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PBL 6: ALS – FOOD POISONING spread by faeces-contaminated water.

Infection is more common when there is a

1. Aetiophatology of diarrhoea shortage of adequate sanitation and hygiene
2. Types & classification of stool and safe water for drinking, cooking and
- Colour cleaning. Rotavirus and Escherichia coli, are
- Consistency the two most common etiological agents of
3. Histology of GIT moderate-to-severe diarrhoea in low-income
4. 9 abdominal region & 4 quadrant countries. Other pathogens such
5. Management & treatment as cryptosporidium and shigella species may
- ORS also be important. Location-specific etiologic
- IV fluid patterns also need to be considered.
- Antibiotic - Malnutrition : Children who die from
6. Communicable & non-communicable diarrhoea often suffer from underlying
disease malnutrition, which makes them more
7. Notifiable disease vulnerable to diarrhoea. Each diarrhoeal
8. Importance of hygiene food preparation & episode, in turn, makes their malnutrition
avoidance of eating overnight food even worse. Diarrhoea is a leading cause of
9. High risk food implicated in GIT malnutrition in children under five years old.
10. Common causes of acute food poisoning - Source : Water contaminated with human
faeces, for example, from sewage, septic tanks
and latrines, is of particular concern. Animal
1. AETIOPATHOLOGY OF DIARRHOEA faeces also contain microorganisms that can
cause diarrhoea.
What is diarrhoea? - Other causes : Diarrhoeal disease can also
• Diarrhoea is when your bowel spread from person-to-person, aggravated by
movements become loose or watery. The poor personal hygiene. Food is another major
definition of diarrhoea is passing loose or cause of diarrhoea when it is prepared or
watery bowel movements 3 or more stored in unhygienic conditions . Unsafe
times in a day (or more frequently than domestic water storage and handling is also
usual). an important risk factor. Fish and seafood
• Diarrhoea occurs when the lining of the from polluted water may also contribute to
intestine is unable to absorb fluid, or it the disease
actively secretes fluid. 2. TYPES & CLASSIFICATION OF STOOL
 infection (with a virus, bacteria or parasite)
 change in diet
 food intolerance (e.g. lactose)
 drinking excess alcohol
 inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis
or Crohn’s disease)
 coeliac disease
 malabsorption (e.g. due to problems with the
 surgery (e.g. when part of the bowel has been
 irritable bowel disease
 medicines (e.g. a side effect of antibiotics or
some diabetes medications)
Classification of causes of diarrhoea:
- Infection : Diarrhoea is a symptom of
infections caused by a host of bacterial, viral
and parasitic organisms, most of which are
A loose connective tissue layer, with larger blood
vessels, lymphatics, nerves, and can contain
mucous secreting glands.

3) Muscularis propria (externa): smooth muscle

There are usually two layers; the inner layer is
circular, and the outer layer is longitudinal. These
layers of smooth muscle are used for peristalsis
(rhythmic waves of contraction), to move food
down through the gut.

4) Adventitia layer (or serosa)

Outermost layer of loose connective tissue -
covered by the visceral peritoneum. Contains
blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves.

There are seven types of stools (faeces) according

to the Bristol Stool Chart. The Bristol Stool Chart or
Bristol Stool Scale is a medical aid designed to
classify faeces into seven groups. OF ABDOMEN

Every person will have different bowel habits, but

the important thing is that your stools are soft and
easy to pass – like types 3 and 4 below.

- Type 1–2 indicate constipation

- Type 3–4 are ideal stools as they are easier to
- Type 5–7 may indicate diarrhoea and urgency.
Layers of the Gastrointestinal Tract
The GI tract contains four layers. The structure of
these layers varies, in different regions of the
digestive system, depending on their function.

1) Mucosa
A lining epithelium, including glandular tissue, an
underlying layer of loose connective tissue called
the lamina propria, which provides vascular
support for the epithelium, and often contains
mucosal glands. Products of digestion pass into
these capillaries. Lymphoid follicles, and plasma
cells are also often found here. Finally, a thin
double layer of smooth muscle is often present -
the muscularis mucosa for local movement of the

