Electromagnetic Induction

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·ns: The phenomenon ir1 which an emf and hence a current is induced in
Jed electromagnetic induction.
a· circuit by varying magnetic field is

-.2 Exper_iments of Far ada y and Hen ry

EMI? s
. Describe coil magn et exper imen t to demo nstrat e the phenomenon of N
ted coppe r
ns: The experimental arrangement consists of a coil made up of insula
d to and
ire and connected to a sensitive galvanometer G. A bar magnet is move
0 as shown in figure.

ome of the observations were made are as follows.

is produced in the galvanometer wher
• When the magnet is moved towards the coil, a momentary deflection
it is moved away; deflection is produced in the opposite direction.
• When the magnet is moved fast, more deflection is produced.
same ·direction with ·the same speed o
• When both the coil and magnet are stationary, or moving ·in ,the
moving perpendicular to each other, then.there are no deflections.
• The amou nt deflection increases if the number of turns in the coil
indµced in the coil due to relative motio
fhese results show that there ,will be an emf and hence a current is
Jetween magnet and coil.
J. Describe ·coil .... coil° experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of
<\ns: This experiment consists of two coils of insulated copper ~ire
y. and Primary Secondary
:lose to each other. One of them (called primary) is connected to a bat~er
1 press key and the -othe r (called secondary) is
connected to a sensitive
primary ~
galvanometer G. When the key is pressed and relative motion between
with K .
and secondary coil takes place. There is. change in magnetic flux linked
is seen in the galvanometer connected in t
the coil due to which ~ emf is develop and current is produced which
secondary coil.
duced current in it?
4. If the area of a coil kept in a magnetic field is changed, is there any·in
the coil. The current induced is ir
Aq~: Yes, by changing the are~ we change the magnetic flux linked with
direction to counteract this change in magnetic flux.

8tudenrs illuminator

x· . ·t
6 ·3 M a g n e ti c F lu
M tion its . .fi Jd jj and surface area A·

thr ou g h the surfa. ce? duen
ct of magnetic ie
5 What is ma gn etic fl ~
. rf. ce is the dot pro . .
• gn eti c flux thr ou gh a su a
· Ans: Ma
4'a=B·A . .
I ter square (T m) I ne surface and explam terms
a me
SI unit is weber (Wb) or tes .c flux through a p a ·
ma gn eti
6. Mention expression for
. - ~X
An s: '1, 8 · =~ · . A
"'B =BAcose
where jj = magnetic field
ii = area vector _
e = angle between B and A
gh a surface • maximum and ·minimum.
thr ou
7. When the magnetic flux
Ans: "'= BAcos0
· •
when 0 =0°, "' is maximum .
0 =90°, If, is minimum ections at
h ~a gn eti c
. fie,ld has different magnitude. s and dir
. of magneti·c fl' ux m · whic
8. Write the expression ' .(
va rio us pa rts of a su rfa ce .

Ans: "'B =B1.dA, +B2.dAz +

...... =_LB; .tft\

r or v~ctor?
9. Is magnetic flux sc ala
Ans: Magne~c flux is a scalar

F ar ad ay 's L a w s o f In d u c ti o n
6 .4 . . '

electromagnetic indu~ tion.

10. State Faraday's law of with the
equal tim
to_ e rate of-change of magnetic flux linked
uced emf in a circuit is
Ans: The magnitude of the ind

E =d"'B
dt ,.,
henc e the dir ection of induced current· in closed loop
emf an d
The -negative sign indicagn tes the di,_rection of induced
c fl~x. ·
opposite to change in ma ~ti
nds on
Not,e: The induced emf depe shell.
reases by inc rea sing nu mber of turns N of the closed
(i) number of turns in the
coil. Induced emf inc
(ii) · nature of the.n:iedium
gnet and the coil
(iii) proximity between the ma
(iv) magnetic field strength
· d d ·· · ~ •
ance of the co il wh er
pend on the resist s on the res istan ce.
The induced emf does not de e as m uce current depend
into the coil.
gth of induced em f is mo re if a soft iron core is inserted
The stren

-----------------_:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____
~S;tu~di;en;'st; ~illi;um;;,,in;at;o;,---- II PU Physics
~ 173
J. pete~ne the direction of induced current in t . . .
J p1agnetic field. . he loop given below if the loop moves out of the region of .
. oue to outward motion, the magnetic flu ·thr
i>:' kwise·direction so as 'to. oppose
· th ·
e flux.
x ough the loop decreases and the induced current flows in
electromagnetically ind d mf · •
J.2. Does the
. uce e m a coll depend on the resistance of the coil?
No induced emf does. not depend on the resistance ·f
• o the coll but the current depends of the resistance of the
coil. , ·
JJ. Give the mathemtical form of Faraday's law of' electromagnetic induction •
.4ns: Induced emf, I s I= NI d!s / ·
where N is the number of turns in the coil and cj> 8 is the magnetic flux linked with the _coil.

