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Current Biology


Fear: It’s All in Your Line of Sight

Melis Yilmaz and Andrew D. Huberman*
Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

The brain circuits that create our sense of fear rely on ancient ‘hard-wired’ components of the limbic
system, but also use sensory processing to determine what we become afraid of. A new study shows
that, when viewing of simple oriented line stimuli is coupled with aversive experiences, neurons in
primary visual cortex rapidly alter their responses in a manner that indicates the line stimuli become a
source of fear.

Fear is an emotional state of anxiety those stimuli are paired with aversive the non-conditioned stimulus (NS)
that occurs in response to a perceived experiences. Given that V1 resides and were paired with a juice reward.
threat and that can trigger a variety of well outside the limbic system, Like humans, monkeys can be
defensive reactions [1–3]. Because fear but early in the hierarchical processing stubborn about performing tasks, so
can be attached to stimuli of various stream of objects and their locations, the juice reward was needed to motivate
kinds, it can serve either adaptive or these new findings have important the monkeys to stay focused on the
maladaptive roles. For example, it can implications for understanding how stimuli. Eye-blinking is a well-
promote avoidance and escape from generic fear states created in the established response that monkeys
genuinely threatening situations or, limbic pathways are attached to and humans show when anticipating
when attached to innocuous stimuli, different types of life events, and an aversive air-puff. The authors
can promote unnecessary stress. Given the stability of those associations measured the eye-blink responses
that maladaptive fear is a central over time. during the interval between the
component of many debilitating To assess how aversive experiences stimulus delivery and the air-puff or
psychiatric and mental conditions, such impact sensory processing of particular juice delivery as the main assessment
as post-traumatic stress disorder stimuli, Li et al. [5] focused on the visual of fear-associated learning. The
(PTSD) and major depression, system — vision being the sensory conditioning lasted for 4–6 days. At
understanding how the brain labels modality humans rely on most to that point the authors switched the
particular sensory events as ‘fearful’ navigate the world and survive. The CS and NS orientations and repeated
is of paramount importance. The authors recorded from V1 neurons in conditioning with the reversed
study of the brain circuits controlling adult macaque monkeys using orientations to control for any
fear has largely centered on the role of implanted microelectrode arrays. orientation-specific effects. They
the limbic system: a collection of Macaque monkeys are an Old-World recorded V1 responses to the gratings
ancient neural circuits that reside primate species that has a visual in the absence of the air puff before and
deep beneath the neocortex and system very similar to that of humans, after conditioning sessions every day to
that include the amygdala complex, including trichromatic color vision, high assess the effect of conditioning in
the stria terminalis and various acuity and goal-directed eye neural responses and fear extinction,
hypothalamic nuclei [4]. A hallmark movements. A hallmark of V1 neurons is respectively.
feature of these circuits is their ability their orientation selectivity: many V1 Using this approach, Li et al. [5] found
to activate the sympathetic branch neurons fire best when the animal is that V1 neurons had enhancements
of the autonomic nervous system, viewing particular angles of light or dark in their firing rate in response to the
which relies on neural circuits and ‘line stimuli’ [6]. After they obtained orientation that had been paired with
hormonal pathways such as adrenalin stable responses from a V1 cell and the air-puff (CS) during the conditioning
secretion to increase overall alertness recorded its ‘preferred orientation’, the sessions, compared to the pre-
and bias us for action. What has been authors introduced a fear-conditioning conditioning sessions. This was
less clear is how the brain decides paradigm in which oriented gratings specific to the CS and did not occur
which particular sensory stimuli to tilted to one side (rightward or leftward in trials with NS–juice pairings
become fearful of and when that from the vertical) were paired with an (Figure 1). In other words, the air puff/
process occurs during the fear- aversive air-puff delivered to the face of oriented line stimulus pairing
learning process. As they report in the monkey. In this configuration the potentiated the neuron’s response to
this issue of Current Biology, Li et al. [5] gratings served as the conditioned the CS orientation. This enhancement,
have discovered that the neurons in stimulus (CS) and the air puff served as referred to by the authors as the
primary visual cortex (V1) that fire the unconditioned stimulus (US). ‘fear-related’ signal, emerged only
action potentials to simple oriented Gratings tilted to the opposite side after a few trials of pairings
line stimuli alter their responses when of the conditioned stimulus served as during the conditioning session and

