Super Tracker

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Isabella De La fuente

KIN 34

Professor Knott


SuperTracker Reflection

During my three days of tracking, I maintained a healthy calorie intake. I did observe,

however, that the Total Fat and Sodium levels exceeded the daily requirements. Not having the

prepackaged salad kit would be one improvement that would minimize overall fat and salt.

Instead, I should include steam veggies in my dinner. I monitored a meal using the adjustment I

recommended, and it was a success. I was able to remain under the guidelines for things like

saturated fat, salt, and added sugars, which are all suggested to be kept to a minimum . I was able

to come up with recommendations for items you need more of, such as protein, fiber, and

vitamins. I still continue to track my weight since I trying to gain weight, so I do not want to go

into a bad calories surplus, I want to keep it as healthy as possible. The goals I have created are

made for my goal of gaining more weight and muscle, it not only by the RDA standards.

My first goals is to eat at least 3,0000 calories a day, this may seem like a lot but as long

as I stay on top of it from breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is possible. My next goal is to eat good

food, not just junk food or really fatty foods which won’t benefit me in a good way. I want to

focus on eating good proteins, carbs, macros and good fats and vegetables. But if one day i want

to eat a junk food food I will, just because I want to keep a healthy relationship with food. My
third goal is just to stay consistent with the gym, since I am going to be eating so much, it is

important to stay consistent with workouts or else my goals of going weight and muscle would

not be achieved. In health line they state that “ It’s well established that when setting out to gain

muscle, you should maintain a calorie surplus”. Some people have a perception that eating a lot

is bad but as long as you are healthy and workout to maintain it, bulking is perfectly okay.

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