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Every Member Of The Avengers, Ranked

They're called Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but some of them are mightier than others. We've broken down all of the
official Avengers — minus a few too recent to judge — to determine who should be assembled first when evil

1) Steve Rogers, Captain America a.k.a. Nomad, The Captain, Commander Rogers
Although Cap wasn't a founding member of the Avengers — he wasn't unfrozen from his block of ice until issue #4
— he's come to epitomize the Avengers more than any other. He's been the leader of the team for most its existence.

2) Thor Odinson, Thor

Hulk may be the strongest Avenger, but there's no doubt Thor is the mightiest. Not only is he a god — and a god
worthy of one of the most powerful weapons in the universe at that — he's been an integral part of the Avengers
since founding it in 1963, despite having to protect all the nine realms.

3) Janet Van Dyne, The Wasp

If Captain America epitomizes the Avengers, Janet Van Dyne is still its heart and soul. She was a founding member,
has led the team through some of its most difficult moments, and has the unequivocal respect of gods, robots, and
the most powerful beings in the cosmos. Marvel actually put it best when it said if the Avengers were asked to rank
themselves, The Wasp would likely be #1.

4) Clinton Barton, Hawkeye a.k.a. Goliath, Ronin

For all that his "superpower" is shooting arrows really good, Hawkeye has somehow become one of the most
indispensable members of the team. As "a regular guy," Hawkeye keeps the Avengers grounded in a way no other
member can — a vastly underrated quality that has helped make the team as successful as it has been.

5) Tony Stark, Iron Man

He's a founding member of the Avengers in both the comics and the movies, and its his wealth that keeps the
organization funded. But despite the fact RDJ has become the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the comics'
Tony Stark is constantly distracted from the team because his personal life is a disaster. He's obviously a major part
of the team, but the Avengers have frequently done just fine without him.
6) Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel a.k.a. Binary, Warbird
Marvel's answer to Superman and Wonder Woman, but much better, Carol Danvers is one of the Avengers'
heaviest-hitters, which is saying something when its ranks include Thor and Hulk. Since she took the name Captain
Marvel, she's become so indispensable to the Avengers it's unlikely the team will ever be without her again.

7) The Vision
The android "son" of one of the Avengers' deadliest foes, Ultron, the Vision quickly disobeyed his "father" and
became a hero. Despite being a robot, he is one of the Avengers' best-loved members (often physically).

8) Hank Pym, a.k.a. Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, The Wasp

For good or ill, Hank Pym is part of the Avengers' DNA. He founded it and has been a key member for most of its
existence, despite his habit of switching superhero names and powers. He's had his problems over the years —
several of them, in fact — but he's proven himself to be an Avenger time and time again.

9) Peter Parker, Spider-Man

I'm sorry to long-time Avengers fans still irked that Marvel shoehorned their most popular character onto their most
popular group in 2005, but he should have always been on the team. He's a natural fit, both in the comics universe
and reality.

10) Monica Rambeau, Captain Marvel a.k.a. Photon, Pulsar, Spectrum

Monica Rambeau's tenure with the Avengers was brief, but she quickly proved herself among Earth's Mightiest
Heroes. With the ability to turn herself into any part of the electromagnetic spectrum, she's immensely powerful, but
it was her character that so impressed her teammates, she became the leader of the Avengers soon after joining.

11) T’Challa, Black Panther

Black Panther is a tremendous hero of power, virtue and integrity. But when it comes to choosing between the
Avengers and Wakanda, the nation he rules, his loyalties are divided, and his frequent appearances and
disappearances on the team reflect that.

12) Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow

Since she's a former Russian spy, the Avengers have had frequent trust issues with Natasha Romanov. But despite
that, she's been one of the most venerable Avengers, even serving as the team leader for a bit.

13) Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch

A powerful sorceress and frequent member who would be ranked higher if she didn't have an unfortunate habit of
going insane and murdering her teammates/creating fictional children.

14) Pietro Maximoff, Quicksilver

The Scarlet Witch's brother isn't crazy, but he's frequently a huge asshole. However, when he can get over himself,
he's used his super-speed to help save the world as an Avenger on many occasions.

15) Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk

Few Marvel heroes seem to fit on every team, but She-Hulk is definitely one of them. Some people may know her
better as a member of the Fantastic Four than the Avengers, but she's been an Avenger for much more of her career.

16) Hercules
Calling Hercules a cross between Thor and Hulk — a super-strong god who usually punches before he thinks — is
accurate, but the boisterous, vain, cocky hero frequently bring as much character to the team as he does power.

17) Dr. Henry McCoy, Beast

Usually, X-Men who join the Avengers stick out like a sore, mutated thumb. Beast is the exception. Brilliant,
erudite, and without a massive chip on his shoulder about the state of mutant-kind, he's frequently been called on.

18) Sam Wilson, Falcon

While Sam Wilson is currently a major part of the Avengers as the new Captain America, he's only become a
regular member of the team over the last decade.
19) Dr. Bruce Banner, Hulk
Yes, now the Hulk is major part of the Avengers (thanks in part to the movies) and yes, Hulk even helped found the
team. But he also quit almost immediately, and only recently joined back up. The Avengers have spent far more of
their history stopping the Hulk than working with him.

