Infant and Toddler Guide

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By: Destiny Winn
September 19 th , 2021
How to Clean, Sanitize, and Store
Infant Feeding Items:

1. Wash hands with soap about 20 seconds. Physical Activities to

2. Take apart the bottle. Separate all the parts like
nipples and rings.
do daily with your
3. Rinse the bottle parts by holding them under children:
running water. Do not set them in the sink.
4. Wash all feeding items in a separate container
used only to clean infant feeding items. Fill
container with hot water and add soap. Scrub
items using a clean brush. Squeeze water through
nipple holes to ensure they are clean.
5. Rinse again by holding items under fresh running
6. Allow to air dry. Place bottles and parts on a dish
towel or paper towel. Do not use dish towels to
rub or pat dry because doing so may transfer
7. Clean wash container and bottle brush with
warm water and soap. Allow them to air dry as

Immunization Schedule from Birth

Top 10 Important things to lock up:
A baby first aid kit needs to
1. Cleaning products such as dishwashing liquid,
toilet bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, furniture
be prepared differently
polish, bleach, and laundry detergents. than an adult first aid kit. Here
2. Personal hygiene products such as cosmetics, are some items to consider:
nail polish removers, mouthwash, aftershave,
cologne, and perfume.
3. Automotive supplies such as gasoline, • Infant toothbrush
antifreeze, engine oil, and windshield wiper • Baby nail clippers
fluid. • Blunt scissors
4. Gardening chemicals including fertilizer, • Cotton balls (don’t use swabs to
insecticides, and pesticides. clean baby’s nose or ears)
5. Medicinal items including prescription • Baby brush or comb
medicine, over-the-counter medicine, • Baby thermometer
vitamins, and supplements.
• Medicine dropper
6. Pantry items like spices, baking supplies, and
glass bottles and jars. • Bulb syringe/ nasal aspirator
7. Small items that can become a choking why you need child proof cabinet locks: • Petroleum jelly and sterile gauze
hazard like buttons, coins, batteries, and Adding a safety lock to cabinets, drawers, and (for circumcision care)
jewelry. appliances can help prevent your curious child from • Saline nasal drops (AAP-approved
8. Cords such as charging cables or extension
grabbing or doing something dangerous or making a in place of cough and cold
cords, or appliances with cords, such as a medicine)
hairdryer or vacuum cleaner. mess of something important you have tucked away.
• Baby gas drops (AAP-approved
9. Sharp or breakable items like knives, razor Simethicone)
blades, scissors, nail clippers, glassware, and You’ll want to install these locks on low cabinets that your
child could reach in your home, including any in the • Infant Acetaminophen (brand
10. Important items like your personal documents kitchen, bathroom, living room, laundry/utility room, name Tylenol, safe after 12 weeks)
and valuables like jewelry. basement, and garage. • Antibiotic cream (safe for ages 2+)
Read food labels
Teach your child about nutrition by
looking at the food labels for their
favorite packaged snacks. You can
focus on a few important parts of the
label, such as the amount of sugar,
saturated fat, calories and serving size. If
there is more than one ingredient in a
food, it must have the ingredients listed in
descending order by amount. If sugar is
the first ingredient listed, that snack is
made up of more sugar than any other
ingredient. Eat breakfast
Eating a balanced breakfast with protein
is a good way for your child to start the
day. Try:

