Final Project Cover Sheet: TH TH ST

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Course Code : UGQB3033

Course Title : English for Academic Purposes
Course Leader : Mr. Paul Chandra Bose Selvarajoo
Learning Outcomes : Write academic essays and reports, using appropriate tone and
conventions on a given topic.

Total Marks : 20%

Issue Date/week : 6th September 2021/Week 2
Submission Date : 15th - 21st November 2021 (Week 11)
Plagiarism Notice :
According to UNITAR International University Academic Regulations, Section 5.10 Plagiarism:

o 5.10.1 Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as if they were the student’s
o 5.10.2 Plagiarism is an offence and will be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed in the Students
Disciplinary Rules and Regulations.
o 5.10.3 All work submitted as part of the requirements for any assessment must therefore be expressed in
the student’s own words and incorporate his own ideas and judgments. Direct quotations from the
published or unpublished work of another must always be clearly identified as such and a full reference to the
source must be provided.

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