6.5 Lenz's Law and Conservation of Energy

14. State and explain Lenz law.
'1-»5=Lenz's law states that "The pol~~y of induced.emf is such that it tends to produce a current which opposes

~:::=:::n:::::::::~:~:urrent acoil flows always, in such ill

ction as to oppose the cause which produces i t " . 1=S---~-
•Ni GA. B

Janation: ,,
the figure, North Pole of a bar magnet is approaching the coil. As a result of this, induced current start~ flowing
the anti clock wise,, ·direction.·Due
to. this, fJJe
A behaves as north pole ·and hence the magnet.is
. '
repell~d. As the
gnet is moved away from the ·coil, induced current reverses its·direction and hence face A acts as south pole. The
. ', ' ,· ' . ' . .

gnet is now attracted by th~_'. coil. This way the bar magnet motion (both to and fro motion) is opposed by the
nificance:-Lenz's law verifies the law of conservation of energy to. give direction of emf.
Faraday's 2nd law can .be written as
N = number of turns in the coil. Negative sign indicates the direction of induced emf and hence the
ection of current.
dcp . , 1 . ,,
ote: E= -- 1s called "Neumann re ation .
dt ·
is law gives the direction of induced current. The direction of the induced energy is such that it opposes the
use which produces it.)
5. Lenz;l laws in accordance to principle of conservatio~ of energy. Explain?
: When the magnet is pushed towards the ~oil or pulled a~ay fro~ ffJ\
1e · coil, the galvanometer shows deflection momentanly. This
-1>/f . ~
tdicates electrical en~rgy is generated in the coil, this energy is
· .
:oduced at the expense of mechani~al energy according to aw o
l f
Fig. (1)
:5> Fig.(2)

inserv~tion of energy.
II PU Physic
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. ed ds the cou u1c 1.,u_. ....... ~ ~.. --- - - --- ~ - --~· L.IJ ""I
t is push towar .• . t-v e.
Suppose north pole of the magne ff thi induced current develops south pole, the magnet Wo lJ\
. ti 00 of the magnet. s .· uId~-
the coil, this opposes the mo . ki ti energy this ls against law of conservation of energy. VI!
attracted towards the coil and it would gam ne c ,
. h rth pole goes towards the coil it must develop north pole only .
.. wen no
, I . the consequence of the law of conservation of energy.
Hence Lenz s aw is . . • .
• dropped freely towards earth. Will any potential difference be indu
16. A wire pointing north - south IS ctd
acl"OS.! its ends?
•N · the wire is parallel to earth's magnetic field is no induced emf.
Ans . o, smce

6.6 Motional Electromotive· Force

17. What is motional emf?
Ans: The emf induced across the ends of a conductor due to its motion in a uniform magnetic field is called
motional emf.
18. Derive an expression for motional electromotive force (emf, e ).
Ans: When a straight conductor is moved a~ross a static magneµc field, an emf is induced across the ends of
conductor. This emf is known as "motional emf'.
~Ol}~ider a straight conductor MN of length I moved across ·a fixed magnetic field B with a speed of v. Let dx be the
dtstance traveled in dt second.
flux linked with the conductor ♦ =BAcos8

♦ =BAcos8 X MX X X ~ X

Change in the magnetic flux d♦ =-BAsin8 ... (1) • ,,,,'i

: X X X X X X

.dcp I :I
But E=-- : X X
X ,,,, X X X

dt ·•

(-BAsin8) I X

dt V
X N X X X X )(
E= ... (2)
Here A is the area covered by the conductor in dt second. It is given by,
· A=lxdx
.• B(lxdx)sin8
. E = _.;, _ __;;___

But dt = v :. E = Bvlsin 8

ff conductor moves perpendicular to field, then 8 = 900

: .' e=Bvl ·
Bvl is called motional emf

And if R is the resistance of the conductor, then ; = ~ = !!!!.!_

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II PU Physie
~ . .
11ie (lireCtion of mdu~ current in a straight conductor is given by Fleming's right hand rule or "Generator rule"•
ate method ·
~tem . . .
'J'be magnitude of the emf mduced m the conduction is given by

:.s =Blv

. Where v = dxdt , the velocity of conduction


What happens to the velocity of a conductor when it moves in a varying magnetic field?
~ : Decreases. Because eddy currents i~duced in the conductor ~amp the motion of the conductor.

6.7 Energy .Consideration- A Quantitative Study

20• Show that mech.anical energy needed to move the conductor is converted into electrical energy in the
uniform magnetic field. . . . ·
An5: Consider a straight c~nductor PQ moving in a uniform niagnc;tic field, inside a rectangular shaped conductor
MSRN. X . X X )( X X

From the fig PQRS forms a closed circuit enclosing an area which changes by p
gX ~ X X X X .
moving PQ. . - - - - - + + - - M _r

The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the,,system. Let RQ = x and
l xx X X X X lit---
RS = l. The current is given by,
x X X X X
6 Jl._____ -++-_--N
r ~X : XrQX X X

Sine~ the presence of magnetic field there .will be force on the arm· PQ, and this force is directed outwards, the
magnitude of the this force is;
F = B·Blv l
The power required to .pack the rod PQ inside the magnetic field with a constant speed Vis
p= . ...(1)
hut we know that, energy spent is now converted into joule's heat and is given by
Pow~r=l r= (Blv)
-r- ·r

B2 z2v 2 r

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... (2)
r .

from (1) and (2)

Thus mechanical energy needed to move the PQ is conv erte d into elec trica l ener gy furt her
arm to then nal energ
· . Y.
21. Establish the relation between e1ectr1c
· charge and·magnetic flux.
Ans: We have emf E = Ir r ➔ resistance
Acl>B AQ
By Faraday's law E= Tr and / = At

Acl>s = AQ x r
J1( J1(
Acj> 8 = AQx r
Changing the magnetic flux = electric charge
x resistance.

