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College of Southern Nevada

EDU 214 - Steven Saladino

en Saldini

Deanna Onori

December 11, 2021


As a child of the eighties, it is strange to see how much technology is available for

students now. When I was in school, we were excited to get a few minutes to play Oregon Trail

in the library. But with the advancement of technology, it seems that allowing our students to

take advantage of the benefits would be ideal. After the COVID shutdown, it is obvious that the

use of technology is beneficial. According to an article entitled, “8 Benefits of Technology in the

Classroom” by Grand Canyon University dated November 11, 2020, “Students who use

technology in the classroom may be more engaged”. They share that when school can have one

device per student, it can be integrated more smoothly allowing students to become more

engaged as they move through competencies (GCU, 2020).

As a parent, I have seen the growth in my own children with the use of technology in

their lessons. Children love technology and it gives them the opportunity to access abilities they

may not have been able to without it. For example, they can utilize their creativity on different

projects, communicate with peers easier for group projects, and gain important skills for

adulthood. The article from Grand Canyon University also points out that, “We do not yet

know what types of jobs will be around when many of our students are adults joining the

workforce, but we do know that technology is not going anywhere” (GCU, 2020).

In conclusion, technology is advancing every day, and our students will benefit with

the ability to apply it in their education. They will have access to resources, information, and

tools that will help them grow in knowledge and creativeness for the future. Taking this away

from them will essentially hold them back in education. We must continue to allow students

to utilize the technology available while teaching them how to use it properly and safely.
Works Cited

“8 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom.” GCU,

Identification of Standards

When comparing the technology standards at both the State and National level, I feel that

the standards for the State of Nevada are more specific and offer more descriptions for each

indicator. For example, when looking at the standard for Research and Information Fluency in

the state’s standards, we can see a step-by-step guide to locate, organize, analyze, evaluate,

synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. We begin with

identifying and organizing key words and using sources to answer an essential question then

move on to using those keywords to find information to create an original product. In regard to

the National Standard, we can see that Knowledge Constructor is a close comparison to Research

and Information Fluency. The standards shows that students will obtain resources using digital

tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning

experiences for themselves and others. This standard gives examples of ways the students would

use this standard but does not allow for step-by-step activities.

As we further compare the two lists, we can see that they hold many of the same

standards, however, they do not have the same name. Ultimately, they all have the same goal and

educational benefit. For my lesson, I would use the National Standard “Creative Communicator”

which is known as “Creativity and Innovation” through the State of Nevada Standards. Both

standards basically involve the creation of original works for personal expression. I would ask

my students to use their digital tools and available resources to create an original product. The

ability to tap into the creative side of each student is a large part of their education. It allows

them to use skills that they may not have been aware of. They will specifically be creating an

advertisement for a fictitious business allowing them to research design methods and use their

digital tools to use their imaginations and create something original.

Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson: It’s My Business

Grade Level: Middle School

Suggested Group Size: Individual

Subject: Language Arts

Standard: Creativity and Innovation (State of Nevada Standard)

1B - Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
1.B.12.1 - Create an original work using digital tools, including
planning, research, editing, and production.

Creative Communicator (National Standards)

1.6 - Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a
variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media
appropriate to their goals.
1.6B - Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or
remix digital resources into new creations.

Objective: Students will successfully create an original ad for a fictitious business that
they created or for a product they have invented.

Materials:  Chromebook
 Word Processing or Presentation Software (ie. Word, Powerpoint,
Google Slides)
 Scratch paper for ideas
 Pen or pencil for writing ideas

Procedures: 1. Prior to the students beginning their projects, the teacher will take
the time to run through the different types of software they have
available for use.
a. The teacher will demonstrate the functions available in the
software to include text boxes, inserting images, adding
headers and footers, font size and style, and word art.
2. The teacher will explain that this project must be an original creation,
however, may share examples of local business ads.
3. Students will be given 1 week to complete their project.
4. Students will be given time in class to work on their projects and will
also be able to work on them at home.
5. On the final day, students will be given the opportunity to share their
ads with their classmates during an oral presentation.

Assessment: Students will be graded on originality and creativeness as well as their oral
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