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West Mary D.

Africa Entrepreneurship

ABM 12- A (MCP) Ms. Linsasagin

New Product Template

A. What is my product? Le Petit Crepe Oreo

B. What does my product do? My product satisfies the cravings of those

people who love eating sweet foods.

C. How it is different or better than other It is better than other products because of
products? my ingredients that I’ve put.

D. Who will buy this product? Mostly are teens and children because
most of them loves sweet foods and also
the adults who loves to eat sweets too.

E. Why will they buy the products? The customers will buy it for them to
satisfy their cravings and also because
they will be curious on how it would taste
like. It is also affordable and delicious.

F. How will the products be promoted and The product will be promoted through
sold/offered? social media, by posting of its picture and
describing how delicious it is. It also can
be sold directly to the customers.

G. Who are my competitors? My competitors are the other businesses

that also sells pastillas and yema candy or
other sweet products.
West Mary D. Africa

ABM 12- A (MCP)

Questionnaire for a new product (Crepe Oreo)

Questions Answer

1. Do you eat other flavor of Crepe Oreo?

Yes No

2. Which flavor of crepe oreo do you like  Chocolate

best?  Vanilla
 Strawberry

3. Do you think you would like the  Yes

strawberry flavored of crepe oreo?  No
 Not sure

1 2 3 4 5

Very Good Average Bad Very

good Bad

4. What do you think in the package of

the pastillas and yema candy?

5. What do you think of the flavors?

6. How can you say about its label?

7. Does the flavors are suits in your


8. How can you say about its quality?

9. What do you think of its uniqueness?

10. What do you think of its sweetness?

11. How does the cleanliness applied in

the product?
West Mary D. Africa

ABM 12- A (MCP)

Questionnaire about the market size and value

Questions Answer

About the market size:

1. How often do you buy this product?  Daily  Weekly  Monthly

2. Do you buy different amounts at  Yes  No

different times of the year?

3. When are the times that you buy the


4. How much do you buy each time? ___pc.

5.When are the times you buy the least?

6. How much do you buy each time? ___pc.

7. What is the amount of food in the pack? P_____ per ____ pc.

About the market size:

8. How much do you pay for a pack of P

9. What is the price difference for larger or P

smaller packs?

10. Does the price change at different time  Yes  No

of the year?

11. When is the price highest?

12. When is the price lowest?

About the customer:

13. Would you say that you have a low, medium, or high income in your household?
 Low  Medium  High

14. To which age group do you belong? (check one only)

1-20 

21-40 

41-60 

Male/Female MF

About sales outlets:

15. Where do you usually buy this food? (check one only)

Food Store 

Local Shop 

Public Market 

Supermarket 

West Mary D. Africa

ABM 12- A (MCP)

Estimates of market share for a new food business with different levels of

No. of other Many Few One None

Size of Large Small Large Small Large Small

Product S D S D S D S D S D S D

Market share 0-2.5 0-5 5- 10- 0- 5- 10- 20- 0-5 10- 30- 40- 100
(%) 10 15 2.5 10 15 30 15 50 80

S = similar products, D = dissimilar products

West Mary D. Africa

ABM 12- A (MCP)

SWOT Analysis
My Proposed Competitor A Competitor B

Strengths It has a unique taste Has a good Sells well and

that no one can copy relationship with cheaper than A.
the taste of it. customers

Weakness More expensive lacks of marketing

than B skills
Opportunities New technologies Social Media can be Growing population
that can lead to new used for great of people who likes
developments. exposure. sweets

Threats Increasing price of Changing of

the ingredients customers’ wants
and cravings

Africa, West Mary D.

ABM 12- A (MCP)

Ms. Kimberly Linsasagin

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