6.8 Ed dy Cu rre nt s
22. What is Eddy current or Foucault current?
Ans: The currents that are induced in a thic .
k conductor when it is placed in a vary ing
magnetic flux linked with the conductor chan mag neti c field or when th
ges are called Edd y currents .
These were discovered _by FOUCAULT in 1895
. Th~refore they are ,also kno wn as Fou cau lt's
curr ents .
The eddy current is due to low resistance of
the conductor. Hence·its mag nitu de is larg e.
minimized by in~reasmg the ·resistance of the The Edd y c~rr ent can t
conductor. This can be achi~ved by lam inat
ing the con duc tor.
23. Mention the applications of Eddy currents
Ans: Eddy currents find applications in

(a) Speedometer
(b) Induction furnace
(c) Braking system in electric trains
(d) Dead beat galvanometer (Electromagneti
c damping)
(e) Localized heating of tissues of the human
bod y (Inductotherapy)
24. What is the principle behind induction furn
Ans: Eddy currents. In an induction furnace, high
frequency AC is pass ed thro ugh a coil whi
to be melted. The eddy currents prod uced in ch surr oun ds the met
the metal heats it to high tem pera ture and mel
ts it.
25. What is electromagnetic damping?
Ans: The. opposition offered to the .metal plat
e which is oscillating betw een pole piec es
electromagnetic damping. Or of a mag net is call1
The opposition offered by eddy currents
electromagnetic damping. It is cau~ed due to
eddy currents.
to the mot ion of a cond~ctor is call1
26. Mention a disadvantage of eddy currents
Ans: Due to eddy current, the heat is produced
in the conductor, that results in loss of ener
27. How the eddy current can be minimised?
Ans: It can be minimised by slicing the conducto
current decreases. r into pieces and lam inat ing them so that the
· area for circulati1

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·•ith publications 177
. What is self b1ductance?
28 ·1
· d d· · • .
. non in which emf·is 10 _uce m a smgle isolated coil due to the change of flux through the c01
AJ1S·. 'fhe phenome
bY m,eans of varymg the current through same coil is called self inductance.
z9. WhYeddy currents are undesira ble in the metallic cores of the transform er?
Ans: Eddy currents are unde•sirable since they heat up the core and dissipate electrical energy in the form of beat.
a rotating shiny metallic disc is seen. Why it rotates?
3o. In the domestic electric power meters
'fhe shiny metal disc in the power meter rotates due to ·the eddy currents. Electric currents are induced in the disc
by the magnetic fields produced by sinusoidally varying currents in the coil.

6.9· Induc tance

or vector?
31, Is inductance scalar
ADS: Inductance is a scalar quantity.
32. What is the SI lllllt of inductan ce? 1

Ans: henry (H)

33. Write the dimensions of indµctance.
Ans: [ML2r2A-2]

34. What is self induction?

Ans: The phenomenon of inducing of an emf in a coil due to the rate of change of current in the same coil is known
as self induction.
35. Explain self induction.
Ans: The phenomenon in which an emf is induced in a. coil due to the change of current through the same coil
known as self induction.
The emf induced in a coil and the rate of change of current through it are directly proportional to each other.
e is
di . . di
the induced emf and - 1s the rate of change of current, then e a - -
~ ~

· di
e=-L -
. dt

Where L is a constant called ~•coefficient of self induction" or self inductance.

36. Define one henry of self inductance coil.
rate of
Self inductance of a coil is said to be lH if 1 volt of emf is induced in a coil when current changes at the
1 Ns in the same coil.
37. Derive an expressio n for the self inductan ce of a long solenoid.
Ans: Consider a solenoid as length _l and area of cross sectional area A.
The magnetic field due to a current I in the solenoid is given by
B =µ 0nl
but N = nl
and total magnetic flux linked with a solenoid is
cj> =NAB

cj> = (nl)A(µ 0n/)

11 PU Physic~
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II 4,=ll
We know that
U =µ0 n 2 All
38. Why self inductance is also called the inertia of electricity? ·
Ans: Self inductance slows down (oppose) any change of current through it. That's why it is called as inenia of
39. What are the factors on -w hich self inductance of a coil depends.
I Ans: Self inductance ofa coil depends on (1) its length (2) number of turns (3) area of cross section
(4) permeability of the material of its core.

40. What happens to self-induct ance of a coil if a ferromagn etic material is inserted inside the coil?
Self-inductance of the coil increases.
41. What is back emf?
Ans: The emf induced in a coil which opposes the rise of current through a coil is called back ~mf.

42. How does self inductance of coil very with number of turns per unit length?
Ans: Directly proportional to square of number of turns per unit length.
43. A wheel with 10 metallic_spokes each 0.5 m long is rotated with a speed of 120 revolution s per minute in
a plane normai to the horizontal componen t of ea~h's magnetic field 0.4 x 10-4 T; What is the induced
emf between the axle and the rim of the wheel?
Ans: e = .!. Blfro = .!. x 0.4 x 104 x 0.25 x
= 6.25 x 10-5 V
2 . 2
44. The magnetic flux linked with a coil changes from 12 x 10-3 Wb (Tm2) to 6 x 10- Wb in 0.01 second.
CalcuJate the induced emf in the coil.
Ans: e=- dcl>., = (6-12)10-3 6x10-3 0.6 V
dt 0.01 0.01

45. What happens to the self-induct ion of a coil if a soft iron rod is jnserted into it?
Ans: Increases. Since iron has large permeability, the inductance increases.

