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Rather of personal redemption in the next world, Jews emphasize moral behavior and

activity in this world. The Jewish sages, like Hindus and Buddhists, believed in nonviolence and
taught: "Anyone who takes one life is as though he has destroyed the entire world." And anyone
who saves even one life is considered to have saved the entire planet." For me, it would really
help me to be the best version of myself. As stated, Jews believed in non-violence so as a child
of God, hurting other people is like killing them by throwing bad words or even especially,
physically violent them. God never taught us to hurt other people besides, he taught us how to
love and care for others and to our enemies. As for instance, you were sitting and you saw a poor
man walking towards you and ask for a food. Instead of telling the poor man to go away, give
him some money or food if you have, right? As what has been said above, helping people would
mean that you saved the entire Earth. Let us always remember that even if it is only a small help
for us, to others, it would mean so much. Helping others would not lessen us as a human being so
whenever we will encounter this kind of situation, don’t hesitate to help and don’t wait or don’t
expect for an exchange. Help with all your heart.

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