R1232 Current Biology 29, R1224–R1251, December 2, 2019 ª 2019 Elsevier Ltd.
Current Biology


remained for a full 20 presentations Conditioned Unconditioned V1 neuron

of the CS gratings when the stimulus stimulus response
air puff was removed after
conditioning. The signals diminished
quickly after that. A
Interestingly the responses to the
CS were potentiated regardless of
whether or not it was the neuron’s
preferred orientation. This also
+ (None)

impacted the neuron’s orientation-

tuning properties. For example, if the
CS orientation was the neuron’s
preferred orientation, the neuron B Reward
became even more responsive to it —
that is, made it more sharply tuned.
If the CS was the un-preferred
orientation, however, the neuron still
became more responsive to that
orientation compared to the pre-test
condition, and in doing so, made
the neuron relatively less well tuned to C Aversive
its preferred orientation. This is
remarkable as it means that fear-related
signals can be attached to any stimulus,
regardless of a neuron’s pre-fear tuning
The fear-related enhancement
observed by Li et al. [5] was Current Biology

surprisingly fast, appearing as early

as 30 milliseconds after the stimulus Figure 1. Preferential enhancement of V1 responses to oriented gratings when coupled with
aversive but not rewarding experiences.
onset. This raises important (A) Illustration showing typical V1 responses to an oriented grating stimulus. (B) V1 neuron response to the
questions about the possible sources same grating is unchanged when coupled with a reward. (C) V1 neuron responses are enhanced when
of V1 neuron modulation in this coupled with an aversive stimulus (illustrated with the skull).
context. The amygdala, a central
component of subcortical limbic
circuitry involved in threat detection, the CS and NS orientations were what they saw at the time the learning
projects to and synapses in V1 [7–9]. masked. They did that by adding occurred.
V1 also receives feedback projections horizontally oriented drifting gratings Neurons in V1 respond to stimuli
from higher visual cortical areas on top of them, making the CS presented within specific regions of
too [10]. However, the activation of appear as a coherently moving ‘plaid’ visual space and thereby exhibit a
these inputs to V1 occurs with rather than as a set of overlapping ‘visuotopic receptive field’. Li et al. [5]
latencies longer than the mere 30–70 gratings. The presentation of these asked whether the response
milliseconds it took to see V1 neuron plaids was randomly interspersed enhancement they observed was
enhancement [10,11]. Neither with the CS and NS trials during specific to the visuotopic location in
amygdala-feedforward nor cortical- conditioning and did not lead to which the CS (oriented grating) was
feedback signals, therefore, are likely to eye-blink responses. This stimulus presented. In other words, once a V1
be the source of the V1 enhancement did, however, preferentially enhance neuron adopts a threat response to
reported in this paper. Instead, the the neural responses to the a given stimulus — in this case an
authors hypothesized that the plaids containing the CS orientation. oriented line (CS) — does the brain
enhancement is likely due to ‘bottom-up This is noteworthy because it means care about where a threat is in the
processing’ carried out in V1 itself. If that a given stimulus is ‘tagged’ or world or merely that it is present
they are correct, that means that ‘learned’ as fearful even if the someplace? They trained the
primary sensory areas can acquire fear- observer (in this case, the monkey) is monkeys with a CS shown at a
associated responses independently of unaware of the presence of a stimulus different location than the receptive
the classical fear pathways of the limbic inside a masking stimulus. Put field of the neuron they were
system. differently, neurons in V1 change their recording from (that is, outside the
To test that hypothesis, Li et al. [5] responses to visual stimuli that are neurons so-called ‘classical receptive
examined whether the enhancement paired with a bad experience, even if the field’). After training was complete,
of signals in V1 occurred even when animals do not consciously perceive they recorded responses of the V1

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Current Biology


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