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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Science and Technology

Agham Road, Diliman, Ouezon City
E-mail: / Tel No.: (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

18 November2021

Series of 2021

TO PSHS (lRC, EVC, CMC, SRC, CRC) Campus Director, FAD Chief,
SAO's & all concerned

SUBJECT: Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS

System 2021 I Third Quarter Report with High Slippage

Referencing the submitted DOST-IMTF reports for third quarter received by the
Office of the Executive Director, it was observed that your on-going project incurred
High slippage.

You are directed to submit your catch-up plan to zero out the slippage on or before
December 1,2021 .

For your compliance


(02) 8939-7747/8939-77
'y' www oshs edu oh
49t 8939-7

Philippine Science High School System

7 26

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Ouezon City
E-mail: / Tel No.: (02) 8939-7747 I 49
November 15,2021


Executive Director
PSHS System
Agham Road, Diliman, Q.C

Dear Ma'am

We are submitting herewith the consolidation of Status of lnfrastructure

lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System for the third quarler of 2021 .

We hope you find the enclosed file.

Thank you

Prepared by:

ONDOC I sAr4 rn I t LNIL (r*la( n

Project Engineer
DE u('\ tL
Recommend ing Approval: - a',*
f, 4r4
Chief Administrative Officer l2v-

Approved by fi;p'y* - 64
r_ &t- / -,1

Executive Director

Enc DOST-IMTF Summary (DosT-lnhaslruclure Moniloing Task Force) (1 page)

Slatus ol lnlraslructurc lmplementation tuojecls o/ the PSHS Syslem - Lisl ot Projects wilh Alarming Slalus, Summary
of the Possible P@blems, Summary of lhe On-Tracking/Good Slanding (9 pages)
Status of lntrastructurc lmplemenlalion Prcjects ofthe PSHS Syslem - second quaiet rcpod 2021 (/ pages)
DOS MIF Sub.rission Monitoing (DosT-lnfrcslruclue Moniloing Task Force) (1 page)


(02) 8939-7747i8939-77 49t8939-7726
Phrlpprne Science High School System
lcpubllc of lhc Philipplnct
Depollmcnl ol Sclence ond Icchnology
Olflc! ol th. Executiv. Dlr.ctor

OOST-lMTt Summory (DOSI-lnlroslruclure Monitoring Tork Force)

3rd Quorter Report

On{olnA (O.. On{olnt On<oint

TOIAL (with Hith
on<oint On{oing
NUMSER OT St ndintl Slipp.te) (Biddint) (tlcslgn)

>0 b€t.0 &'ro <.10

MC NCR 1 3 1 I 1 3
llocos FeEron Campur tRc 10 V! I
Cordiller. Administralive Rcrion Camou5 3 2 1
C.sayan v.ll€y C.mpu5 cvc 27 l1 1 2 I
Cent.alLu.on Campus cLc 1 5 1 1

CALABARZON Res on Camous cEzRc 6 5 1

MIMAROPA ReEron Campus MBC tv-8 23 9 3 1 1 2

BRC 9 5 7 2
We(ern Vrsayas Camp!s VI 8 6 2
Centralvisayas Campus CV sC 11 7 2

Eastern Visayar Camp!s 2 1 7

Zamboansa P€ninrula C.moue zRc 20 10 8 1 1 9
Central Mindan.o C.mpus cMc 9 6 2
Sourhern Mi^danao Camous 5MC 8 3 1

SOCCSKSARGEN ReRion Camput sRc 16 10 /1 I

Carasa ReEion C.mDus cRc 15 8 2 /t
Office ofthe Executive Director OED NCR

TOTAL 181 26 28 5 1 1 3 6
Republic of the Ph ilippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Dilaman, Quezon City
E-mail. i Tel No : (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System

2021 I Third Quarter Report

A. List of Projects with Alarming Status

A.1. With High Slippage

Region Title of Project Slippage as Remarks
of Sep 202'l

llocos Region Campus 2021 Completion of Grandstand with Football, -10.85% On-going; slippage due to delay of materials and
Soccer Filed and Oval equipment
Eastern Visayas Campus 2019 Construction of Learn ng Research Center -14.40% On-going; letter was sent to the contractor notifying
their negative slippage and requiring to submit a catch-
up plan

