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Friday, October 1st, 2021

Applying for Leadership

1.3.1 Demonstrate big picture thinking by understanding oneʼs role in fulfilling the mission of the workplace and considering the social,
economic, and environmental impacts of oneʼs actions Idaho CTE (2021)
1.3.2 Demonstrate career and life management by planning, implementing, and managing personal and professional development goals related
to education, career, finances, and health Idaho CTE (2021)
1.3.3 Demonstrate continuous learning and adaptability by accepting constructive feedback and being open to new ideas and ways of doing
things; continuously develop professional skills and knowledge to adjust to changing requirements Idaho CTE (2021)
1.3.4 Demonstrate efficiency and productivity by planning, prioritizing, and adapting work goals to manage time and resources effectively Idaho
CTE (2021)
1.3.10 Demonstrate professionalism by meeting organizational expectations regarding work schedule, behavior, appearance, and
communication Idaho CTE (2021)
1.1.2 Demonstrate integrity by abiding by workplace policies and laws and demonstrating honesty and reliability Idaho CTE
1.2.7 Demonstrate job acquisition and advancement skills by preparing to apply for a job and seeking promotion Idaho CTE

Students will be able to (SWBT):
Define leadership.
Understand the characteristics of leadership.
Utilize personal checklists to help achieve their professional goals.
Practice the hiring process in applying for a leadership position.

Students will enhance their understandings of the importance leadership in a real-world setting. By including personal checklists in their goal-
making process, students will demonstrate capabilities in applying for leadership roles in the future.

1. Starter ( 7 min): I will begin by using Screencast to introduce my PowerPoint on the topic of applying for leadership.
2. Engage (7 min): Everyone will create a personal checklist of leadership qualities that they believe matter most. We will share some ideas as
a class and add to our lists.
3. Explore (15 min): Class will divide into groups and will role play promotion seeking scenarios for a career in leadership.
Students who have checked everything off their lists are applying for the promotion and the others in the group will act as a hiring
4. Application (10 min): Students will apply the components of leadership and choose their choice of candidate for promotion.
5. Extend (15 min): The class will now break into two groups.
The first group will demonstrate a prepared candidate applying for a leadership position.
The second group will demonstrate an unprepared candidate applying for a leadership role.
6. Closure (5 min): Students will complete a Google Doc submission to check their understanding.


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