency.10
(FOB) drug approval process of FDA).12
S u b s e q u e n t - e n t r y Health Canada Change term in to Biosimilar Biologic A biologic drug that obtains market authorization subsequent to a version previously authorized in
Biologic (SEB) Drug in November 2016 Canada, and with demonstrated similarity to a reference biologic drug.11
Biosimilar Europe EMA Biosimilar Biological products which demonstrated its equivalence to an already approved reference product
Korea with regard to quality,
India safety, and efficacy.10

active substance of an already authorised concerned products.8 Reference product is medicinal product, both in in molecular and
original biological medicinal product a single biological product, already licensed biological terms, including sequence of amino
(reference medicinal product).9 Biosimilar for use, against which a proposed biosimilar acids (if it’s a protein), posology, and route of
medicines are not considered generic product is compared.13 Comparability is administration. Deviations from the reference
equivalents to their originator biological a well-established concept. A proposed product as regards strength, pharmaceutical
medicine because the two products are biosimilar must pass a comprehensive form, formulation, excipients or presentation
similar but not identical. However, they will scientific comparability exercise prior their require justification as well as additional data
have met regulatory requirements in terms of approval to enter the market. The active when required.8
comparative quality, safety, and efficacy.4 substance of a biosimilar must be similar
to the active substance of the reference Nearly all biosimilars will require at least one
There was disparity of definitions on biosimilar
in some countries (Table 1). Nowadays,
Table 2. Relative size of chemical and biological drugs
most countries are using the term Biosimilar,
Drug (Nonproprietary Name) Molecular Formula
and the uniform terminology will increase
Chemical Drugs
possibility in harmony of regulations and
Aspirin C9HO4
escalating entree to safe medicines globally.10 Acetaminophen C8H9NO2
The main determinant from those definitions Sofosbuvir C22H29FN3O9P
is the requirement of the proposed drug Small Biological Products
to demonstrate “similarity” with previously Insulin glargine C267H404N72O78S6
licensed biological products. Epoetin alfa C809H1301N229O240S5
Filgrastim C845H1339N223O243S9
As patents for the biologics began to expire, Somatropin C990H1528N262O300S7
Large Biological Drugs
questions arose regarding the ability to
Etanercept C2224H3472N618O701S36
produce “generic” substitutes for original
Infliximab C6428H9912N1694O1987S46
biologics. Producing a generic substitute’s
equivalent to an innovator product is (Source: Drugs@FDA,, and
relatively a straightforward process compared
Table 3. Approved biosimilar products globally
to process of developing a biosimilar.
Biologics are produced by cells in culture or Current number
First Biosimilar Approved Year of
Country Agency Manufacturer of biosimilar
whole organisms, which are inherently more in the Region Approval
variable than chemical synthesis methods. Europe European Medicines Omnitrope 2006 Sandoz 19
Therefore, unlike generic pharmaceuticals, it is Agency (EMA) (Somatropin )
United States US FDA Zarxio 2015 Sandoz 10
impossible to generate the same or identical (Filgastrim)
copy of an innovator product.1 Table 2 shows Canada Health Canada Omnitrope 2009 Sandoz 7
the different complexities of small molecule (Somatropin )
drugs with the biological products. Japan The Pharmaceuticals Somatropin BS. 2009 Sandoz 10
and Medical Devices
Agency (PMDA) Japan
The goal of a biosimilar development South Korea Korean FDA Remsima (infliximab) 2012 Celtrion Inc 9
program is to demonstrate biosimilarity India Indian Ministry of Health epoetin alfa 2001 Wockhardt 68
between the proposed biosimilar product and and Family Welfare and
Science and Technology.
the reference product and to convincingly
demonstrate the similar nature of the (Source: Generics and biosimilars initiative,