Central Mindanao 2020 Completion of lVlulti Purpose Gymnasium -36 64% On-going; delay of delivery of materrals; subject to
Campus liquidated damages

Page I of 9
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon Crty
E-mail / Tel No.: (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

SOCCSKSARGEN Region 2018 Construction of Administration Building '28.88Yo On-going, was suspended last April 2020 due to covid-
Campus Phase ll 19 pandemic and resumption order issued August 3,
2020 and the contractor requested to re-schedule the
resumption due to boundary lockdown imposed in the
nearby municipalities and Provinces of North Cotabato
and South Cotabato; resumption was reschedule was
on October 14,2020. Limited numberof workers are in
the campus since most of their workers are from
Cotabato City. The contractor has doing their best to
fast-track the project. They also delivered matenals for
the project. They submitted catch-up plans and
commitment letters to complete the project in fast
phase. lncurred Liquidated damages which started on
September 4, 2019.

Caraga Region Campus 2018 Design and Construction of Academic -10.81% Liquidated Damages was already imposed; The prolect
Building lV has stopped due to the delay on the construction
materials delivery. The conkactor will resume their
activities as soon as the materials will be delivered on

Page 2 of 9
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City
E-mail: / Tel No r (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

A.2. Suspended

Region Title of Project Slippage as Remarks
of Sep 2021

llocos Region Campus 2019 Upgrading of Electrical System Application for Net metering of the solar power is on-
Cordillera Administrative 2015 Completion of Academic Building 1 - Phase Notice of work suspension; Suspended pending DBM
Region Campus 3 (Take Over) query on its funding; Still working on the documents for
money claim.

Zamboanga Peninsula 2019 Site Development (Phase lV) On-going


Page 3 of 9
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Ouezon City
E-mail: / Tel No.: (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

SOCCSKSARGEN 2020 Installation of Power, Distribution Line and -1 ,84Y0 lssued suspension order effective March 25,2021
Region Campus Communication System because of the on-going contruction of Academic
Building lV. The concern building was informed and
was informed and was instructed to prioritize the Data
Center so that Unicenter can continue their installation.

The scope of the project - lnstallation of Power,

Distribution Line and Communication System cover all
academic buildings including Academic Buidling lV.
The contractor can not install speakers and other
devices since ACAD lV will still apply skim coat of the
walls and the data room for the control panel is not yet

Page 4 of 9
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City
E-mail: / Tel No : (0218939-7747 I 49

A.3. Terminated

Region GAA Title of Project Negative Remarks

FY Slippage as
of Sep 2021

Main Campus 2017 Construction of Academic Building for -56.24Y0 Terminated due to 10% max LD being reached on
Senior High School December 25,2020; for blacklisting of conkactor in
GPPB, claims with bonding agency lodged; possible
Central Luzon Campus 2017 Conskuction of Administration Building -6.714k Extended for 79 days due to bad weather and 90 days due to
Phase 1 request for additional works; (addrtive/deductive works) Liquidated
damages will be charged (Php 2,917.317 89 for 606 days as of
February 28, 2021); Suspended due to COVID-19 and construction
work pass. LD stopped at March '17, 2020 and resumed on July 4,
2020 Notice of Termination issued on June 9, 2021.

Unfo(unately, the total time extension did exceed the original

conkact time of 300 days (including 90 CD due to CoVID-19 ECQ)
is 656 CD However, this is broken down as follows:
a.410 CD time extension due to weather, materials & permits - for
this project we already used 8mm of rainfall to be considered for
b. 65 CD due to delay in progress billing & design; and,
c. 181 CD due to COVID-19-90 days ECQ, restnctions on
construction work pass required by CDC and reduced manpower

As for the status of termination for the Admin Building, this will be
presented to and recommended by the Execom for approval by the
BOT in Ocl 5 in its meeting via Google meet

Page 5 of 9
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Ouezon City
E-mail: / Tel No : (O2\ 8939-7747 I 49

MIMAROPA Region 2017 Conskuction of Dormitory Building I Terminated; The prolect have approved NEP for
Campus continuation. Construction will start next year (20221

