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- M20BBA064

ANS4 - Yes, I believe that job analysis should be more strategic and forward-thinking, since
it necessitates a complete review of the required information, talents, personal qualities, and
skills. One of the most crucial reasons to conduct a job analysis is to verify that employment
applications are truthful and defendable. Only the skills, knowledge, and abilities that are
stated in the job analysis should be assessed.
In addition to these advantages, there are a number of other compelling reasons to conduct a
future-oriented employment analysis:
• Workforce Planning- A thorough job analysis will aid a company's future casting efforts.
HR professionals can assess the skills of their current and potential employees and match
them to the demands of their company.
• Succession Planning- The job analysis results can help HR managers fill crucial roles in the
company today and in the future.
• Employee Development – Organizations can use the results of the job analysis to identify
any gaps on an individual level and assist employees in managing their careers.
• Job Appraisal- The results of a job analysis can assist an organisation in developing an
employee based on the job title's specific requirements.


In India, there are two types of recruitment sources: external and internal sources. Internal
sources are typically employed for higher-level positions and to reward employees by
providing them with better prospects for deployment and career advancement. External
sources of recruitment, on the other hand, are typically used to fill entry-level positions.

ANS2- It is because there are some issues with job evaluation, it is rarely used to price jobs.
• It isn't a scientific way of assessing something.
• Wide swings in compensable elements such as employee aspirations, technology
advancements, and so on are possible.
• Different job holders may have different perspectives on the process.
• It is not the only aspect to consider when determining a compensation level. Government
policies, for example, are more important.
• Workers may not respond identically to jobs of equivalent substance or grade.
Despite its shortcomings and flaws, job evaluation is the most appropriate tool for
determining and modifying wages because it is a methodical and objective procedure. I'll use
the HAY System to evaluate the position of chief engineer in a large machine tool company
because it takes into account both evaluation and market factors. It will aid in the
development of a reasonable and competitive wage structure.'


All of the company's business strategies, HR activities, and cultural concerns

are clearly out of sync.
Employees from the Philippines and Malaysia claim they are treated unfairly in
comparison to their counterparts from Australia, New Zealand, and India. This
isn't a good thing because it implies that the organisation discriminates against
employees based on race or culture. Employees from Australia, New Zealand,
and India are paid more and have more luxuries than those from the Philippines
and Malaysia, including autos and luxury apartments.
The practise of providing salary and benefits depending on an employee's
expatriate status is discriminatory since it demonstrates that the company's
management sees employees from specified countries as superior to those from
other nations. When employees from many ethnic groups work together in the
same organisation, HR management must treat all employees equally;
otherwise, bias and alienation will develop.
When it comes to employing staff from foreign nations, there are a number of
issues to consider.
: In Malaysia, foreign workers are employed, however one of the most major
concerns is that these foreign workers are unfamiliar with Malaysian culture and
business operations. Every country has its own culture and way of doing things.
The same is true in Malaysia: if foreign employees are unable to adapt and
adjust, the company's output will suffer, and in some situations, the company
would lose money.
Communication challenges develop when employees from different countries
are brought together.
Personnel from foreign nations are not fluent in the local language, and
employing employees from different countries is far more expensive than hiring
a local candidate.
Finally, antagonism or hatred against foreign people among local employees is a
big problem.
Local employees may assume that foreign workers are stealing their
employment, and as a result, they are often offered preferential treatment and
privileges. This would create a hostile work environment and harm the
company's employer brand.

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