20) James Rhodes, War Machine aka Iron Man II, Iron Patriot
Whether he's been wearing his War Machine armor or masquerading as Iron Man (he was actually in the first Secret
Wars, not Tony Stark), James Rhodes has always been a dependable Avenger.

21) Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman

Brian Michael Bendis' love for Jessica Drew has turned Spider-Woman into one of the more prominent comic
Avengers; while a formidable hero, she doesn't really bring that much to the team that Black Widow and Spider-
Man don't already.

22) Luke Cage, Power Man

A more recent addition to the Avengers ranks, Luke Cage has already begun to lead Avengers teams, although he
also has no problem quitting if something comes up.

23) James “Logan” Howlett, Wolverine

Putting the most popular mutant on the Avengers seems like it would be a good idea as adding Spider-Man, but it
doesn't work. Partially because Wolverine is a bit too murder-y for the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and also because
Wolverine still pretends he's a loner when he's on basically every team in the Marvel U.

24) Simon Williams, Wonder Man

One of the more frequent Avengers, Wonder Man is still better known for being a Hollywood actor and wearing
stupid glasses. Still, he's been there for a large part of Avengers' history.

25) Dane Whitman, The Black Knight

As a dude with a magical ebony sword and a flying robot horse-ship, the Black Knight was pretty awesome, but his
Avengers' tenure was rather unmemorable otherwise.

26) Greer Grant Nelson, Tigra

A popular Avenger among superheroes and readers, but it doesn't change the fact that her power is mostly being
furry and wearing a bikini.

27) Barbara “Bobbi” Morse, Mockingbird

A good Avenger, but a better SHIELD agent.

28) Dr. Stephen Strange, Dr. Strange

The Sorcerer Supreme has been a New Avenger for a while, and as the master of magic, has the potential to be one
of the greats. But he still hasn't seemed to properly gel with the team.

29) Namor the Sub-Mariner

The Atlantean prince was only an Avenger briefly, and he was a huge dick for most of it. That said, he's fascinating
whenever he tries to work with others.

30) Jessica Jones, Power Woman aka Jewel

A fantastic character that just happens to work far, far better on her own.

31) Maria Hill

Tough as nails, Nick Fury's second-in-command was more than capable enough to head up SHIELD and lead the
Avengers. Anyone who can call Tony Stark on his bullshit is alright by us.

32) Marc Spector, Moon Knight

Marvel's psychotic version of Batman for some reason was a great Avenger — well, for readers, maybe not for his
team members.
33) Daniel Rand, Iron Fist
The fact that the Avengers have not had more martial arts masters on the team is a shame.

34) Sharon Carter, Agent 13

Another amazing female SHIELD agent that joined the Avengers, but most notable for hooking up with Captain

35) James “Bucky” Barnes, Captain America aka Winter Soldier

While Bucky was the Winter Soldier, Captain America was assassinated, and Bucky decided to carry on the legacy.
He did a solid job, but not enough to replace the original for long.

36) Brian Braddock, Captain Britain

The British equivalent of Captain America has done much of his best work as an Avenger.

37) Scott Lang, Ant-Man

He's Hank Pym but without the genius bits, the growing powers, or, to be fair, the emotional issues.

38) Julia Carpenter, Spider-Woman a.k.a. Arachne, Madame Web II

Not a long-time Avenger, but certainly an asset.

39) Amadeus Cho

This young genius pals around mostly with Hulk and Hercules, but watching him outsmart the rest of the geniuses
on the Avengers was great fun.

40) Brunnhilde, Valkyrie

The Lady Thor before Thor became a lady.

41) Matthew Murdock, Daredevil

It was fun seeing the Man Without Fear as a part of a team, but he's just too much of a loner for it to have worked
for long.

42) Mantis
Mantis has had a bizarre amount of powers and backstory. But none of it really explains why she was an Avenger.

43) Christopher Powell, Darkhawk

This cult favorite hero did not become a cult favorite for his time on the Avengers.

44) Sersi
This Eternal has a lot of powers, but seemed like she won a random Marvel character lottery to join the team.

45) Wendell Vaughn, Quasar

The best thing you can say about Quasar is that compared to many '90s Avengers, he was too innocuous to be

46) Robert Reynolds, The Sentry (dead)

Marvel's Superman, but with mental issues. He's not a bad character, but he's way too overpowered for the
Avengers, and that's saying something.

47) Ares (dead)

A Greek god that began as a surly, low-rent Thor, but improved somewhat. The Avengers helped his character a lot
more than he helped the Avengers.

48) Daisy Johnson, Quake

Another SHIELD agent that joined the Avengers, she's got a lot of potential.
49) Crystal Maximoff, Crystal
Not a bad hero, but one who mainly exists to date other heroes, seemingly.

50) Dennis Sykes, Flux (dead)

A superhero who joined the Avengers with one month to live. It was even more depressing than you think.