MIMAROPA Region 2017 Construction of Canteen and Student Terminated on Feb 10, 2020; Completion of project is
Campus Activity Center on-going (Completion of Canteen and Student Activity
Center - GAA 2019)
Zamboanga Peninsula 2018 Construction of Administration Building Contract terminated in April 2021: As per plan, ZRC will
Campus request for budget for its completion.
Southern Mindanao 2020 Construction of Academic Building lll -37.68lo Take-over project (as per Annex "h" of the 2016 Revised
Campus IRR of RA 9184); project title of the continuation:
"Construction of Academic Building lll - Unfinished
Works (Phase 1)"

PaBe 6 of 9
Repubhc of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City
E-mail: / Tel No : (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

B. Summary of the Possible Problems

Findings based on the reports of the Campuses' lnfrastructure Projects:

1. lmpact of Covid-19 restrictions and implemented measures (e.9. work restriction depending on guidelines, manpower
reduction, working time reduction, delay on material delivery)
2. Predecessors (activity whose start or finish controls staft or finish of another activlfy) needed to be done first before proceeding
to next activity (e.9. removal of tie rods before plastering, fully-finished on interior before mechanical installation)
3. Design issues
4. Poor Weather
5. Delay due to Permits
6. Material unavailability and delivery delay
7. Suspension from unfinished works of previous phase or another project
8. lnterference of other developmenUproject (e.g site development interference for water line connections, road network project
deletion of scope and change order)
9. Balance/remaining works and rectification
10. lnaccessibility to project site

C. Summary of the Possible Solutions:

Recommendation based on the reports of the Campuses' lnfrastructure Projects:

1. Submission of Catch-Up Schedule (Conducting weekly meeting with weekly progress report over 3-week-look-ahead-schedule)
2. Assessment of the Critical Path, the relationships of predecessors and successors of every activity
3. Addition of Manpower and Equipment
4. Recommending additional outsou rce/su ppliers to resolve material unavallability
5. Recommending to work overtime (additional 2 hrs a day) or on weekends (or holidays) to catch-up

Page 7 of 9
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Ouezon City
E-mail: / Tel No : (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

D. Summary of the On-Track/Good Standing

Main Campus 2
Completion of Acedemic BuildinB 1
Completion of Administration Build ing
Cagayan Valley Campus 1

Construction of Property Building

CALABARZON Region Campus L

Construction of Fabrication Laboratory (Rebidd ing-Utilizing the DesiBn and Build Scheme)
MIMAROPA Region Campus 3
Construction of Academic Building ll
Construction of Multi-Purpose Gymnasium
Site Development, Vl
Bicol Region Campus 2

Construction of Motorpool & Parking Area (Design & Build Scheme)

Construction of Property BuildinB, Design & Build Scheme
Central Visayas Campus 2
Completion of Dormitory Building for Boys and Girls
Site Development (2021)
Zamboanga Peninsula Campus 8
Completion of Academic Building I
Completion of Dormitory Building ll
Construction of Academic Building lll
Construction of Dormitory lll (Male)

PaBe 8 of 9
Republrc of the Ph ilrppines
Department of Science and Technology
Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City
E-mail: oed@oshs / Tel No : (02) 8939-77 47 I 49

Construction of Dormitory lll (Male) - Phase 2

Construction of Rain Water Collection System
Construction of Track Oval
Site Development (Phase V)
Southern Mindanao Campus 3

Construction of Academic Building lll - Unfinished Works (Phase 1)

Completion of Fa brication Laboratory
Site Development - lmprovement of Various lnstallation
Caraga Region Campus 4
Construction of Fabrication Laboratory using the DesiBn and Build Scheme
Construction of Material Recovery Facility using the Design and Build Scheme
Construction of Sports Facilities using the Design and Build Scheme
Site Development using the Design and Build Scheme

TOTAL: 26 Projects

Page 9 of 9
YEAR: 2021
Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System
3rd Ouarter

Cdui.di6 ol A.dsric BrildnE lhr Sdid UEh Sd.d m nslod dus lo l Ota md LD &iis rdhd m DndriLs
i!20it bl.kliliir{ ol ordd in GPP3, dr6. r ul
6ryroat d, peh 6 r( c.ll6
7l CdhEt6 olAdtridd i6 &ilrrt.t RddrlEi, rmm% Jurom21 Fi, iN$.ci6 tong dducld
E4.dn id Cdi.hrdio d A.n rc rn Odfrildy Buildhs.,

