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Instructions: Collect either 1 primary source or 1 secondary source about your

family history and based on your readings about primary and secondary source,
answer the questions briefly:
A. Why is history important?
B. What lessons can we learn from history?

According to what we've discussed, history is the study of the past. Past, in my opinion,
is particularly significant for me since I am interested in learning about our family's
history, such as how, who and when it began. History is important because it allows us
to gain a greater understanding of the world, we live in. It also enables us to learn from
events in the past that we are unaware of and to understand why individuals behave in
the way they do. By learning and studying history, we have a better understanding of
what people have done in the past, their prior decisions and failures, and what
happened before they won the war for independence in our country.
The lessons that we can learn from history are about what is the meaning of it. Just like
what we have discussed in our last meeting, Sir Pineda explained the meaning of
history and we explained and shared our ideas and opinions on why we should teach
and learn history and how we are interested in history. We also learned about the
meaning and distinctions between primary, secondary, and tertiary so we can know and
have a better understanding about it. Furthermore, through learning and studying
history, we can know about our national heroes, about what happened throughout the
war, and how they fought in order to reclaim the freedom that the Philippines deserved.

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