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M (Printed Pages 4)

(20115) Roll No. ,11111,I.,11.1111,I,..

B.B.A.-Ill Sem.

B.B.A. Examination, Dec. 2014
Advertising Management

Time : Three Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note= Attempt all the Sections as per instruc-



i \ (Very short Answer Questions)

\\` \ Note: Attemptall thefivequestions. Each ques-
' tion carries 3 marks. Very short answer

is required not exceeding 75 words.



1. Whatdoyou mean by aftersale service? 7. What is portfolio tests?

2. Explain the term Integrated communication
8. Discuss the contributions of DAGMAR ap- I

3. What do you mean by International adver-


4. Role of advertising research in marketing. (Detailed Answer Questions)

Explain. Note: Attempt any three questions out of the

5. Give any three advantages of newspaper following five questions. Each question car-

advertising. ries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.

Section-B 15x3=45

9. What do you mean by advertising budget?
Note= Attempt any two questions out of the fol-
Discuss the process of advertising budgets.
lowing three questions. Each question car-
10. What do you understand by advertising? Dis-
ries 71/2 marks. Short answer is req
cuss its features.
not exceeding 200 words. 71/2x2=15

11. How will you,determine the objectives of

6. What are the forms of direct mail advertis-
communication? Discuss in sh'ort.

1 8049\1 3000\2 18049\13000\3 P.T.O.

12. What are the strategies to be adopted by an

organization in media planning?

13. Write short notes on :

(a) International advertising

(b) Trade Mark

(c) MediaMix


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