2C19 Rsnrb lal,6 ol R6 dn@ l. s 100 o0% 100m%

2A2A D69n.idBu dol nlrslruclur. Pq-l l( Sd.g. Trc.lm€nl 1913% 655% D6ay.d!6lolh6plsl6nCwdk6whdr.ds'nvolelho
Pldl(SIP)lE h6 Ph iDpN Sdm6 HiCh Sc+El ol lh6 I o rcd. thal wo usd i lho ,om wk bll
wf,s dhel in $si Cotr-1d * bo ai . 10

oln ddt-r/ @pdEL fh d ha6

dcdy bdt pl@d h]l nd. b hft ltE didu,6
t b! Ein! in.dld -d k H F4rdd
tm.n..6, Eh td o M.y 19 2021, dslo
@roysl I ho ol d.aioi., (cidy 6M du. lo p-d@i.
r@tricti66, h.loffi Gduct fr d!6 to MEco @a nq rh.
NCR and Bghbar ic {@ -d m.!.1 hrlliig ol
6 rcq@lod by trd 6l b5^q *r!.hn


2421 StuD6<pMl Cfiddfi ol lh. R.hd l.lE olUE Rod

Ndfudk i6d6ri6 Camru8 wlh Asohar Ovstuy

9912% C@pold [,!s.h m21 lqudalsddn46* b.

CGC.ti6 ol L&aldy -d I.did.{y Bd d n!- Phe 3 TIE Fqd Efkd dc.y mrn y b-ta ol uF prd.nic

661016 App ebm lE iLl mlnn! ol tE id. porg E 6 odig

20,9 mprM.rro, sch6 c6p€r tc0 009( 1CC oCX

2A2a Como 6loi ol Spo . Cm, 6r 5933% 9i 31% 9113% 1000016 io0 0o% 2421
N21 ampl6lim ol G.oddard prrh F@rb.ll S6a Fil6d srd Ovd 0 cc% 1263% 3329% 10359( On.sdiO, lipp.s€ d6lo d6l.y oi maldieh eid .qu ph l

n21 rmpn6ldE olK.12 PqrM(M TB Cl nltetru.!rc) Suppy 1m00*

n2. 5 529r 7M Or$noi tE 6lrdd LE lo &bml 0E idJ pl- m [E

2!2', S lo D66la6l (D6,sn rt Bu ld) or.gong tE 6t-1r li d lo atnil liE inl pla m u.

n2'l mproFmoil ot llalsr as sdrag. sFl.m Oi go ng lho 6ilr&10, la d lo subh I lhs FM p .i 6 tho

Codlll.n Admiiiir.nv. R.9ion C.rpu. 20i5 C6proi 6 ol A.rnic Buird ns 1 - Phs 3 (IrG oE) ol Er $.FrM Suedd€n lrd ng DBM qu..y

2Ct9 S ls hdqMl . D6 qndd Bu d 100m%

n2a P@uoml olS le Sevo oondl 61 t3%

2013 D@ 9i .nd & B! d Fd lh. Cmdrud on ol Lorniic 1000cx Jui 2120

c6.tucl'6 ol Sdr6 Rard F-r/ly LoT rt Ai mat Ha[ €nes6 d6 io Y, ai6 d6 lo l&1u .id dE lo

242.) Co.t6'6 o! So-@ RB'd FEI ry LOT 12 Grs HdE

n2, 3t t6%
Cmrlrucl,m ol Ptu@ vBu d'no 533%
2421 Cm6rruclm ol Marelas R@€ry Fao ty Bu d iq
2C21 lmoroFml or Wald Sysln S hs. (MiffiUcml su4r) 10000*
YEAR 2021
Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System
Yd Quaner

Cohslildon olAdm i slraLm Bu d iq Pha$ I 93 29% tubiden lor 79 dayl duo lo bad wdlhor eid 90 d.ys du. lo
r.quasilttrddllimal*dks (ddilrdddElE*otu)
Liqu ddd dh+r $ll b€ charcsd (Php 2,Sl7 31/ 39 rd
606 d4s a ol F$rury 23 2021), S@F.dd dG lo
COV 819 d d.tucl'6 Ek Da L0 sl4pd n M-cn
17 2c20 f,d r&nd d Ju r I 2!20 NotEolTm nald