2) Submucosa
Parasites or their eggs can be seen under a
The doctor will ask about the symptoms and about
any current medications, past medical history, and
other medical conditions.
They will also ask:
• when the problem started
• how frequent the stools are
• whether blood is present in the stool
• whether there has been vomiting
• whether the stools are watery,
mucus- or pus-filled, and how much
stool there is
The doctor will also look for signs of dehydration.
Severe dehydration can be fatal if treatment with
rehydration therapy is not given urgently.
Tests for diarrhea
Most cases of diarrhea resolve without treatment,
and a doctor will often be able to diagnose the
problem without tests.
However, in more severe cases, a stool test may be
needed, especially if the patient is very young or
Further tests may also be recommended if the
• has signs of fever or dehydration
• has stools with blood or pus
• has severe pain
• has low blood pressure
• has a weakened immune system
• has recently traveled to places
outside Western Europe, North
America, Australia, and New Zealand
• has recently received antibiotics or
been in hospital
• has diarrhea persisting for more than
1 week
• If a person has chronic or persistent
diarrhea, the doctor will order tests
according to the suspected
underlying cause.
• These may include the following
• Full blood count: Anemia or a raised
platelet count will suggest
• Liver function tests: This will include
testing albumin levels.
• Tests for malabsorption: These will
check the absorption of calcium,
vitamin B-12, and folate. They will
also assess iron status and thyroid
• Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
5. MANAGEMENT & TREATMENT and C-reactive protein (CRP): Raised
Tests and diagnosis levels may indicate inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD).
• Testing for antibodies: This may - This is one of the most common IV fluids
detect celiac disease. because it works for most hydration
Treatment needs due to vomiting, diarrhea,
hemorrhage, or even shock. It’s the fluid
Mild cases of acute diarrhea may resolve without of choice for resuscitation efforts as well.
treatment. Persistent or chronic diarrhea will be NS is also the only fluid used in
diagnosed and any underlying causes will be conjunction with blood product
treated in addition to the symptoms of diarrhea. administration. It is an isotonic crystalloid
Dehydration that contains 0.9% sodium chloride (salt)
For all cases of diarrhea, rehydration is key: that is dissolved in sterile water. It is
Fluids can be replaced by simply drinking more sometimes used with caution or even
fluids, or they can be received intravenously in avoided in patients with cardiac or renal
severe cases. Children and older people are more compromise because of the sodium
vulnerable to dehydration. causing fluid retention that may put extra
- Oral rehydration solution or salts stress on the heart or kidneys.
(ORS) refers to water that contains salt 2. Lactated Ringers (also known as LR,
Ringers Lactate, or RL)
and glucose. It is absorbed by the small
- This solution is an isotonic crystalloid that
intestine to replace the water and
contains sodium chloride, potassium
electrolytes lost in the stool. In
chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium
developing countries, ORS costs just a few
lactate in sterile water. It is the most
cents. The World Health Organization
similar to the body’s plasma and serum
(WHO) says ORS can safely and effectively
concentration, and is especially great for
treat over 90 percent of non-severe
burn victims or those with hypovolemia
diarrhea cases.
due to fluid shifts. It is avoided in patients
Oral rehydration products, such
with liver disease because the liver may
as Oralyte and Rehydralyte, are available
not be able to efficiently process the
commercially. Zinc supplementation may
reduce the severity and duration of
3. 5% Dextrose in Water (also known
diarrhea in children. Various products are
as D5 or D5W)
available to purchase online.
- Is an isotonic carbohydrate (sugar)
solution that contains glucose (sugar) as
- Intravenous fluid regulation is the
the solute. When this is absorbed, the
control of the amount of fluid you receive
glucose is usually quickly grabbed up by
intravenously, or through your
cells and utilized for energy, leaving only
bloodstream. The fluid is given from a bag
water which is then a hypotonic solution.
connected to an intravenous line. This is a
One interesting fact is that this solution
thin tube, often called an IV, that’s
provides 170 calories per liter, and is
inserted into one of your veins.
often used for diabetic patients who are
nothing by mouth for various reasons. It is
Types of IV fluid:
avoided in patients with renal failure,
1. 9% Normal Saline ( also known as
cardiac compromise, or those who are at
NS, 0.9NaCl, or NSS)
risk for increased intercranial pressure.
This is because it can sometimes lead to
fluid overload in cardiac and renal
patients, and cerebral edema those with
intercranial pressure issues.
4. 45% Normal Saline (also known as
Half Normal Saline, 0.45NaCl)
- This is a hypotonic crystalloid solution of
sodium chloride dissolved in sterile water
(unlike 0.9% Normal Saline which is
isotonic, as mentioned above). This fluid
is designed to treat cellular dehydration,
- Less commonly, this solution is referred
caused by such conditions as
to as physiological saline or isotonic saline
hypernatremia or diabetic ketoacidosis. It
is always avoided in patients with burns,
trauma, or liver disease because of its Alzheimer's, cancer, osteoporosis, chronic
tendency to deplete intravascular fluid lung disease, stroke, and heart disease.
levels. Infusing half normal saline, causes - Almost four-fifths of all deaths from non-
water to shift from the extracellular fluid communicable diseases occur in
compartment to the ICF compartment. developing countries.
- Antibiotics might help treat diarrhea What are notifiable diseases?
caused by bacteria or parasites. If a virus - Notifiable diseases are any diseases that are
is causing your diarrhea, antibiotics won't required by law to be reported to government
help. authorities. Armed with this information,
6. COMMUNICABLE & health authorities can then monitor disease,
NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE and provide early warning of possible
What is a communicable disease? outbreaks, pandemics or epidemics, and
- A communicable disease is one that is ensure the right medications or vaccinations
spread from one person to another are stockpiled and appropriate procedures for
through a variety of ways that include: treatment are in place.
contact with blood and bodily fluids; - There is a list of about 65 notifiable diseases in
breathing in an airborne virus; or by being Australia, which is reviewed regularly, and
