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Department of EXTC Engineering

Problem based learning

Experiment No 10
Semester SE –Sem III Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Subject EICS Laboratory
Laboratory Professor Prof. Uma Jaishankar
Student Name Pratik Nanaso Bhalake
Roll Number 20104B0042

Experiment 10
Problem Quick and accurate weighing system for continuous conveyed materials is important to most continuous production
Statement: manufacturing processes, especially granular bulk materials. Use a method to make a better estimate of the digital
filtering that is required to satisfy a given vibration rejection requirement for better precision and faster response

Description and Solution to the problem can be mathematically expressed by two methods. Pole Zero plot and Routh
Approach to Hurwitz criteria and Bode plot and Root Locus . As there are three variables for digital filtering the power
Problem of s in the denominator is 3.
For constant vital statistics we consider the numerator as a constant value.
The output of the mathematical methods in terms of stability is an indicator of vibration rejection, better precision,
and faster response speed.
Resources / Hardware: Computer Software: MATLAB

Pole Zero Plot :- Bode Plot :-

sys = tf([3],[1 3 2 3]);

b = [3];
a = [1 3 2 3];
[z,p,k] = tf2zp(b,a) Root Locus :-
fvtool(b,a,'polezero') text(real(z)
+.1,imag(z),'Zero') sys = tf([3],[1 3 2 3]);
text(real(p)+.1,imag(p),'Pole') rlocus(sys)

Output Pole Zero Plot :- Bode Plot :-

Root Locus :-
Analysis :
AMass Production Conveyor System has three variables associated withit for Optimal Performance, Vibration Rejection

We observed the Pole Zero Plot and noticed that the System remains Stable,as the Roots are onthe Left Side.
We also observed the Bode Plot and noticed that the System remains Stable,as the GM and AM both are Positive.
We also observed the Root Locus and noticed that the System remains Stable,as all Roots are on the Left Hand Side Pla

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