Uilodunala y ih. rolrl l m6 .rl.nEm d d dc6{i lh6 q q na

dlr*I1m6 or 300 dsy6 lndudins 90 CD dlo lo cov 0.19
ECo) is 656 CD ro@, ihE 6 brcksn dM ss 6 hrl
6 410 C0lim.nmdd d!.10 waahtr h.lflslB & pdmild
- & nll6 prqEt B .lrc.dy usd omm ol Enlal lo b.

b 65 CD L d.y in p.erd tillins & d6ion rd

c 181 CD dE lo CoV O19 90 daF ECQ n6lici6s n
@h!di6 {dr oe EUn6n bY CDC dd Gdu.d

As fd lhE s1.tu8 ol l6m iarn for th€ Adm i Build lhs

a b€ p@il.d lo snd r@mmmdod br lho E@m lor
appEa by h6 A0T n Oc1 5 i ik helinq ri, G@! 6 hel

T.teNr Conlrrl lor tho qskucl on ol Sludonl s L€amhg

2CtA Comlrucloi olAcadmc Bu ong Pha6o l Compl6i* i Su.ptrd.d 61 96 dsr€ du6 lo d6ky i p aymnl
o,prcsN b ns nd Fobru{y 25 - May 31 2019
Lrquidal.n ddae6 *j
b.chrqd Susp6.n.d dw lo
covlDlg (LD dapd .r vddl 17, 202!) Rq6od 6 July
2:',4 !6-,tl, Ensd€n lt. l3l d4. dE lo raBal ol 6a6l i!
I E ol C Et Wdd Cqpsd m ai day in rcl.e ol

dlig p6fi,1toh C!{k 0@opm6l Cdpdaro

(addil ona Eltu.lurrl d@msh l{urd) 49 da,s dua 10
bad re.lhd lor th. ps od Jun6l.oclohtr 31 m19 10 dayg
d@ lo d€ ay n oavmoil olD.ooB b ii! fm No6b611
23,2019 S6p.idd du.lo C.trd.19 sd ddMr on wod
R&md m Ju y . 2OO Ensi€d lq 73 daye dlo 1o

bsE ain G pp€s Su5p.nd@,s 22 CD du6lo rs

ol d61a od doegn ol lrus Eieidod h, 60 CD
lo da ay in rml]no hard a s Lqudalan damasss w D6

Cqnp€rod Ju 2!21, Cm65uc1r6 esFdn€n d@ lo COVIO

i9 dn ddruci,m wl ps Rsm€d 6 Jud O mmi
En€in€d 6 45 dsyE duo 1o *dts Ihal 6id bo .lald sl
md O d4s dua lo ly ol hr16 r s Su6p.hd€d
u^av. ab
du6 lo d.lay li r.l6e
fGl prcerN b lmg (31C0),
Suspsddn duo lo dsrsy in re o6s ol lh d pro!66 hll iO
(28C0) Lqudalendamaodw b6d,oad (Php 74,11317
Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System
3rd Quad*

cALASAAZON R.Eioh c:hpur ticSc%

S lo Ddolem€nl (R€b dd iO Ul znglh6 Darlqi ad 3u d 28 91% 6X 15y. 9133% 9355%

2C21 Cm slrucl on ol Fabicat on L$dalory (REb dd nq.Ul z nO th. 2412% 0i qoio.oimLa pDfro D,p6rnsier wakwayorLio

t l[lAROPA Rlgion C.mpu. 2aa
2i16 Cmslruct on ol Pnmd6 Fm.ccr16s tc00c%
?117 Conslruclon oloom 10ry 8u dnq TomiaLod Th6 prcld hr6 spprded NEP lor Ml nual oi

2a'1 Coislru.loi cl Cml@i and S tud snl Acl vily Cerler

tt T6m iabd oi F€b 10 2020 Comp6tor ol pro|*l s o.
(Csiprdrs ol Csls dd Slud*l Acl vly Cdls -
2a'3 99 23% 99r2i

