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Poll/Survey Assignment

High School Government and Politics Class

By Margarita Hernandez
EDU 214-1007
Poll Project

One way to get information is to create polls.

It is a way to gather data on different topics such as politics, education, lifestyle,
values, entertainment and so on.
One of the main ways that we use polls here in the U.S. is by using polls and the
voting system to help the people determine who the next president should be
and new policies that should be put in place.
Using polls, we can gather data and have that information all in one place for us
to look at. We can then place that data into charts and graphs to help us more
accurately display our data to the public.
Your Assignment
Your job is to create a poll of your own. It can be on any topic that you want from
entertainment, politics, views on certain polices and more.
In your poll you must ask at least 6 questions.
3 of the questions must be demographic questions. ( I’ll explain on a later slide).
You will create this poll using Google Forms.
You will be given all of class to produce a topic and the questions for your poll. As well
as the entire class to create your poll on Google Forums.
You will then be given 4 day to gather as much data as possible from your poll.
After those 4 days you will print out your data and turn that in.
You should first decide on a topic for your poll.
I suggest using a topic that you would like to see people's
opinions on.
These topics can include controversial topics such as abortion
and gun control.
Here are some topics you can use for your topic:
Topic • Movie Preferences
• School Spirit
• Career Paths
• Social Media Usage
Some more topics:

Controversial Topics
You need a minimum of 6 questions in your poll. 3 must be
demographic questions. The other 3 must relate towards your
topic of choice.
Demographic questions are questions that help us to
understand the type of people that are taking the poll.
These questions include:
Questions •How old are you?
•What is your nationality?
•What is your gender?
•What grade are you in?
•Were are you from?
Here are some more examples of demographic questions:

Demographic Questions
Creating a
Google Form

This video will help you to create the Google Form.

I suggest that you only use check box answers and provide
preset answers that your audience can select.
Gathering Data
When it comes to gathering data there are many ways you can do this. Such as use
social Media, messaging your friends, providing people with the poll link.
I recommend using social media it is and easy way to provide the link to multiple
people at a time and have a larger audience to take the poll.
Try to get a diverse audience that can very in age, ethnicity, grade level, etc.
I would say to ask adults to your teachers, parents, aunts uncles to help you get a
more diverse audience then just all kids in your class.
Spread Sheet

At the end of this video, he explains how to turn the data you
received form your poll into a spread sheet. Follow the
instructions and turn in the spread sheet. You can also follow
this video for another example.

Google Forms To Google Sheets

After the 4 days you can look at the data that you gathered in Google Forms. You can
put the data into charts to be able to see the data in a more organized way.
You will write a paragraph analyzing the results from your poll. Try to answer the
following questions.
•What was your largest demographic?
•What were the tops choices from your topic questions?
•What would you do differently if you did this assignment again?
•What is a question you would add based off the data you received?
• Based off your data what can you infer about your topic?

Part: Points Your Score:

1. Poll Creation and Questions 50
2. Spread Sheet and Data 25
3. Analysis 25
Total Points: 100

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