bitten by an insect. may also vary from state to state. Some
- Some examples of the reportable examples of notifiable diseases are HIV,
communicable diseases include Hepatitis hepatitis B and C, typhoid, cholera, Ross River
A, B & C, influenza, measles, and and dengue fevers, malaria, sexually
salmonella and other food borne (carried transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and
or transported by the thing specified) syphilis, as well as conditions which may have
illnesses. been caused by food poisoning like salmonella
How do these communicable diseases and listeriosis.
- Communicable diseases for which there are
vaccinations – for example, chicken
Depends on the specific disease or infectious
pox, measles, rubella, whopping
agent. Some ways in which communicable diseases
cough and mumps – are also notifiable
spread are by:
conditions so governments can be aware of
- Physical contact with an infected person,
the impact immunisation, or the lack of, is
such as through touch (staphylococcus),
having on the population.
sexual intercourse (gonorrhea, HIV),
fecal/oral transmission (hepatitis A), or 8. IMPORTANCE OF HYGIENIC FOOD
droplets (influenza, TB)
- Contact with a contaminated surface or
object (Norwalk virus), food (salmonella, EATING OVERNIGHT FOOD
E. coli), blood (HIV, hepatitis B), or water - Proper food hygiene is very important when it
(cholera) comes to food preparation.
- Bites from insects or animals capable of Without washing hands and kitchen
transmitting the disease (mosquito: tools, diseases may easily spread. In some
malaria and yellow fever; flea: plague) places though, this crucial matter is not always
- Travel through the air, such as known and is unfortunately taken lightly.
tuberculosis or measles. Since cross-contamination is a major cause of
What is non communicable disease? food poisoning and can transfer bacteria from
- Non-communicable diseases, also known one food item to other foods, it is crucial to be
as NCDs are non-infectious medical aware of how it spreads so you will know how
diseases or conditions to prevent it.
- They usually last a long time and progress - Food poisoning spreads when one food,
slowly. Many are chronic diseases. mainly raw food, comes in contact with other
However, some chronic diseases are not types of food. Bacteria can also be transferred
non-communicable because they are indirectly, for example from hands, tools,
infectious, such as HIV/AIDS surfaces, knives, and clothes. One thing you
- Examples of non-communicable diseases can do for preventing cross-contamination is,
include diabetes, keep separate chopping boards for raw and
cooked foods.
- Refrigerators must also be checked regularly been sleeping experienced deficits in learning
to guarantee that they are running at the and memory.
proper temperature and they should also be
cleaned, both inside and out. 9. HIGH RISK FOOD IMPLICATED IN GIT
- Another essential tool to keep your kitchen
clean is to install the right kitchen extractor 10 High Risk Foods More Likely to Cause
and ventilation systems. Over-the- Food Poisoning
cooker canopies and the ductwork leading 1. Poultry
from them are fitted with filters and should be
regularly replaced. - Raw and undercooked poultry has a high-risk
of causing food poisoning if it's not handled
6 Health Effects of Eating at Night properly. Campylobacter bacteria and
- Altered hormone function. Eating at night salmonella are the two most common
alters levels of insulin, glucagon, and leptin. contaminants of poultry and even small
- When people eat more in the evening, they amounts can make people seriously sick.
have higher markers of inflammation. In one These bacteria often contaminate the raw
study, for each 10 percent increase in the meat when it’s first processed and can survive
proportion of total calories consumed up until cooking kills them.
between 5 pm and midnight, there was a 3 - Although these bacteria can live on raw
percent increase in C-Reactive protein, a poultry, there are ways to lower the risk.
major marker of inflammation in the body. Always make sure that poultry is completely
- Impairments in blood sugar regulation. Our cooked through before you eat it because this
body’s ability to use insulin to control blood will kill harmful bacteria. Also, don’t wash raw
sugar changes throughout the day, and it is chicken before cooking it because this will just
least efficient at night. Glucose levels after spread the bacteria around your kitchen,
meals are highest when meals are consumed making it easier to contaminate something
late in the day. Shift workers show else. When handling raw chicken and other
decreased blood sugar control when eating poultry it’s really important to thoroughly
food at night. Researchers suggest avoiding wash and sanitise anything that the raw meat
meals with a high-glycemic index in the touches - including utensils, clothes, chopping
evening to avoid the negative effects and boards and especially your hands.
increased disease risk associated with high
blood sugar.
2. Eggs
- Weight gain. Human studies have shown that
when we eat a significant portion of our total
- Eggs are a versatile, convenient and nutritious
food intake in the evening, we are more likely
protein and are part of countless meals all
to be obese. One reason for this may be that
around the world. However, they’re
there are regulatory elements for the
considered high-risk when it comes to food
circadian clock in our fat tissues, and
poisoning, specifically when raw or
disrupting those elements can lead to
impaired fat storage.Eating at night can also
increase the total amount of food you eat
each day, leading to more weight gain. - Salmonella in eggs is responsible for many of
- Elevated triglycerides and cholesterol. Eating the foodborne illness cases in Australia.
out of sync with our circadian rhythm can Bacteria can contaminate either the yolk, the
impact the way the body metabolizes lipids. white or the eggshell. Often a contaminated
This can lead to increased levels of both egg will not look, smell or taste any different,
triglycerides and cholesterol. Read more making it almost impossible to detect.
about the link between nighttime eating and
elevated lipid levels here. - Many popular meals contain lightly cooked or
even raw eggs, so have a high risk of causing
foodborne illness. It’s recommended that you
- Impaired memory. Recent research suggests thoroughly cook all foods that contain eggs,
that our memory can be affected by eating at and avoid foods that purposely contain
night. Researchers found that mice who were undercooked eggs, like mayonnaise and salad
fed meals during the time they should have dressings. It’s also important not to taste
anything that contains raw eggs when you’re cheese can cause serious complications in
cooking - cake batter for example. pregnancy - including miscarriage.

