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Natalie Fernandez Roster #3

Lesson Plan

Subject: Praxis Series

Objectives: The objective of this lesson is for students to develop an understanding of the
Praxis Series. Students will learn about required Praxis forms, testing timelines,
location of testing, and the content on the test. The goal is to prepare students that will
inevitably have to take the Praxis test.


● The teacher will step up into the front of the class and introduce themselves followed
by stating their objective: By the end of the lesson, each of you (students) will know
how to take the Praxis, and what will be on it.
- Ask students if they are familiar with the Praxis topic before the first slide,
volunteers will raise their hands. If answered correctly, student will be
rewarded with candy
● The teacher presents Powerpoint:
○ Slide 2 and 3: Introduce topic (what is it? How important is it?)
○ Slide 4: Describe required forms/registration and where to find them
○ Slide 5: Provide pictures of what these forms look like, describe which is
which, and visit links for close ups.
- Students will be asked and reminded of where to find
forms/registration, they will volunteer and be rewarded candy if
answered correctly
○ Slide 6: Brief description of testing timeline
○ Slide 7, 8, and 9: Describe content on Praxis test, provide example question
- students will volunteer before answer is given, candy is rewarded
○ Slide 10: Provide information on extra resources to students (practice tests,
books, etc.) Click online links and further explore online resources
○ Slide 11: Works Cited

● The teacher will conclude the lesson by briefly restating objective

● The teacher will pass out handouts to take home

● Students will be required to have pencils/pens
● Handouts will be provided filled with website resources, book resources, and proper
link to Praxis site

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