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3 Day
Program Setup
Use this program to help introduce calisthenics and bodyweight control to your
body. You already taken the first step which is downloading this all you have to
do is be responsible and follow these routines and build that novice strength
which you will need in order to progress and build unstoppable strength while
working towards your desired goals. This program is setup to introduce the
calisthenics foundations to your body in a safe way where you will progress
quickly and be able to kick start your calisthenics journey.

You will be building straight arm strength, core strength, pulling and pushing
strength along with leg strength. Some benefits you may notice in how you feel
while starting this will be your mobility and how it affects your day to day life.

Make sure you warm up properly for around 10-15 minutes with some sort of
dynamic stretches or a light form of cardio. Do this to prevent injuries or cold
stiff muscles during training. If you find yourself to sore to do all 3 sessions in
the week start with 1-2 and work towards three after a few weeks. You will be
alternating between different muscle groups in your sessions and you will want
to track your progress each session. You can do this by taking videos of yourself
training and performing the exercises. You can always tag me in your instagram
stories and I can comment back on your form and continue to give you advice.

Your body needs rest and so make sure your giving yourself atleast 24-36 hours
between each training session. You need to recover your muscles in order for
them to grow and get stronger.

Page 1
Program Setup
This program showcases the sets, reps and rest time to follow. But
it does not hold accountability for you pushing yourself each
session that is something you need to be accountable for. You need
to understand that if you are serious about getting full bodyweight
strength and control you need to be disciplined, consistent and
patient and that all comes with time you need to be hungry to start
and all those other factors will follow. Once you see a little bit of
results it truly does get addicting and you will not want to stop.

Calisthenics is all about progression and following the right

progression steps you always want to start with with the most
basic exercise and variation and keep working your way up the
ladder. I also cannot express the word patience I promise those
desired skills of yours will come with practice.

If you are finding the reps and sets or rest time challenging then
always scale it back there's no harm in that. You don't want to blow
yourself out and be fatigued for more than 3 days so be humble and
you can always drop down and pick it back up the next session.

Scroll further for your training schedule:

Page 2
Novice Calisthenics : FP Performance
Training Split

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Upper Body Rest Lower Body Rest Upper Body Rest Rest

The schedule above is an outline for how the workout will be

structured, but you are more than welcome to switch things /
days around as long as you follow the following rules and
complete each weekly split.

Do not train more than 3 times in a week

Do not train for more than 2 consecutive days

If you miss a session here and there, don't stress. Get back
on track the very next day. Consistency over time is way
more important.

Warm - Up :  5 to 10 minutes before each session with

jump rope, a light jog or any

other full body dynamic movement.

Max : You will perform the exercise until you reach your limit.

SS: Refers to exercises performed in a superset order.

The Training Split Workout Day 1 & 2
Day 1 | Chest • Shoulders • Back • Arms • Core •
Exercise Sets Reps Rest (Mins)

1. Warm Up

2. Incline Push Ups 3 6-12 1-2

3. SnowAngels 3 8-10 1-2
4. Australian Pull Ups 2 6-10 1-2
5. Negative Push Ups 2 5-8 1-2
6. Pike Hold 3 Max 1-2
7. Laying Leg Raises 3 8-12 1-2
8. Hollow-Body Hold |SS| 3 Max SS
9. Straight Arm Plank 3 Max 1.30

Day 2 | Quads • Hamstrings • Calves • Core •

Exercise Sets Reps Rest (Mins)

1. Warm Up

2. Explosive Squat Jumps 4 6-10 1-2

3. Pistol Box Squats 3 3-6 1-2
4. Reverse Lunges 2 8-12 1-2
5. Pause Squats 4 6-10 1-2
6. Bulgarian Split Squats 2 5-8 1-2
7. Laying Leg Raise Pulses |SS| 3 8-15 SS
8. Hollow-Body Hold 3 Max 1.30
The Training Split Workout Day 3
Day 3 |Chest • Back • Shoulders • Arms • Core •
Exercise Sets Reps Rest (Mins)

1. Warm Up

2. Heavy Banded Pull Ups 3 3-5 2-3

3. Decline Push Ups 2 6-10 2-3
4. Reverse Grip Australian Pull Ups 3 5-8 1-2
5. Scapula Pulls 3 8-12 1-2
6. Pike Push Ups 3 4-8 2-3
7. Push Up Shoulder Taps 4 6-10 2-3
8. Floor Reverse Crunches |SS| 3 12-15 SS
9. Hollowbody Hold 3 Max 1.30
Work Ethic:
Pick a weight or variation that makes every set challenging. You want
to train 2-3 reps short of muscular failure during each set. This is
essential for transforming your body and becoming muscular. I
understand everyone is busy and isn't always able to have follow a set
routine. But it comes down to priorities and making time for the things
you want most, so it is understandable to change the routine around
and take a rest day on a different day as scheduled, as long as those
sessions aren't missed too often. If you miss a session don't be too
hard on yourself and continue the next day with the session missed
but you want to stick to the program as best as you can. It will always
comes down to how bad you want it.

If you don't push yourself you'll remain the same.

And as a Thank You for Downloading this Program. If you click the
button below I am giving you the opportunity to advance your training
and take your calisthenics a step further. So below is a discount code
for the Beginner Calisthenics Program just apply it at the checkout for
20% off.

-Discount: "Strength20"

Advance your

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