680 CDK-268/ vol. 45 no. 9 th. 2018


head-to-head clinical trial to confirm similarity indication.8 Wepox that is referred to as a ‘follow on’
with the originator biologic as the basis for product.10
approval to be deemed as “interchangeable” Current Status of Biosimilar The assessment of toxicity and safety of
with their originator counterparts. Biosimilar Pharmaceutical companies in many countries biosimilar from the oncology practice
product that performs interchangeability with have been developing biosimilar products point of view is even more complex
the reference product is expected to produce and use it as treatment in clinical setting since molecular antibodies (mAbs) have
the same clinical effect in a given clinical (Table 3). complexity and molecular size, giving rise
setting and in any patient on the initiative, or to higher variability.15
with the agreement of the prescriber.14 Since its introduction into market, the
following issues of biosimilars have been put „„ Classification of biosimilar.
The biosimilar pathway does not seek to into concern: Dissimilar classifications of biosimilars
demonstrate safety and efficacy for each „„ Safety concerns are applied in some countries, leading
indication of the biosimilar medicine.4,9 When As its originator, biosimilar is intended for to difference in approval process of
total evidence in the biosimilar application long-term use to treat chronic diseases. proposed biosimilar product. As an
supports a demonstration of biosimilarity Safety concerns are likely to arise referring example, low molecular weight heparins
for at least one of the reference product’s to the risk of immunogenicity as well as the (LMWHs) are classified as generic drugs in
indications, it is possible for the biosimilar concept of extrapolation applied as part of the US and therefore become approved
manufacturer to use data and information approval process of proposed biosimilar. on the approval process of generic drugs,
to scientifically justify approval for other One case related to the immunogenicity which are less extensive compared to
indications that were not directly studied by of biosimilar was reported in India, where approval process of biosimilar. In contrast,
the biosimilar manufacturer. This concept is a patient in later stages of adrenal disease LMWHs are classified as biosimilars in
called “extrapolation”, whereby the regulatory developed pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) the EU since heparins are derived from
and scientific process of granting a clinical associated with stimulation of antibodies biological source material.15
indication to a medicine without own/new to administered erythropoietin (EPO)
clinical efficacy and safety data to support that after administration with the EPO product „„ Naming system for biosimilars
There has been growing debate on what
INN (International Nonproprietary Name)
Table 4. Strategic plan of biosimilar development in Indonesia (Direktorat Jenderal Bina Kefarmasian dan Alat
should be given to biosimilars. The World
Kesehatan, 2015)
Health Organization (WHO) has issued a
API draft proposal covering the issue of how
2015-2018 2019-2022 2023-2025
to name biosimilars, which are random
BIO PHARMACEUTICAL EPO (Erythropoetin) Blood Fractionation MAB (Monoclocal Anti Body)
GCSF (Granulocyte Colony Stimulating (Albumin, Insulin analogue alphabetic codes, to help standardize
Factor) imunoglobulin, the naming of biologicals, including
Probiotic Faktor VIII, Faktor IX)
Insulin Growth Hormone biosimilars.16 Not all regulatory authorities
Stem cell protein (Wound care and Interferon agree with the WHO’s approach to
cosmetics) Trastuzumab
Somatropin Insulin
naming,16,17 leading to divergent naming
EGF MAB (oncology) system across countries.
Enoxaparin Similar to its reference biological
product, data from pre-authorization
Table 5. Patents expiry for best selling biologicals
clinical studies are usually too limited to
Brand Name Biologics EU US identify all potential adverse reactions of
Avastin Bevacizumab 2022 2019 a biosimilar. Pharmacovigilance during
Herceptin Trastuzumab 2014 2019 the post-marketing phase should be
Humira Adalimumab 2018 2016 implemented in place to identify the rare
Synagis Palivizumab 2015 2015
adverse events. For pharmacovigilance in
Erbitux Cetuximab 2014 2016
a global setting, harmonization in naming
Remicade Infliximab 2015 2018
Rituxan/MabThera Rituximab 2013 2016
is crucial as different naming systems may
Aranesp Darbepoetin alfa 2016 2024 cause confusion and hinder clear data
Avonex/Rebif Interferon beta-1a 2015 2015 analysis for a specific biosimilar product.15
Enbrel Etanercept 2015 2028 Biosimilar has been always expected to
Epogen/Eprex Epoetin alfa 2013 2013 be solution for the high-cost of treatment
Neulasta Pegfilgratim 2017 2015 with biological products. In EU, biosimilars
Neupogen Filgrastim 2013 2013 in some therapeutic areas are priced below
Lantus Insulin Glargine 2014 2014 reference biologics, often with discounts
Lovenox Enoxaparin sodium 2012 2012
of 25 percent or more.14,18 Market study
(Source: Generics and Biosimilars Initiative, http://www.gabionline.net33 performed by the RAND Corporation