• Hard-boiled eggs, toast and an

• Almond butter on whole-grain toast
• Greek yogurt
Community Services
Government Programs Sign up for swim lessons with red
cross as early as age 1:
Childcare subsidies (also called vouchers and
fee assistance): Each state receives funds from The Learn-to-Swim program focuses on
the federal government for a state-run childcare building skills one step at a time. By giving them
subsidy program. These programs help low- the opportunity to master one element before
income families pay for childcare so they can moving on to the next, our kids' swim classes
work or attend school. Eligibility requirements are make it easy to build confidence in the water.
different in each state. During their swim lessons, children will spend
time on the following six levels:
Head Start and Early Head Start: Head Start and
Early Head Start programs help prepare children Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills: Students will
to start school and provide services to support learn how to feel comfortable in the water and
their mental, social, and emotional development. safely enjoy it.
Families who have low incomes or meet other Level 2: Fundamentals of Aquatic Skills:
requirements may be eligible for Head Start. Children will learn basic swimming skills.
Level 3: Stroke Development: Additional
State-funded prekindergarten: State pre-k guided practice will help students improve
programs serve children between 3 and 5 years their skills.
old. They focus on early education and school Level 4: Stroke Improvement: Kids will gain
readiness. Some states offer these programs to confidence during swim lessons, improve their Find Your Local Food Bank
eligible families at low or no cost. Programs may stroke and gain additional aquatic skills. The Feeding America nationwide network of
be part-day or full-day. Your state childcare Level 5: Stroke Refinement: Guidance allows food banks secures and distributes 4.3 billion
resource and referral agency can usually tell you kids to refine their strokes and become more meals each year through food pantries and meal
if there is state pre-k where you live and where to efficient swimmers. programs throughout the United States and leads
find local programs. Level 6: Swimming and Skill Proficiency: the nation to engage in the fight against hunger.
Students will learn to swim with ease and Contact your local community food bank to find efficiency and gain the ability to swim food.
smoothly over greater distances. Swimmers will
also have the option to participate in more
advanced courses.
Brain Development: Language: Motor Skills:
Within the first year of life, your baby will
develop critical motor skills that help them
Infant: What you can do make small movements, hold up their
A lot of new abilities develop quickly by the time a head, sit up-right, crawl and eventually
• Chat with your child.
child turns one year old. walk. As a caregiver, there are many things
Research has found that the more parents talk with their
you can do to encourage the
children, the larger vocabularies those children develop.
At three to six months of age, infants can recognize development of bones and muscles to help
familiar faces, begin to babble, control their head them reach these milestones. If you aren’t
• Notice and build on your child’s interests.
movements and bring their hands together. sure where to start, here are ideas to help
Your child will let you know what interests and excites him
your baby develop motor skills in their first
by using his actions, facial expressions, and speech.
By six to nine months of age, infants start sitting without year.
support, may bounce when held in a standing position • Use new words when you talk with your toddler.
and respond to people calling their name. Infants start Give them room to move
A snack can be many things: good, healthy, yummy,
communicating with gestures. crunchy, round, etc. Talk about what you are doing and
Babies need room to practice motor skills.
about what you see your child doing.
Between nine and 12 months old, children can point at The best place for your baby to explore
things, pick up objects, crawl and even stand with movement and develop strength is on the
• Name pictures in books.
support. Children can imitate sound and gestures. floor. Limit the time your baby spends in
Point out connections between books and your child’s
“equipment” such as bouncers, infant
“real” life. For example, after you see the picture of a
Toddler: seats, and swings. Jumpers and baby
school bus in a story, you can watch one chug down the
When children are between one and three years of walkers are not recommended – these can
street later that afternoon.
age, they can stand alone, learn to walk without help, encourage a child to stand on their toes
begin to run and climb stairs with short steps. Children and may even delay walking (push toys are
• Ask questions as you read.
can wave bye-bye, hold a pencil or crayon, draw a okay). Play pens and portable cribs are
Where is the caterpillar? You can also begin to ask your
circle, learn to say several words and even short best when you need a safe place to keep
child questions like: Would you like to read a book? What
sentences and even follow simple instructions. your baby contained.
book do you want to read?
• Don’t make a big deal about speech mistakes.
There is no need to correct your child. Simply repeat the
correct pronunciation. If you child says, “Gamma”, you
might respond by saying, “I see that Grandma gave you a
cookie, yum yum!” to give your child a chance to hear
how the word sounds. Correcting your child can make
him less likely to try saying new words.
Mental Health/Social-Emotional
Signs of depression in children Integrate Social-Emotional Learning
Symptoms of depression in children often Throughout the Day (Check-in):
• sadness, or a low mood that does not go away
• being irritable or grumpy all the time
• not being interested in things they used to enjoy
• feeling tired and exhausted a lot of the time

Your child may also:

• have trouble sleeping or sleep more than usual
• not be able to concentrate
• interact less with friends and family
• be indecisive
• not have much confidence Depression does not only affect
• eat less than usual or overeat
adults. Children and young
• have big changes in weight
• seem unable to relax or be more lethargic than usual people can get depressed too.
• talk about feeling guilty or worthless
• feel empty or unable to feel emotions (numb)
It's important to get help early if
• have thoughts about suicide or self-harming
• actual self-harm, for example, cutting their skin or taking an you think your child may be
overdose depressed. The longer it goes on,
the more likely it is to disrupt your
child's life and turn into a long-
term problem. 5 Social-Emotional Tips:

1. Practice lots of role play
2. Work on partnership
3. Teach kids how to work in a group
4. Use story time for teachable moments
5. Start the day with a check-in
Red Flags for Fine Motor
Development (0-8 months)
Childhood Overweight and Obesity
If you notice some of the following things about your
baby by the time she is 6-8 months old, you may Childhood obesity is a serious health problem in the
want to talk to your doctor, or to another health United States. 1 in 5 children and adolescents in the
professional such as an occupational therapist or a US have obesity. Some groups of children are more
physiotherapist. affected than others, but all children are at risk of
gaining weight that is higher than what is considered $18 from Amazon
• She keeps one or both hands clenched in a fist healthy.
• His arms seem very stiff click here
• She is not able to prop herself up when laying on Obesity is complex. Many factors can contribute to
his tummy excess weight gain including behavior, genetics and
• She is not able to pick up objects within her reach taking certain medications. But societal and
• He is not able to sit by himself for short periods community factors also matter: childcare and school
• He is not able to roll over to get objects environments, neighborhood design, access to
healthy, affordable foods and beverages, and
Red Flags for Fine Motor access to safe and convenient places for physical
activity affect our ability to make healthy choices.
Development (12 months)
If you notice some of the following things about your Every child deserves a healthy start in life. Learn what
child by the time he is 12 months old, you may want parents and caregivers can to do help prevent
to talk to your doctor, or to another health obesity at home, how healthcare systems can help
professional such as an occupational therapist or a families prevent and manage childhood obesity,
physiotherapist. and what strategies communities can use to support
a healthy, active lifestyle for all.
• He is not able to grasp toys and let them go again
• She does not bring toys to her mouth or bang
them together $11 from Amazon
• He is not able to bring his hands together at the click here
middle of his body (e.g., clapping)
• She is not able to feed herself finger foods, using
her thumb and pointer finger to pick up food
• His movements seem shaky or stiff
• He is not able to move around on the floor to get
the toys he wants
• She is not able to put objects into a large
• His hands are kept in a fisted position
• She is not able to hold her bottle by herself

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