46. What is mutual induction?

Ans: The phenomeno n of inducing of emf in one ceil due to the change of current in the neighbouri ng coil is called
mutual induction.
47. Define m~tual inductanc e for a pair of coils.
Ans •. di
eoc- 1"f di= I A s-I
dt dt
e=M- then M =e
Mutual inductance for the given pair of coils is equal to the emf induced in secondary coil when the current
changes or incre&ie in the primary coil at the rate of lAs- (ampere per second).
48. Mention the unit of mutual inductance .
Ans: Its SI unit is henry (H)

49. Derive an expression for the mutual inductanc e of two long co-axial solenoids.
Ans: Let two long solenoids SI and S2 of same length l. Let S2 surrounds S I as shown in figure.
Student's i/luminator II PU Physic!
~ .
ugh S
, ,.t I, be the varying CWTent thro 1, ma gne tic flux cf> _
• 2 - M2i f1 ... (1)
of S
]Jere M2, = mu tua l md uct anc e 2 W.r .t. S1
W ent I • S ·
"""e magne tic fiel d due to cun l 10 I
Bi -::; /Jo"ifi ... (2)
]Jagnetic flux linked wit h S2 is
12-::; N2B,nr, ... (3)

i from (1) (2) and (3)
1,12,J, == ( n2')(µ0 n, I, .hrr,
!,lz, == /Jo"i!izlTCr,2 . .
siJniJarly ,, = M, 2 12
t 1 in s2 is
The magnetic field due to the cur ren 2
B2 =1-'0"212
. 2
q,, = N,B21t'i I
N,= n,, ·l
M12 I2 =(n,,l)(µ 0 flil2)1t1/
M,2 = µon,,11iln'i2
M21 =M,2 =M
/M = µoµ,lii~htlj ]

• Arrive at e =-M ( !•) wh en , the symbols haVe their

usual meaning.

to the curreiit / in another

magnetic flux +. in one ~i i of N turns is directly proportional
ii. ' We !mow that the

N,♦, oc/2
N, ♦1 =M /2 .
uction for pair of coils
where M = c~efficient of mutual ind
. d(N."' )
. of EMI, we can write £ =- ,,,,
ram Faraday's law dt
e= -- (M l)

/s=-M(: 2

po ses the rate of change of current

!gative sign signifies 'that emf is op
in an inductor (coil).
· Derive an expression for energy stored uctance opposes the growth of the current Hence, som,
l, the self - ind
s: Whenever current flows through a coi current.
in establishing the
·k bas to be done by external ag~ncies
di '
is the induced emf then, e = -L -
of the coil The small amount of wor:
coil or coefficient of self induction
re L is called self inductance of the
rk done is given by
dW in a time interval dt, the rate of wo

,, ..... II PU Physi
.!!:~ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ' 4
_!1 80 __ __ __ _E_le_ct_ro_m....::agner
~ ti.,
dW == Isl!
dW == L di .I
dt dt
dW == LI di
dt dt
The total amount of work done in establishing the current
I is given by

I W= fdW= fudl

II Thus, the energy required to build up the current I is given


W=_!_U 2
This work done is stored as magnetic potential energy in
the coil.
Energy stored in the coil E =..!.. U 2
Hence, quantitatively, the energy stored in an inductor is
E =.!.. U 2

6.1 A.C Ge ner ato r

52. Wha t is an AC gene rator ? Wha t is the principle behin
d it?
Ans: It is a device which converts mechanical energy into
electrical energy.
It is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
53. Describe the principle · and working of a gene
rator Axis of rotation
(Expression of AC voltage)
Ans: Generator is a device which converts mechanical energ
y into
electrical energy. It consists of a coil (rectangular) PQRS
with an angular veloc ity co between two pole piece s
as show n in
fig. The induced emf is collected across the load resist or
Let n be the number.of turns and A be the area of the coil.
B is the
strength of the magnetic field. 0 is the angle between lines
of force
and normal drawn to the surface of the coil.
As the coil rotates, the flux linke d with the coil chang es
and hence 0
emf is induc ed. It is calculated as follow s. v
Alternating emf
Magn etic flux is given by $ = NBA cos 0
Acco rding to Farad ay's law.
dt Nonna
, )
E = - -(NB A cos 0)

Put 0 = wt d
1:: = -NBA - (cos {i)f)
E = -NBA (- sin wt) w
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• h t"UIJ"v - •• - .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___!1~81
e = (NBA m) sin mt
Let E = V, and NBAm == V.

V ~ V'" sin rot

. 1.s the expression for induced emf A h
J11s • grap of 'V' versus 't' · ·h .
· cuit is is s own m figure. The current through external
I= V = V'" sin rot
R· R
⇒ I = I,,. V sin rot where / =--'!!..
'" R
e Vrn is calle,d voltage amplitude ~r peak voltage 1 . d · .
JIer . m Is ca 11 e current amplitude or peak current
Stafel Stqe2 .
The plane of Wben the annatun, . 8tapS
the anna.ture la rotatea th.rough 90• S::ure
perpen.dicu]ar the plane of the a. State& .

l II :-w
to the magnc:tic armature la Plllllllel t rotation o( 8ta&e4 Armature after
fleld magnetic field o UIO" Armature after rotating through


iRrotation of 360•

., / /2 &)
i.•.-.:.~. A~ P

. t ';:
I . ~=};. f =:~?
/7,81//"";'s7::. ....
~-;,- ..

