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Organizational Behaviour

Individual Assignment

Subject: OB Case - Motivation

Submitted by

Name Roll no
Robyn Joe Cherian 211055

Submitted to :
Prof. Srirupa Banerji

Section: A
Batch: MBA – FT (2021-2023)
Institute of Management, Nirma University
Date of Submission: 26 August, 2021

Q1. What, according to you, were the reasons for Rohit's disillusionment? Answer the
question using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Ans. Rohit was looking for new opportunities in other companies so that he can elevate himself
and grow in his life. He finally converted his a new job with Apex Computers with a promotion
of Sr Programmer in job role and pay scale. He thought that this will bring in new level of work
level motivation and enabling better managerial practices and higher job satisfaction. But when
he joined the new company, he found that things were different from the inside, the workplace
was lacking the mentorship, guidance. All his future endeavours like showcasing his skills in
international operation and getting a lot of exposure and getting the recognition from the team
leader was not happening. And not able to work on his innate skill and develop them was
causing hindrance to the Rohit.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy Rohit was facing challenges in different aspect of his life.

1. Phycological needs like food, clothing, housing, shelter, sleep etc were getting affected
in some or the other way as his new job was giving him a good pay so his needs were
managed well.
2. Safety needs like personal security,
employment, resources, health were getting
addressed well but his mental health was
deteriorating due to his work place
3. Belonging needs like friendship, intimacy,
family, series of connection were the
deeply affected because he was not able to
get any progress in his work. Due to which
he was irritated and his mind was always
4. Esteem needs like respect, status,
recognition, strength, freedom. Few of
these needs were given to Rohit like his
team leader gave them freedom and never
interfered with their work but at the same time Rohit when approached his team leader
with his input in the work he was turned down and was not given any recognition or
respect for his dedication of work.
5. Self Actualization this stage is what Rohit was aspiring for since the beginning when
he changed his job, he always wanted to develop himself in every aspect of life and
mind. He wanted to be the best among all the other.

Thus Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were satisfied partially and Rohit didn’t wanted a stagnant
life without much of a progress in life as due to his new boss he left his career is not going
anywhere and he was not getting a chance to show his immense potential this lead him to be
more discouraged and it resulted in poor performance of him.

Q2. What should Rohit do to resolve his situation? What can a team leader do to ensure
high levels of motivation among his/her team members?

Ans. Rohit had got into a situation where he was leading a mechanical life without any chance
to grow and slowly and slowly, he was feeling more discouraged and he had lost his touch of
Brain storming and to be self-motivated. He should have tackled this problem by making
everybody understand which path they all were leading to and then come up with suggestion
collectively and present it to their team leader in the appropriate manner so she understands
the situation they are facing.

During these times the team leader should show his leadership skills and come up with
different rituals like:
1. To inspire movement towards a compelling future, where purpose is lived.
2. Power flow from participant to participants.
3. To inspire team using emotion.
4. Fuelling the team by the entire ecosystem of adapting new work culture.
5. Uniquely qualified to address the problem with creativity and innovation.
6. By connecting deeply with the team on a personal level.
7. Rewarding routinely and Recognizing relentlessly.
8. By developing a sense of Self Leadership within the team.

The leader uses different ways to apply them he would inspire the people and will uplift the
mind of people so that they find a purpose in what they are doing in the business and how
their work is helping different people out in the world. He allows the participant to channelize
their energy and make sure that their contribution is taken a note of during the project and
they are rewarded and given recognition for it. He would inspire the team to think differently
and come up with innovative and creative solution which has never been used in the industry.
By developing a close bond with his team members, he will understand the reason behind
their ineffectiveness and give them advice regarding the same. And at last, by making them
develop a sense of self leadership they will try to elevate themselves in ways we can’t even
imagine. All these rituals can help the team member to develop various innate qualities and
help them to work at their maximum efficiency.

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