FinCom Agenda 5/05/2011

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Town of Franklin

Finance Committee Agenda

Thursday May 5, 2011
7:00 PM
Municipal Building Council Chambers
(post agenda to web site) ( meetings are recorded)

Balances 2/28/11
Gen Stab 4,707,622
PW Stab 74,751
Debt Stab -0-
Traffic Stab 4,542
Overlay Surplus -0-
Free Cash 1,262,006

Call to Order
Citizens Comments
Approval of Minutes

Budget Hearings: Page

Council on Aging 541 E-11

Human Services 152 A-35
Employees Benefits 910 G-11
Recreation 630 F-16
Liability Insurance 945 G-23
DPW 422 D-1
Streetlights 424 D-29
Enterprise – Water 450 H-3
Enterprise – Sewer 440 H-13
Enterprise – Solid Waste 434 H-22

Old Business
New Business

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