51-54) Ororo T’Challa, Richard Rider, Cassandra Lang and Flash Thompson (Storm, Nova, Stature and
Awesome characters who were Avengers for so little time, it basically doesn't matter.

55) Maya Lopez, Echo/Ronin (dead)

This is basically a ninja. A ninja Avenger is a great idea in theory, but Echo spent most of her time causing drama
for the team.

56) Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy aka Protector

This rebellious alien teen had no business being on the Avengers in the first place.

57) Eric Masterson, Thunderstrike aka Thor II (dead)

The '90s knock-off of Thor, fine for the time and best forgotten now.

58) Jacques Duquesne, Swordsman

Swordsman's biggest accomplishment as an Avenger is training Hawkeye. Mostly he just wanted to join to get free

59-62) Reed Richards, Susan Richards, Johnny Storm and Benjamin Grimm (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible
Woman, Human Torch and The Thing)
Every member of the Fantastic Four was an Avenger at one point or another. Other than as a marketing gimmick,
they served no purpose whatsoever.

63) Vance Astrovik, Justice

The most generic superhero ever created. His name is Justice, for goodness's sake.

64) Jack of Hearts (dead)

Basically, someone wanted the Avengers to have Gambit, but crappier in every way.

65) Delroy Garrett, 3-D Man/Triathlon

This strange character with strange, non 3D-related powers is confusing and was apparently hired as an Avenger in
the '90s as part of some kind of Affirmative Action.

66) Walter Newell, Stingray

Basically, the only reason Stingray was able to join the Avengers is because they needed to borrow his hydrobase
for a while. True story.

67) Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, Red Hulk

The answer to "What if the Hulk were really lame?" This alter-ego of General Ross has been an Avenger just too
much of the modern Marvel era, and been a poor substitute for the original the entire time.

68) Gilgamesh aka Forgotten One

When the Avengers reformed in issue #300, this immortal hero joined the team and managed to make no impact
whatsoever. The fact that he's so unimpressive is actually the most impressive thing about him.

69) Eros, Starfox

The brother of Thanos is best-known for having powers that make people want to have sex, even if it's against their
will. When he joined the Avengers, he failed to mention this power. He's skeezy.
70) John Walker, U.S. Agent
The U.S. Agent is basically psychotic Captain America. He's had his good days when he's helped the Avengers, but
he's had just as many bad ones.

71) D-Man
That this joke character ever managed to join the Avengers is one of the Marvel universe's greatest shames.

72) Dr. Anthony Druid, Doctor Druid (dead)

Doctor Druid is not a druid, and I have my doubts he's a doctor. Despite the fact that his powers are limited to mind
control, upon joining the Avengers he had his mind controlled and managed to endanger the entire team. Nice work.

Missing Members

Heather Douglas, Moondragon

Patricia Walker, Hellcat
Matthew J. Hawk, Two-Gun Kid
Bonita Juarez, Firebird aka Espirita
Dennis Dunphy, Demolition Man aka Scourge of the Underworld (dead)
Jim Hammond, Human Torch
William Baker aka Flint Marko, Sandman
Elvin Haliday, Rage
Machine Man aka X-51
Miguel Santos, Living Lightning
Angelica Jones, Firestar
Maria de Guadalupe Santiago, Silverclaw
Kelsey Shorr, Lionheart aka Captain Britain
Jonas, Vision II (dead)
Eric O’Grady, Ant-Man (dead)
Alex Summers, Havok
Sam Guthrie, Cannonball
Roberto Da Costa, Sunspot
Eden Fesi, Manifold
Tamara Devoux, Captain Universe
Isabel Kane, Smasher
Marcus Milton, Hyperion
Anna Marie, Rogue
Shiro Yoshida, Sunfire
Victor Mancha
Ex Nihilo
Adam, Nightmask
Kevin Connor, Star Brand
Alexis the Protector
Eric Brooks, Ronin aka Spider-Hero, Blade
Adam Brashear, Blue Marvel
Victor Alvarez, Power Man II
Ava Ayala, White Tiger
Honorary Members

Rick Jones
Mar-Vell, Captain Marvel (dead)
Robert L. Frank Sr., Whizzer (dead)
Moira Brandon (dead)
Rita DeMara, Yellowjacket
Phillip Jarvert, Swordsman
Marissa Darrow, Magdalene
Sharra Neramani, Deathcry aka Lifecry
Whitney Frost, Masque (dead)
Anthony Edward Stark, Iron Man (dead)
Sam Alexander, Nova

Guardians of the Galaxy

Nicholette Gold, Nikki
Stakar Ogord, Starhawk
Aleta Ogord
Vance Astrovik, Vance Astro

Young Avengers
Dorrek VIII, Hulkling
Kate Bishop, Hawkeye
Thomas Shepherd, Speed
William Kaplan, Wiccan

Avengers: Third Grade

Jeanne Foucault, Finesse
Jennifer Takeda, Hazmat
Ken Mack, Mettle
Humberto Lopez, Reptil
Brandon Sharpe, Striker
Julie Power, Lightspeed
Laura Kinney, X-23

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