BS :·
;;:. /gl IJ t'
· if:
~ R
210• Ii I
==~ -: :-: - .; ;
r% 'L/:-· '"'I L ~.· :"""'"
n ·A
•.-. .,_. Ap J

f ~ V-f ~~: ;&~· ·~~:"


Induced ; : : !
eme ~ ! .: I
·-·--- o.;. __oo_• ~-- -- - ~ - 210_:_) 360" ! timi: .~
'' '
I ; 1•
' l 7 ;
¼ ½

umerical Problems
4. The electric. current in a circuit varies from
. +2A to -2A in a time interval of 10-2 s. Another coil of
resistance 20 n and inductance 2H is placed near it. Find the induced current in the second coil.
E=-M.- ·

=-2x (-2 - 2) =800 V


Induced current e =~ =BOO =40A

R 20
_ss. The magnetic flux linked WJth .a coil varies as cl> = 3t2 + 4t + 9. What is the magnitude of the emf induced
at t =2 seconds . .
. . d~
~ns: From the law of electromagnetic induction, lei= -dt
= _.!!_(3t 2 + 4t + 9)

------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---~ll~P~U~P~h~y;si~cs
I.Jdenrs illuminator
~ ~Cli. I
182 ~ --
When t=2s, E=-(6x2+ 4 )
IEl=16 V
. 0 A . 0 1 s If an average .emf of. 200 V is induced, estimate the i
56. Current in a circuit falls form SA to m · ·· se11
inductance of the circuit.
Ans: Given, di= SA, dt = 0.1 s, E = 200 V

We have, s=LI:, I
,200 = L(~) ⇒ 200 = L50
0· 1

57. Current in a circuit falls from 5.0 A to 0.0 A in 0.1 s. If average emf of ~9~ V i nd uced, give an estimate of
the self-inductance of the circuit. . ·
Change fo current, di= 12 - / = S •0 A - 0 •0 A= SA, time, dt = 0. I s, average emf,
E= 200 V.
Ans: We know that L - - -
Self inductance, L= 200V =20Vs=4:H
0·1 s · ·

· 58. A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductance of l.5 H. If the current in one coil changes from
0 to 20 A in 0.5 s, what is the change of flux linkage with the other coil?·
Mutual inductance, M = 1.5 H, change in current, di ~ 20 A - 0A 20 A, time, dt 0.5 s. =
Ans: Magnetic flux, ~8 = MI or d~ 8 = M -d/
d~B =(1 · S H) (20 A)= 30 H
59. What is the self inductance of a solenoid of length 0.4 m area of cross section 20 x 10-4 m2 and total
number of turns equal to 800?
Ans: Given, l::; 0.4 m, A = 20 x 10-4·m 2, N = 800
The number of turns per unit length
n = N = 800-= 8000 = 2000
I 0·4 4
The self inductance of the solenoid is given by
=4x3-14xl0-7 x(2000)2 x20x10-4 x0 -4
L=4 ·02 mH

60. A circular coil of wire is ·placed with its plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of SO mT. If the
radius of the loop starts shrinking at a constant rate of 6 mm per second calculate the emf induced in the
loop at an instant when the radius of the loop is 5 cm.
Ans: B =SO mT =S x 10-3 T

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. h 1-'ULJII"~ .. - · ·
Rate of changer radius of loop = dr
=6mms-• =6x 10- 3
ms- 1

Formula used ~ = BA where A = 1tr2

\ :. e= d~ ⇒ e=21trBdr
I dt dt
Also given radius of loop = 5 X 10-2 m
:. e =2 X 7t X 5 X 10-2 X 5 X 10-2 X 6 X 10-3
=300nx 10-1 =94 •28x 10-6 V
:. Ie = 94 · 3 µ V j
A circular coil of 100 turns, 0.2 m radius has a resistance of 100 n is held at right angles to a uniform
' magnetic field of 2T. It is then turned
through 45° about an axis at right angles to the field. Calculate ·the
charge induced in the coil.
Ans: N = 100 turns, r = 0.2 m, R = 100 n, B = 2T, 81 = 0° and 82 = 45°
. d~
Emf induced in 1 secon~ e := dt

= ~1-~2
_ NAB cos ~I - NAB cos ~2
_ NAB(cos~ 1 -cos~ 2 )
l00x (nx0.22 )x 2(cos0-cos45°)
e =7.362 V
. e 7.362 •
Induced current i=-=--=7. 63 2xl0-2 A
R 100
Charge induced in the coil in 1 second
q =it= 7.362x 10-z X 1= 73.62x 10- C = 73,62 mC

62. A solenoid of radius 2.5 cm, length 0.5 m has 500 turns per centimeter. If a current of lA is set up in the
solenoid calculate the magnetic flux through the solenoid.
r = 2.5 x 10- m, L = 0.5 m, ~ ·= 10-2 tums/m = 5 x 10 turns/m
2 500 4

B = µ0nl = 41txlo-7 x5xl04 xl
Magnetic flux through the solenoid.
~b = BAcos, = B(1tr 2 )cos8
= 0.06284 X (1tr 2 ) COS 0

studenrs illuminator
II PU Physics
~~i____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___E_le_ct_ro_m..:.:a:.!!.'~cu,·
..gnetic 1
= o.06284 x 1t x (2.5 x 10- )2 x cos e

8 = 0.1234xl0 -3 Wb
· · ·
63. A coil of 50 turns is linked by a magnetic flux of 10 m Wb · if this flux is reversed in a. time of 2 lli1,
Calculate the average emf induced in the coil.
Ans: Initial magnetic flux, ~1 = 1Om Wb
I Final magnetic flux, ~
2 =-lOm Wb

l1 Change in magnetic flux, d~ = ~2 -<!>1
=-20m Wb
=-20xl0-3 Wb
Time taken for the change, dt =2ms =2x 10- s 3

Induced emf, e=-Nd~

. dt
~-S0x (-20x 10-
e =500 y.

