STS Pre-Final (Llandino)

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Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Practice Exam 1 Testing David Landino category: Microsoft Certied Fundamentals Product: 1MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Mod Testing Date Finished: s1fto/2t 11:48 PM Allotted Tim 50 Minutes Time Spent: ooraist2 ‘Questions: 39/40 Passed 975 Amazing! vous) ‘The average score obtained on this test is 730/1000, You scored 975/ 1000 on ths test g e|e]e/0]e]0]e/0/e/e]o/e]o]o ee] 0/9] 0|9/ 0] 0/9) 0/9] 0/00 Be _Or-hrenies ve Gud Cots @ Serie ath tt @ Bi Calorn Serves @ Mabe Ose Meagan e Ba Alowne App Ure @ DA Mosk 365 an Seairy Trane @ 3 tune and wa @ 36 Wang rr a Manone Devices @ 37a he Seen Ta ara @ BA Moosoh 365 Enyce Pane @ 3a Mcwsoh 365 Pecucny 2 Describe cloud concepts > Describe the diferent ypes of coud serves avaiable 100% > Deserbe the benefits of and consideration fr using 6 cloud sevice Instead of on premises services 100% Describe Core Microsoft 365 Services and Concepts > lenty core MlreseR 365 components 100% > Deseribe options for deploying and supporting Windows and office 100% > Deserbe analytics capabilesn Mirosoh 365 100% > Describe Microsoft 365 colaberaton solutions 100% Explain Security, Compliance, Privacy, and Trust in Microsoft 365, > Explain zero-tast secur principles for Wlerosof 365 100% > Explain unified endpoint management concepts 100% > Explin identity and aecess management concepts 100% > Explain Threat Protection in Miersott 365 100% > Deseribe the Service Test portal, Sacurty canter, and Compliance Maneger 100% Describe Microsoft 365 Pricing and Support > Pan, preci, and compare pricing 75% > Teeny Heensing options avaiable in Microson 365 100% > Daserbe the service Iecycle In Mlcros=R 365 100% > Deserbe support oerngs for Merasoft 365 services 100%

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