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~~r~ Designation: D 1586 - 84 (Reapproved 1992)f1

Standard Test Method for

Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils1
This st:lndard is issued under the fixed designation D 1586: the number immediately following the designation indic:!tes the ye:lr of
original adoption or. in the c:lSe of revision. the ye:lr of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the Ye:lrof last reapprovaL A
superscript epsilon (,) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. '

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of {he Depanmem of Defense. Consult the DOD Indo: of Specifications and
Stana'ards for the specific year of issue which has been adopted by the Depanmenl of Defense,

"Non-Editorial changes were made throughout OClOD<r1992.

1. Scope hammer, hammer fall guide, the anvil, and any hammer
1.1 This test method describes the procedure, generally drop system.
known as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), for driving a 3.1.5 hammer-that portion of the drive-weight assembly
split-barrel sampler to obtain a representative soil sample consisting of the 140 ± 2 Ib (63.5 ± 1 kg) impact weight
and a measure of the resistance of the soil to penetration of which is successively lifted and dropped to provide the
the sampler. energy that accomplishes the sampling and penetration.
1.1 This standard does nOI purpon lO address all o/lhe 3.1.6 hammer drop system-that portion of the drive-
safelY problems, £f any, associated with ilS use. II is lhe weight assembly by which the operator accomplisbes the
responsibiii(v of lhe user of lhis standard !O eswbiish appro- lifting and dropping of the hamme: to produce the blow.
priate safelY and heallh praclices and determine lhe appiica- 3.1.7 hammer fall guide-that part of the drive-weight
bility of regulalOry limilalions prior lO use. For a specific assembly used to guide the fall of the hammer.
precautionary statement. see 5.4.1. 3.1.8 A'-value-the blowcount representation of the pene-
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be tration resistance of the soil. The J\'-value, reponed in blows
regarded as the standard. per foot, equals the sum of the number of blows required to
drive the sampler over the depth interval of 6 to 18 in. (150
to 450 mm) (see 7.3).
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.9 .~N-the number of blows obtained from each of
1.1 ASTM Standards: the 6-in. (l50-mm) intervals of sampler penetration (see 7.3).
D 1487 Test Method for Oassification of Soils for Enci- 3.1.1 0 number of rope turns-the total contact angle
neering Purposes: - between the rope and the. cathead at the beginning of the
D 1488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils operator's rope slackening to drop the hammer, divided by
(Visual-~lanual Procedure):! 360· (see Fig. I).
D 4120 Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil 3.1.11 sampling rods-rods that conne::t the drive-weight
Samples: assembly to the sampler. Drill rods are often used for this
D 4633 Test Method for Stress Wave Energv Measure- purpose.
3.1.12 SPT -abbreviation for Standard Penetration Test.
ment for Dynamic Penetrometer Testing Sy~tems:
a term by which engineers commonly refer to this method.

3. Terminology
4. Significance and Use
3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific lO This Standard
3.1.1 anvil-that portion of the drive-weight assembly 4. I This test method provides a soil sample for identifica-
which the hammer strikes and through which the hammer tion purposes and for labor:ltory tests appropriate for soil
energy passes into the drill rods. obtained from a sampler that may produce large shear strain
3.1.1 cathead-the rotating drum or windlass in the disturbance in the sample.
rope-cathe:ld lift system around which the operator wraps a 4.2 This test method is used extensively in a great variety
rope to lift and drop the hammer by successively tightening of geotechnical exploration projects. Many local correlations
and loosening the rope turns around the drum. and widely published correlations which relate SPT blow-
3.1.3 drill rods-rods used to transmit downward force count, or N-value, and the engineering behavior of earth-
and torque to the drill bit while drilling a borehole. works and foundations are available.
3.1.4 drive-weight assembly-a device consisting of the
5. Apparatus
I This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commin~ 0-18 on Soil and 5.1 Drilling Equipment-Any drilling equipment that
Rock and is the dire<=!responsibility of Subcommin~ D I8.02 on Sampling and provides at the time of sampling a suitably dean open hole
Related F:eid Testing for Soil Investigations. before insertion of the sampler and ensures that the penetra-
Cum:lt edition approved SepL 11. 1984, Published ~ovember 1984. Originally
published as D 1586 - 58 T. Last previous edition D 1586 - 61 (1974). tion test is performed on undisturbed soil shall be acceptable.
: Annuai Booie o/ASTM Standards. Yol 04.08. The following pieces of equipment have proven to be


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