24',3 lislall.lioi ol E 61r * D[tnbul 6 !n6 (slh G6ssl .nd

tcc co% 10000%

23r3 Consxucl on ol Dorm lorv Bu,d nq I lico0% 'c0 00%
23r3 CoMUucr m ol L&.aldy Bu'rd nO 93 22on 9421% 93 3C% s9 t2% 99 9l% 0 o9"l fd 06rp.nq Fm I and Etf€l m ol purh .l

99 69%

201-o Cohpl6r oD dl Waler Systom I

2019 Compr6lon olCailFn aid Slud€ir AclrylyCerler 2 t?% for 06!p.icy p6m r aid r*Lifcaloi olp!i.hl'sl

36 C6% 0 52% Subn soi ols.bu'll pans and Eclri€l on ol

25 XA1,
?a2l OiOdig Ex@vall6 wdk5 lq 6ad, r pr4 a^d CBB ario

2X2', Cmslrudor olA.adem c BJ dng

2421 Cqslrucl6 olAdm nstralm Bu d iq
2i?1 Conslruc16 ol Sp.tu Fe ls 1264% 230r%

23r9 Cmsx!.loi olS le Deveopmonl Compold Th€ prcl-l wa !rcal y allel€d dlo 10 olf@

2C2X Condltucl oi ol Sc 4co Roearch Fac ly Uidor D€sgn 3 guld CompeL.d R6.L ly lh6 punch slo! ilms

2a2i Conrl.lon ol Lrb.rda I Tdrio @y BJ dnq 93 25+ loooo*

2ii OHdng Cutrsly o $ &ign dage, Th€ obdd hd

ffipli# lh€ d@iC ol 6ll.: hm in irly ebhrnld
id p a, ddrlimd .nd v.
2C21 conslruclon or Mololpm & Parknoarca (0ssi & 9urd S.heme) 0nOoig Curcrryd c dssgn s1aO6iTh6 mnlra.ld havo
aMmpirshen h6 c 6d iq ol s 16, hav€ i ! a y 6ubm lL6d
id p an, s eval ons ,nd !€rspdr va


2X17 CotrGlrucron ol ProDdy Buid hq (D$qn and Buid Schn€)

S lo 0ov6oproil Man Cahpls 2has4 tx0:c%

YEAR 2021 Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System

20r9 100 mi6

mt9 Cdplol'6 oi Nd tundi c tu d n9 (Desn 5t Buid sctm.)

2421 L.lpgrad ng ol Mu l.Pueoe B dg 8! d Sch€ma 1/ 009( 53 39% @ ng oftgo ng me yandpaslffigwo(s,

n21 R4ai rn Rdr.b ol CmDu F- il a,Ph 4 2 5C% rs .. m.l6ic .r.!6ldy, a d. Yd,

Rstrat l.ld.nd EissnoiAdmn'!lr.lon B! d'io 100m%

20r9 hpdommrolwald sydsm 10000% 10000%
Cmp 61 6 ol R.iii ia Wall / R prp. 10!00% loooo%
Silo Ds61@n5l (Ron GBt m) ro0m*
17 57* 39 3€*

R#.b Mlm olSd6 3! d^qs 639196 87l0% 2421

2a2a! dhO V olhor Fac lss 3393% 55 5196 96 75% 93 20% 2021t Pq*l mddd *ilh mhor

2i?' 916*
n21 E 12% 2979't" Dlqel dd.rd du lo 6dd€ 6n'ln 6 lh€

Eprn. m or Annq 06m lory Build ie lr 8oy. ed Gt . 397% Oi.Coftg, pqd n6gal Es ppago duo 10 @nlraclo, s

Cddnrtd ol tdirE Red Ca'lr

ltpe d! GqJ niC b !-5h i . .adr up p 6

2X19 100 009{ 1000016

2421 CosliJclii ol P,opaty Bs d nq P.iln.ul. R.oloi C.hpu. DdJgn .Dd Build Sfri6 ir lh6 C6.lrE1 6 ol A.:dnE Build n9 10cm% CdnpLtd: Prqel v- . l*l.g dl'd PEla.
6lr-lr w. LeazDr Prm um Dnn CsD / EEto
Bu dr. ic (r) Cmr.ld ol pEndr 6lr.ld tu thi3
prq-t *-
12* ol h.
6 pq-l Praiu dlred ol wa
PhP32,9l! Z0 90 Cql,-tr. &rd6 0& n &16