- To enjoy eggs safely, it’s recommended that

you buy clean, uncracked eggs. You should
keep them cool, preferably under 5°C. Also, - Staphylococcus aureus is another common
make sure when cracking the egg, the egg yolk bacteria that can be found in cheese. It’s often
or white doesn’t touch the outside of the shell transferred to the cheese from an infected
before going in the dish. person that comes into contact with it. The
bacteria have a high tolerance for salt, so
- These recommendations are especially cheese and meat are an ideal breeding
important for vulnerable people - including ground. Like some other causes of food
children, the elderly, pregnant women and poisoning, Staphylococcus aureus is heat
anyone suffering from an illness that weakens resistant so cooking doesn’t kill it.
the immune system.
- The best ways to stop cheese becoming
3. Leafy Greens and Vegetables contaminated are to make sure it’s stored at
or under 5°C; thoroughly wash your hands
- Because leafy greens and vegetable are often before handling the cheese and if possible,
eaten raw, any harmful contaminants wear single-use disposable gloves; and make
affecting them won’t be killed in the cooking sure all surfaces, utensils and equipment that
process. Bacteria like E. coli can live in the soil the cheese touches have been thoroughly
that the greens are grown in and can easily cleaned and sanitised. Also, avoid eating
leave traces on them. Contaminated water unpasteurised products.
and animals can also transfer harmful
substances to the food at any time during the 6. Sprouts
- Sprouts grow in a warm and wet environment,
- Washing lettuce and vegetables not only which are the perfect conditions for rapid
reduces the risk of harmful bacteria being bacteria growth. This means they’re really
present but also any chemical pesticides that difficult to keep clean. Because sprouts are
might still be on the food. Always make sure often eaten raw, they carry a high-risk of
that before you eat them, lettuce, vegetables causing foodborne illness, in particular from
and salad greens are thoroughly washed. salmonella and E. coli

