Assignment Reflection Kin34

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Isabella De La Fuente


Professor Knott

KIN 34

Assignment reflection

The tasks for this fitness for living course were critical in helping me to better

comprehend the topic. The fact that we were able to apply the knowledge we had gained to a

variety of events and circumstances helped to consolidate our recall of it.The Prescription Paper

project was my personal favorite. Prior to taking this course, I believed that physical fitness was

the most important factor in determining a person's well-being; however, after learning about the

six different dimensions of wellness, I discovered that there were several areas in which I could

improve in order to incorporate wellness into my entire life. I began applying tactics for several

various aspects of wellbeing, such as meditation and a focus on emotional wellness, as a result of

that unit, and I have noticed a big increase in my social interactions and physical health. The

FIIT ProgramPlan was another task that I found especially useful in my personal life. I devised a

training routine that I can see myself adopting for my personal health if I am short on time,

which is a common challenge when it comes to working out on a regular basis. I also learnt how

to make a plant that incorporates all aspects of physical training, including cardiovascular,

muscular, and flexibility. Finally, while researching materials for the Stress Management Case

Study, I learned a lot of useful stress-reduction strategies. I'm planning to employ these tactics to

increase positive thinking and self-efficacy, such as being physically active during stressful times
and exploring creative writing. The projects I performed over the course of this course greatly

affected my decisions and aided me in making good adjustments to live a better, healthier life.

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