64. A circular coil of radius 10 cm and 25 turns is rotated, about its vertical diameter with an angular speed
of 40 rad s-1, in a unj.form horizontal magnetic field of magnitude .5 x 10-2 T. Calculate the emf ~duced
in the coil. Also fmd the current in the coil if the resistance of the coil is 15 n.
Ans: Emf induced in the coil = E = nABrosin(rot)
Area= 1tr 2 ·
Substitution E = (25 x 3 -14x IOxlo-2 x I Ox 10-2 x5 x 10-2 x 40)sin(40t )
Induced emf Eins, = 1-57 sin(40t)V OR Emax = 1: 57 V

Current f;n,.1 =0•1047 sin 10t A OR lmv. =0 :1047 A
{Note: since it is not mention~d either instantaneous or maximum or average value of induced emf
in the question, if a student calculates by mentioning any ..of the above values marks can be
awarded, also for the other values of 0 = rot}

65. A jet plane is travelling west at the speed of 1800 kmph, what is the potential difference developed
between the ends of the wing ·2sm long, if the earth's magnetic field at the location has· a· magnitude of
50 x 10--4 T and the dip angle is· 30°?
Ans: Given: V = 1800 kmph =500 ms- 1, l =25 m, BE= 50x 10--4 T, 9 = 30°
The (induced emf) motional emf is given by
E = Blv = B)v = (BE sin 0)/v
=50x 10--4 X sin30° X 25 X 500
E=31·25 V

66. A conductor of length 3m moving in a uniform magnetic field of strength 100 T. It covers a ·distance of
70 m in 5 sec. Its plane of motion makes an angle of 30° with direction of magnetic field. Calculate the
emf induced in it.
Ans: L=3m

Studenrs illuminator 11 PU Physics

- - - - - - - -~
publi cati~ on;s- ------ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~
~ s:::::lOOT

E::::: Blv sin0 V=-= 14 m/s
-100x 3x 14x-
- 2

wire 10 m long extend' f
~1- ~l horizon • t tal component of thmg rom east to west is faIii ng with a speed of 5 ms-• at right
tal straigh
lcs to the tic tlcld 0 3
e earth's magne _..
an g I x 10 wbm-2. What is the
. ?
·nstantaneous va ue of the_ emf induced in the wire. •
1 1
Ans: Given,/= 10 m, v = 5 ms , BH = 0.3 x 10-4 wbm-2
. vc the motional emf
we ha ' E=Blv
=0)xl0- -4 x 10,:< 5
E = 1· 5 X 10- V

100 turns.i
_ s rotat'
. · a unifiorm magne. tic
mg m · with the
. field 0.003T
8· A. rectangular coil 0.2 m x 0.1. m having
frequency of llOO ~m about an axis normal to the magnetic field. Calculate the
(a) maxinuun val~e of mduced emf,
(b) instantaneous emf when plane of the coil is perpendicular to the magne
tic field and

(c) instantaneous emf when plane of the coil is makin·g an angle of 30°
with the magnetic fi~ld.
2 12
Ans: Given: A= (O· 2x0 · l)m ,n =100, B =O-003 T, v .= 1200
rpm= 00 = 20 rps
. · 60

Toe emf induced, E =nABrosin rot

Here, rot= 0 and ro =, 2rt/ =2rt x 20 =40rt rps
0- angle between nonnal to the plane of the coil _and magnetic field.
(a) When 0 = 90°, the induced emf is m~mu m and is given by
E =nABro = IOOx (0 · 2x 0·l)x 0 · 003>< 40x 3 •14 = 0· 75 V

1 (b) When 0 = 0°,"the emf inpuced is e = 0

(c) When 0 = (90 - 30) = 60°, ·the induced emf is
. ✓3
·E e =0
sin 60° 0 · 75=x - = 0 · 65 V
of sides 8 CID and 2 cm with a small cut is moving out of a region of uniform
69, A rectangular .wire loop ed across the cut
magnetic field of magnitude 0.3 T directed normal to the loop. What is the emf develop
I f •

shorter side of the

[ the velocity of the loop. isl cm s' in a direction normal to the (a) longer side, (b)
loop? For how long does the induced voltage last in each case? 2

Ans: Length of loop, z = 8 cm = 8 x 10-2 m, breadth of loop, b = 2 cm = 2 x 10- m, magnetic field, B = 0.3 T,

velocity, v = 1 emfs::;: 10-2 mis.

(a) Let the magnetic field be perpendicular to the plane of the paper directed inwards.
Magnitude of induced emf 1s given by E = Blv
E = 0 •3x 8 x 10- x 10- = 2.4 x 10-4 V
lime fi . . . . al t th time taken by the coil to move outside the field is
or which mduced em/wi ll last 1s equ
e ·

---------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -~ ~~
Stude , .
II PU Physics

nt S 1//11m;n,,, ,..,
Distance travelled b - 2 X 10- == 2 s
t=------=-- -2
Velocity v 10 _2
(b) The conductor is moving outside the field normal to the shorter side (b = 2 x 10 m).
Magnitude of induced emf, E = Blv
E = o. 3 x 2 x 10-2 x 10-2 = o.6 x 10--4 v
Time , t = distance travelled = 8 x l~- = s
velocity 10
id with 15 turns per cm has a small loop Of area 2·o cm placed inside the solenoid n0
70. A long soleno
. rrna1
to its axis. If the current carried by the solenoid changes steadily 2 4
from ,0 A to .o A m O.l s, what is the
induced emf in the loop while the current is changing?
. .
Ans: Number of turns/ umt· length, n =15, area of the loop, A =2•o cm 2 - 2 x 10--4 m2 change m current,
- ' .
d/=/ 2 - /1 =4-2 =2A , time, dt=O -ls.
Magnetic field associated with current, B = µ nl .