4. Raw Milk - If contaminated, it’s likely that the seeds of

the sprouts are the home of any harmful
- Raw milk is milk that is unpasteurised, which bacteria. Although there are different ways to
means that it hasn’t been heated to kill any reduce the risk of contamination, no
harmful bacteria. The risk of consuming raw treatment is guaranteed to kill all of the
milk is that there’s a higher chance of the milk bacteria.
containing bacteria, for example, E. coli,
salmonella or listeria. If consumed, these - Often people who might be more vulnerable
bacteria can cause a range of food poisoning to the effects of the potential bacteria -
illnesses, which vary from mild to life- pregnant women, the elderly, children and
threatening. people with a weakened immune system - are
directed to stay away from sprouts. If you’re
5. Cheese going to eat them, you’re advised to cook all
raw sprouts to lower the risk of potential
- Cheese is another food that’s considered to be contamination.
at high-risk of contamination. Pregnant
women are usually told to avoid eating all soft 7. Seafood
cheeses, for example, feta and ricotta,
because of the risk of becoming sick. - Fish must be properly stored throughout the
Tragically, in some cases, eating contaminated entire supply chain. This begins when the fish
is first caught and ends when it’s prepared of bacteria. Rice that has high-risk proteins in
and eaten. When it comes to food poisoning it, for example, pork or egg, carries an even
from seafood, there are many different higher risk of contamination.
illnesses. It all depends on the type of
seafood, whether it’s contaminated with a 9. Deli Meats
toxin, bacteria or another harmful substance,
and the conditions the fish has been kept in. - Deli meats and other cold-cut meats are often
highly processed and include ham, hot dogs,
- Fish which is not stored at the correct salami and bacon. The storage of deli meats is
temperature has a high-risk of being especially important because they’re often not
contaminated with histamine. This is a toxin cooked before being eaten.
that can cause Scombroid poisoning and
unlike many other dangerous contaminants, - Listeria and other harmful bacteria can find its
isn’t destroyed by normal cooking way into the processing factory and
temperatures. contaminate meats after they’ve been cooked
but before they’ve been packaged. This is why
- Another common foodborne illness which can it’s very important to cook hot dogs and bacon
develop after eating contaminated fish is to at least 75 degrees Celsius for at least 3
Ciguatera poisoning, which occurs because of minutes before eating. Also, cold meats
ciguatoxin. Unfortunately as ciguatoxin is also should always be stored under 5 degrees
heat stable, cooking the fish before eating will Celsius to reduce the risk of further bacterial
not rid the fish of the harmful toxin. growth.

- Shellfish also carries the risk of food poisoning - All meats carry a high-risk of causing
because the algae that the shellfish live in, foodborne illness if they’re not prepared and
produces many toxins that can build up to stored properly. Although many people prefer
dangerous levels. The more well-known their red meat not to be cooked completely
foodborne illnesses that these toxins can through, this can mean that the amount of
cause are neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, bacteria remaining on the meat is not brought
amnestic shellfish poisoning and paralytic down to a safe level. Those people who are
shellfish poisoning. more susceptible to illness are advised to
make sure that all meats are thoroughly
- Like the previous two toxins, cooking the cooked – this included pregnant women,
shellfish will not reduce the toxic risk to safe children, the elderly and anyone who suffers
levels. To safeguard against these heat stable from a weakened immune system.
toxins, you’re often advised to avoid eating
seafood in developing countries and if you’re 10. Fruits
not sure whether it’s safe to eat - don’t.
- Perhaps surprisingly, lots of raw fruits and
8. Rice berries have a high-risk of causing food
poisoning. Listeria, in particular, can grow on
- Rice is one of the most eaten foods on the the skins of fruits and vegetables and can
planet and is also considered a high-risk food cause food poisoning if eaten. Salmonella has
when it comes to food poisoning. It can been found responsible for more and more
become contaminated with Bacillus cereus, cases of food poisoning, which have been
which can initially infect and live in uncooked traced back to berries, hot peppers and
rice as spores. Rather than eliminating the tomatoes.
spores, cooking actually activates them and
moist cooked rice is the perfect breeding - Melons also have a high-risk of causing food
ground for harmful bacteria. Not storing poisoning because they’re not often washed
cooked rice properly is one of the biggest before being eaten. Harmful substances can
culprits of foodborne illnesses in the world. easily be transferred to the flesh of the fruit
anytime throughout the supply chain process.
- All cooked rice should be stored in the
refrigerator at the correct temperature, under - The growing environment of these foods is a
5 degrees Celsius, to avoid the further growth major factor in their high-risk status. They’re
often grown in warm, humid conditions, which
is the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria.
Thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables and
storing them at the proper temperature
before consumption is essential to minimise
the risk.


- Contamination of food can happen at any
point of production: growing, harvesting,
processing, storing, shipping or preparing.
Cross-contamination — the transfer of
harmful organisms from one surface to
another — is often the cause. This is
especially troublesome for raw, ready-to-
eat foods, such as salads or other
produce. Because these foods aren't
cooked, harmful organisms aren't
destroyed before eating and can cause
food poisoning.
- Many bacterial, viral or parasitic agents
cause food poisoning. The following table
shows some of the possible
contaminants, when you might start to
feel symptoms and common ways the
organism is spread.

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