20r6 D6qndBuiid Sa6t lho Cs.lrucl6 ol S Is Dad.DMl 1mm* '000c% Cnddd Prqet ra r l*..d 6lr&l P6l@6
6t.dor *4 L{4p P6iun D.n CrpJ Etmxo
Euird{ rrc (JU Cmp.l d ol p@ oB dlr*t( d th .
p.dEiwr 2001* oJdEpqd Prd tus 6lr-16l
*. PhPr 781,175 26 Cnn-iy- -d.d 6 0e A,

o€sgnmdAu dS*c6sto lhsConrliL.ldnolCatoltrssnd

2Cr3 Coslrucl m ol Pdsr Nous t0c ca%

20r3 C@slrlcls ol A.sddnE EudnC I (s+t 21,202!)i.r I lo n EdEd/6im.d I
L0 bd dE.nsro 6dub COV O19Et

2art cdsituct m ol Ddfi ldy BJi d io I

S16leleoDmerrlPh6s )

203 Cdslruclon ol Adhn slralln Euild iC 90 26% 9025% l3d nalsd iApr 2021,Aspdpan ZRCw

S,le DeYoropnol (PFe V) 25 72% 25 72t" 2512% 2572% 2512* 25 72\

Sil6 0s[iq66r (Phe \') 9 0r% ocndo Ph4 5 . Rot rietEr (Ph6 ?)
sl,-r Llcrr. (he 2) sr.r6, PE Ddibdm
sy.ln (Fha 2) .rd L-a-4ri{

Cmp 6llon olCanlM &d SluddlAcl,v ly C€nlor 10ooo% 10o0ox

Cmp ol @ ol oom loy Bu d iq 10000*
3 93% 23 9"4 63 329(
YEAR 2021 Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System
3d Ou.rler

C661i.di<, olA.irnic Eli dng ll Nol yol .rn6d, S..F. ol Vlb.t 6jrd t Nqol.ld

n21 Cnp.t m ol A.rd6rc 8u dn! Nol yu ddd S@ ol Y'H( 6,ai..d lu Rsbiddiq

Como€lo.olDdmldy Bu'ld io I

242 Cqslrucld oloffirl@ llM..l-Phe 2

Coslul o ol R.n w.ia cd et6 syBln

c.ntal Miid.i.o c.npur R@a rnEh$' l.16 ol Ac5d.m c Burld io I .d ll roc 00% lmoc% 1mm* |
R.ra rn6h.b lrlal m ol oom lory Bu dino rnd roo00%
Cmddiq ot Sd.@ Rech F& ty 62 679{ 75 33% 990r"i oi d.l v.ry ol mal*. s &bl*i lo qud.lod damaO6s

copl.ri6 oi A.ldnic &ild ,rs (oiaCi ,n tu [) A!l] 2021: sulrd lo lEud.H d-a6
Re,iio ld m ol Scnod Build n!. (D.ogn rd Bu d) 17 23* t2 22% &533% 13 rc% rL]ry ol d.l sy ol mlldid.iBhiel ro qJ'dnsi

:mplelid ol Mulli Pllloe Gymneluh 2373% 1006% 5345% 6265% 6336% dalry ol d€ yary ol hsld r s 6! lo qudakn

100 o0 n21
8r 25X n2"
242- Cqstrdrm ol Mdd Pd sd{ Are 242

South.rn M nd.i.o C.mpu. - 24.1 ConslruclEi o, th6 FEbl cal on L.b.r.idy Phe 2 -0000% 10oo0t(
n13 CoBkLElrd ol tu ! RadgE 8.ll Erlsnd (0er0n r Bui d) 10000x

Cd'dnd- or Boy 6 Re&E tilr En n 16 (oe{n I Bu d)

,t tz't
?azx CdsLr@lBr ol Acadmr 8d d'no I 26519( 3.r 32j( 61 32% 62 32% T.ksr prolEl (a pr Annor'h or h.2016 Rdi.d RR
ol R 9184): Dqel lt6ollh66nlnu.lim cd.lruol6 or
A.Jn. B! dncl Unrn rk Wdlc (Phe 1)'
CodrEio ol A.!d.nic tuHry I .Uninddwi.k (PhEl), E@dt 6r. lq .dd tdirlcl & lEdhe li.
b.dn. rdi Ek b rddn kdfE &.dnE