CDK-268/ vol. 45 no. 9 th. 2018 681


estimated that the implementation of East Asia region to implement universal health started to take part in the development of
biosimilars would save the U.S. healthcare coverage with goal to ensure that all people biosimilar. PT Biofarma signed an agreement
system $54 billion over the next decade, obtain the health services they need without with ProBioGen AG (a German company)
with a potential minimum of $25 billion risking financial hardship from unaffordable in 2015 for the development of a biosimilar
and maximum savings of $150 billion.19 out-of-pocket payments.22 Indonesia has trastuzumab.30 PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. has
The use of biosimilar in clinical practice started its universal healthcare system since launched a biosimilar version of insulin on
can affect health care cost by several 2014. March 201731 and intend to develop biosimilar
mechanisms discussed below: of erythropoietin and granulocyte colony-
„„ Decreased unit cost Treatment with biological products shows stimulating factor analogue, followed by the
The abbreviated pathway and significant clinical benefit, yet it relatively production of monoclonal antibodies.32
implementation of extrapolation concept less accessible by patients in developing
will potentially lower the cost because countries. Annual cost of treatment with a Challenges in Biosimilar Development –
less overhead is needed for research and biological drug can be as much as US$40,000, Learn the Right Lessons
development and less time to obtain while earnings per capita in many emerging Being positioned as part of emerging market
approval compared with originator markets are only US$4,000–12,000. This figure for biosimilar development, Indonesia
manufacturers. Even though the price puts most biological therapies out of the can learn the lesson from countries that
reductions as traditional generic medicines reach of the majority of the potential patient have started their journey in developing
won’t be as drastic as traditional generic population.23 The option to have lower cost biosimilar. Government has prepared the legal
medicines, there are significant savings treatment of chronic disease will offer access framework to encourage local pharmaceutical
associated with increased competition. as well as adherence to treatment. Biosimilar companies to develop biosimilars.
„„ Price competition comes to light as a solution for issues related
Introduction of biosimilar to to treatment with biologic. Equitable access Taking part as a player in biosimilar industry
pharmaceutical market and clinical to safe, quality, affordable, and effective is not merely about having local guideline;
practice increases choice for patients medical products is one of the cornerstones instead it’s the first step to start the quest. Let
and clinicians, increases commercial of universal health care. us consider the challenges associated with
competition and enhances value a successful launch of biosimilars in other
propositions for individual medicines. In the late of 2015, Indonesia launched countries.
From the economic point of view, its biosimilar guideline. Guideline issued
increased number of competitors will by National Agency for Drug and Food of „„ Originators
drive biologics prices downward. In Indonesia (locally known as Badan Pengawas The companies of originator biologic will
other word, lower price offered by Obat dan Makanan [BPOM] Republik response with strategy to keep ahead of
biosimilar treatment will drive the Indonesia) provide legal framework comprise the competition and have responded in
costs of the reference products down of definition of biosimilar, registration different ways to the potential entry of
as their manufacturers attempt to stay procedures, evaluation of biosimilar products biosimilars. Some company counteracted
competitive in the market.4 (comparability studies, selection of reference biosimilar product development and
„„ Increased volume product, production process, physicochemical responded with patent defenses and
The entry of lower-cost competitors characterization, analytical techniques, non- extension. As an example, in 2016,
will cause patients and payers to clinical and clinical safety-efficacy evaluation) company which produced originator
choose biologic treatment options to as well as pharmacovigilance plans.24 Biosimilar bevacizumab filed multiple litigious
a greater degree. Lower treatment cost development has been included in strategic complaints and patent infringement suits
may increase patients’ adherence to plan of Indonesian pharmaceutical industry. to the company who intend to produce a
medication regimens, whereby in the end Table 4 shows the plan for developing biosimilar to bevacizumab. Even though
will improve their health. biosimilar in 10 year period. the biosimilar product gained FDA
approval, the response from the originator
Are We There yet? Numbers of biological originators are company had slowed both the approval
Indonesia is a developing country which has scheduled to come off patent in the and market availability of the biosimilar.19
more than 250 million people. The World upcoming years and will be exposed to However, some company responded
Bank classifies Indonesia as lower–middle biosimilar competition by 2020 (Table 5). This “positively” by improving its first-
income country; where 10.12% of the total could be a big opportunity for pharmaceutical generation products (by reducing the
populations are classified as poor.20 Patients companies to start biosimilar development. frequency of dosing schedules and
are often asked to bear the cost of expensive Biosimilar product of trastuzumab and providing more convenient administration
treatment, where in many cases cause them rituximab were approved by FDA in late 2017 technologies) and decreasing price
to face financial hardship. In 2010, 30% of and early 2018, indicating a potentially better (through discount). For example,
total health expenditure was in the form access to cancer treatment in the future. the company of originator filgastrim
of out-of-pocket payments.21 World Health (Neupogen) introduced Neulasta,
Organization has called on countries in South- Pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia have a second-generation of Neupogen.

