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Annual Chapter Budget

MVHS DECA 2021-2022

Income Expected Actual Comments

DECA Membership Dues (Advisor Included) $ 368.00 $ 304.00
Home Football Game Balloons $ 2,000.00 ** $2/ballon
Entertainment Coupon Fundraiser $ 2,775.00 ** $25/membership
Club T-Shirts $ 920.00 $ 760.00 ** $20/Shirt
Rummage Sale $ 2,500.00
Total Income $ 8,563.00 $ 1,064.00

Expenses Expected Actual

Game Day Balloons (includes helium) $ 84.60 ** 200 per game
T-Shirt Printing for Chapter $ 410.00 $ 387.20 ** 40 units ordered
BASIC Training ` $ 1,500.00
State Hotels $ 2,250.00 ** Room for chaperones included and bus driver included
Bus Driver Per Diem - State $ 135.00
Nationals in Atlanta $ 2,800.00 ** Includes Flight and Hotel
End of Year Banquet ($11.99/person) $ 1,500.00 ** Catered by Goodwood BBQ
Total Expenses $ 8,679.60 $ 387.20

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