According to Faraday's law,

d~ d d
E = - - =--(B A)= ~-(µ n/A) = -µ .nA-
dt dt dt 0
:. Induced emf, E=41tx l0-7 x15.x 2xl0- 4(_!_1=7 ·54x 10-s V
0 -1)
71. A 1.0 m long metallic rod is rotated with an angular frequ
ency of 400 rad s-1 about an axis normal to the
rod passing through its one end. The other end•of the rod is in
contact with a circular metallic ring. A
consta nt ;and u~or m magnetic field of 0.5 T parallel to the
axis exists everywhere. Calculate the emj
developed between the centre and the ring.
Ans: Length of the rod, l = 1.0 m, angular frequency, ro =400 rad/s,
and magnetic field, B == 0.5 T
Linear velocity of the one end of rod = 0
Linear velocity of other end of rod = /ro

Average linear velocity, 0+lro lro

v =- - =-
2 2

Induced emf, E= Blv = Bl •lro = B/2ro

2 2
E= 0 · 5 x (1)2 x 400 = 100 V
72. A horizontal straight wire 10 m long extending from east to
west is falling with a speed of 5.0 m s-1, at
right angles to the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field,
0.30 x to--4 · Wb m-2•
(a) What is the instantaneous value of the em/induced in the wire?
(b) What is the direction of the emf!
(c) Which end of the wire is at the higher electrical potential?
Ans: Data: ·Length of straight wire, i =10 m, speed, v =5.0 ~ - 1, angle,
e =90° and magnetic field
B = 0.30 x 10-4 Wb m-2 •
(a) Instantaneous emf, E = Blv sine= Blv x sin 90° = Blv

E=0 ·30xlff'"'x10x5=1 •5xl0 -3 V = LS moving

Student's il/uminator
11 PU PhysicS
~ :::::;;::~:=:=~----
.1h publications
-______________ __ d .
According to Fle mi ng 's rig ht han ru1e, the due cti on of th . d t
her I . e ID uced em f is from west to eas ·
West end of the wir e is at hig
• e ect nc potential. '
en t coi ls ha s mu tua l · d If th m O to 20 A
J\ pair of ad jac m uct anc e of I S H . e cu rre nt in one coil changes fro
'• lux lin k . ·
in 0.5 s. Wh at is the ch an ge inf •~ ll i~ ~ u ro ~•
as: Given, M ~ 1.5 H, di= 2OA, dt = o.s 8
·e have, &=M(:,) ... (])
and E = dct, ... (2)
"Om equations ( 1) and (2) we get
d 4> =,Md/ = 1 · 5 x 20
dct, =30 Wb
in g thr ou gh a c~i l of ind uct anc e 500 mH , Fi nd th e ma gn eti c ene rgy sto red in
1. A cur ren t of 20 mA is .P~ ..
. d, fin d the ne w val ue of ene rgy
the coil. H the cu rre nt IS ha lve
= 50 0 mH = 50 0 x 10- H.
3 3
ns: Gi ven :/= 20 mA = 20 x 10 - A, L
l (initially) is
ie magnetic energy stored in the coi
u =2!u

1 0 · 5 X (0 · 02)
= iX

U 1 =1 00 x1 0-6 J

en the current is ha lve d (I, 1J. ·

= the new magnetic energy u; is

U2 =].2_L/2

=-1 . - )
'- ·02
X0 •5 x (0
1 2
=-x O- 5x (O ·O 1)2
2 2

= 0· 25x10-4
U2 = 25 X 1Q-6 J ·
axis of
ha s a sm all loo p of are a 2.0 cm3 . placed inside, no rm al to the
.pe r cm
S. A long solenoid wi th 15 tur ns ng es steadily from 2 A to 4 A in 0.1
s, wh at is the
rrie d by the sol eno id cha
the solenoid.· If the cu rre nt ca•
ile the cu rre nt is changing?
induced voltage in the loop, wh
z = 2 x 10-4 m2
. N cm = 15 00 turns/me tre, A= 2 cm
lns: GIVen, - l = 15 tur ns / .

di = 4- 2 = 20 As -I.
dt O· l

II PU Physics
Induced emf
d( N)
s= d~ =!!_ (BA )=A dt µo il =Aµo
(N) dl
l . dt
~ ~
= ( 2 X 10-4) X 41t X 10- X
is· oo xzo - 7.sx Io ~ v .
- . .

. b tits verti cal diam eter WJth an angu lar speed
76. A circular coil of radius 8.0 cm an d 20 t u rns rotates a ou .
. d x 10-z T. Obt ain the max unum , and ave I
-1 • • •
50 s m a uniform horazontal magne ic r field of mag mtu e 3
vat ta~
. ta Oce 10 g calc ulate the max imum
emf induced in the coil. H the coil forms a closed loop
of resis t· ' . Ue 1
curr ent in the coil. Calculate the average pow~~ Ioss_due to Joul e hea mg.
_2 = 10 g .
Ans: Given, r = 8 cm= 8 x 10-2 rn, N = 20, ro = 50 s , B
= 3 x 10 T, R
We have, 2
E = NAB ro = N(1tr )Bro