682 CDK-268/ vol. 45 no. 9 th. 2018


Neulasta has 40% lower treatment cycle up immediately. According to a survey cost-saving as well as accessibility to the
cost compared to Neupogen, which can conducted by the National Comprehensive treatment. Biosimilar manufacturer will be
compete to the cost reduction offered by Cancer Network in 2011, only about 20% required to actively promote the benefit
the use of biosimilar product. of providers would be early adopters of biosimilar use coinciding the launch of
of biosimilar products.19  Biosimilar the biosimilar product.
„„ Health Care Practitioners companies must have robust evidence Accessibility and affordability of treatment
Biosimilars can improve access to regarding biosimilars to reassure the is the spotlight in the era of universal
therapeutically effective but costly medical and patient community about health care. In countries such as EU and
treatment of chronic diseases. Similar like the safety and efficacy of switching.  One US, biosimilars are positioned at 40-60%
the generic product to its originator, when a strategy to overcome the acceptance discount compared to the price of its
biosimilar product gains ‘interchangeable’ issue is to get the ‘interchangeable’ status, originator product.29 Stringent approval
status, it can be automatically substituted which requires at least one head-to-head process for biosimilar products in both
for the prescribed biological product once clinical trial to confirm similarity with the countries has prompted biosimilar
by the pharmacist without the consent of originator biologic. This requirement companies to target emerging market
the prescribing physician.28 However, due may limit the potential of cost saving on such as Eastern Europe, Latin America, and
to safety concern, health care practitioners production process. Asia. To achieve the aim of the introduction
and patients continue to emphasize of biosimilar into market, all stakeholders
concerns about switching from biologics „„ Biosimilar manufacturer must provide full support in biosimilar
to biosimilars. The complexity of Pharmaceutical companies intending to development. Regulatory bodies have to
manufacturing process of biosimilar may develop a biosimilar product must plan be equipped with their local regulatory
exhibit batch to batch variability, which a clear business strategy way ahead the framework; drafted with concerns on
could possibly lead to new adverse development process. Strategy should safety profile of biosimilars. Regulatory
drug reactions. Health care practitioners comprise target market segment as bodies can direct the companies to
(physician, pharmacist, nurse) as well well as value proposition offered by the conduct clinical trials in a small population
as patient and their caregiver must be biosimilar product. Upgrade on facilities to establish the safety and efficacy profile
fully aware upon starting treatment with of biologics-development and product- of biosimilars, as solution to concern
biosimilar product and perform cautious launch capabilities will absolutely take on interchangeability. By doing so, the
monitoring on patient’s condition. time, which may delay the development acceptance rate of biosimilar among
Automatic substitution is not applicable and introduction of biosimilar product healthcare practitioners and patients
in most of the countries at this time. to the market. Biosimilar company will would increase, and patients’ accessibility
Automatic substitution will make post- need 7 to 8 years to develop a biosimilar, to biosimilar can be improved. On the
marketing surveillance more difficult due at a cost of between $100 million and other hand, affordability of biosimilar
to potential issues with traceability and $250 million. It may cause challenge to product remains a concern. Biosimilar
identification of the products, especially provide lower net-cost pricing relative to manufacturer needs to effectively balance
with the concern of the uniformity of the its biologic originator. the pricing that will enable profits and
biosimilar naming system. As mentioned earlier, the lack of awareness be competitive enough to gain payer
Acceptance of biosimilars will not build and education could hinder potential reimbursement.

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