E ::c 20 X 22 X (8 X 10..: 2 ) 2 X 3 X 10-2 X 50 = 0 . 603 V

0 7
Average _value of emf induced over a full cycle, Eav =0
. 0-60 3
Maximum current, /
0 =iE
= - - 0 · 0603 A
R 10
E / . 0·60 3x0• 0603
Power dissi pated = _Q__Q_ - - - - - O· 018 W
2 2
. . ..
77. A solenoid of length 50 cm with 20 turns per cm
and area of cross-section 40 cm2 com plet ely surro
another co-axial solenoid of the same length~ area of unc
cross section 25 cm2 with 25 turn s per cm. Calc
the mutual inductance of the system. ulal
Ans: Given, length of each -solenoid, l = 50 cm= 0: Sm
No. of turns of outer solenoid,
n 1 = 20 turns per cm = 20 x 100 cm per unit lengt
n1 = 2000
Area of cross section of outer solenoid,
A =40 cm 2 =40x10--4m 2
No. of turns of inner solenoid,
n2 = 25 turns per cm = 25 x 10_0 cm per unit length
n2 = 2500
Area of cross section of inner solenoid
. '
A2 = 25 cm2 = 25 x 10-4 m 2
The mutual induc tance is given by,
M.= µofii n2Ai l
= 41t xl o-1 x 2000 x250 0x25 xl0- 4 x0-5
= 7- 84 x 10-3 H .
M =7 •84 mH
Note: In the case of two solenoids with u
1s to be taken and area of cross section of•nequ al 1engths and area of .
al th . cros s secti .
1 ons the leng th f 1 1
o onge r so enot'd·(O
mner so eno1d (A ) is to b talc '
equ 1eng · 2
e . en. Here , how ever the two solenoids have

Stude nt's i/luminator

:1UV•_: _:.. ·--- ~--- ---- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ IUV

~ •
. Jar coil of radius 8.0 cm and 20 turns 18 rotated about its vertical diameter with an angular speed
f. c1rcu -I • uniform h .
0 8 T. Obtain the maximum and
of50 rad sif~ duced in th o:;z;; tal m~gnetic field of magnitude 3.0 x 10-2
verage em JD t . th e_cloC.
e coll forms a closed-loop of resistance 10 n, calculate the maximum
9 f curren m e co1 . alculate the 8 verage power loss due to Joule heating. Where does this
value O ?
come from. •
power -2

. r :: 8.0 cm. = 8 x 10 m, number of turns • N -- 20 turns, angular speed, c.o = 50 rad / s, magnetic field,
_ x 10-2 T, resistance R = 10 n.
B- 3 .
. (a) Magnetic flux throug h each tum is
f.PS• __
2 2
~B = B· A= BAcos e = B1tr cose = B1tr cosc.ot

for Nturns,
d(N~B) d 2
· 2
Induced emf, & = d = -(NB 1tr cosc.ot) = NA1tr c.osinc.ot
t dt

Maximum emf,
= 20x3 xl0- x3 :14x (8x10- )2 x50= 0.603 V
2 2

Average emf ov_er a cycle ;;: 0

. &o 0·603 V
t, / = -. = · = 0.0603 A
(b) Maxunum curren 0 ·R 100

(c) Average power loss due to heating is

· 1 1 . .
P=-& 0 0 =...:.x 0•603 x0-06 03= 0.018 W
2 2

(b) The induced ·cu~ent causes a restoring torque in the coil. An extern
al source is responsible for the supply of
torque. So we can say tharsource of this power is the external l,'~tor.
energy for this
~. Aconducting wire of .200 turns is wound over and near the centre
of a solenoid of 100 cm length and
2cm radius having 600 turns. Calc~ a~ the mutual inductance of the
two coils.

.ns: Formula used M

- -2
N 1 = 600, N 2 = 200, l = 1 m, r = 2 x 10 m
A= 1tr
3 2
= 3 · 14x4 x 10-4 = 1-256 x10- m
M =41txI0-'-7 x600 x200 xl•25 6xl0-
=189 3-04x l0-
M == 18 ·93xl 0- H
30 cm, area of cross- sectio n 25 cm and numb er of turns 500 carrie s a
:o, An air cored soleno id with length 3
switch ed off in a brief time of 10- s. How much is the avera ge
current of i.5 A. The current is sudde nly
e the variat ion in magn etic field
hack emf induced across the ends of the open switch in the circuit? Ignor
near the ends of the solenoid.
P:- -~
ltudenr · ---- -.:- -.:- ---- ---- ---- ---- :--- ---- ---- :11 -=P ~U :--: hysics
Ans: Given, l =30 cm = 30 x 10- m, A =25 cm
2 2
=25 x 10-4 m , N = 500,
11 =2·5 A, / 2 =0, dt=l0 - s

d~ (dB)A · (N)
We have, E=-=----
dt dt

I( di= II - /2 = 2' 5 A)
l ·dt .
E= 41txl0- ?x (500) x2•5x 25xl0 -4 = 6 •5 V
30xl0 -2 10-
but the electromagnet that produces the
· 81. A re~tangular loop of sides s cm and 2 cm is stationary,
its initial value of 0.3 T at the rate of
magnetic field is gradually reduced so that the flea decreases from
much powe r is dissipated by the loop
0.02 Tis. H the cut is join~d aria loop has a resistance of 1.6 n, how
as heat? -What is the source of this power?
2 1
Ans: Given, dB =0·02 Ts-
A~8x 2=16 cm2 =16xl 0-4m '• ·dt

Induced emf, E= d' = A dB =16x10-4 x0•02 =0·32 xlff-4 V

dt dt
-of emf induc ed in a coil of 100 turns and area 0.2 m where magnetic fie!
82. Find the magnitude 2
perpendicular to the plane of the coil changes from 0.1 Wb m- to
0.5 Wb m- at a unifo rm rate over
gh th~ coil.
_period ~f 0.0S s._Hthe resistance of the coil is 160 Q, fmd current throu
Ans:_ Initial flux q>1 =B1A=0• 1x0 •2~0- 02 Wb,N = 100

Find flux 4>2 = B2_A= 0·5X 0·2= O"·l Wb

Nq, 2 -Net, . E
Formula used e= and / =-
dt R
e N(q,2 -q,1) 100(0 ·1-0·0 2) lOOx0-08
dt 0 · 05 0-05
e=l6 0 y :

Now, I= E ~ 160 =1 A
R 160

11 PU Phl
Student's illuminator

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