Cnp ol m oi F$ic.l on Laborroy Glqnnq Mob ol m6pdr sd hahl a 6 ftr th€
6iE1rucl'm ol pq holq lbn@ id. nio ol lnpdrry

s i. o.til.DMl lnordfut ol Vri@. n.rd d 6 Md Ed6 ol mape! -d mddic. h lh€

ol pri.,€ts t E ol !n!.r-y

soccs(SARGEN Rr! on c.mPur 2C17 couslrlE16 oi;! a@@ C61., (Lra,y)and Mu I hsd a 9135% 93 71% PMO ol PSiTS.SRC onduorsn ddiel6 h*ln96lo
prob €ms €icounls,sn d u dC prol&l m p €m.nlal oi
lh. PMo 6esl6l y mrd. ld d upslhrclch ph6.
-d 'oad ldh i.l 6 ain dn6d €nds lo tum a\.d m oii6 crdr 6 PCAB
oPtlt rq 6C ofrE -d dtsr Th 6lrdE, n .
Mm hr61 .fir, 66'fl.i b iiid h. pq-l
ThePMOsdir.db.6lcdili*5dstrho&bmn d
Prn 8...d d th€ Eubh tsi s.l6 pl.i, lh.y
ffipld. lh. pdel m D@nbd Cdcrudlo r O+
Ging Th. 6irdd str.d inu,ii{ uquidad daF
Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System
3rd Quarier

24'.\1 CdBlrucl s or Acdmi. Bui d i! rd Sd o lish Scho 9C 12% 9C33% 91520k 9i 52% @idEld @d mal nq. lo
9rchld. mounldd dudno olqEl ind66l.!d
l,iPVO 6!cF!y hd. iC d up. trE 9 phs
-d L.&d at &n-d dir L
..9r trn'6nd m ofiG &dr - PCA8,
oPwll q'6C otr6 rnd otu. Th. db-ld ii .
mh hal l.nq MmrlH lo tn d' tho FqEl
Th€ PMO 6dli z.d lh. dil .dlli6 -d E, lh6 6utn lld
Pan W. haw raa lald tha p ai and .dllsld lha
snd pgoquE 16 ld 6i!1ruct6 .lMl$
Um d
orrc dr 6li6 wla6 d. rrn Alu6ai d.] Su
ad b.uidry 61, .l ms aflE1s lh6 6 oi
o.dsd lt n.dolii.ppn9 !o
w. .lo
lr4r wtd4s d EI(d. rd dd n9
E* dlii! li ln. od.t6 Cadrdfi 6 On
Ti. 6lr-1d .rrd iMng L4udnd dm{6

2413 Cmp €l m or odm ldy B! dnO ! (Fd Se or N sh Sch@])

n3 C68l,ldrdr or Adriicrdio. &rk ii! Pte ll €622% 66 9s% 73 39"t 0n gdi! r- e.Fi.n l5l &d mm d€ b 61419
,i @npli6 6d. i.&.n 4,4!d 3, 2020 ,n
otEtd rq6Ld lo r+#ul6 n @hpro d. ro
ld(ddl mpcd ntElER munap, lG -d
Pqir oJ Nciir Cl( .d Solh Co(, @not s
6.h.d! . *c m odM 11, 2020 Lih bn i!mb6 ol
a. i th. .imp* r n6 Ml ol thar Eko6 .r.
nm Col$.lo Cil, Th. 6lr-ld he doing lhor bsl lo
lh. pq*l Th., .l$ d.l ydon hasr s Id lh.
Fqd TlEy obnild c.16-!p pld rt 6m'lm6l
Bid. b 6Dl.i. rl plid in ,-l Cl* l@rd
Lrqldnd dag. rh'dr drld o s+!*t a 2019

mt3 C661rucl orodm l,y Bu d ia V 100009(

2Ct3 CfiElrucl on ofM! I PUD@ Grn
2Ct3 Con6lruclon hl Covdsd Pdhwars
2A1A CoMlrucl on o, R@ardr fub 6 r'.Oocullurc &d Al .d Sc m6
942'A Brd a!Fd6 d(k .lkiE Mrdr 3, a]21 t-tE ol
dErdiLrro rdd lo b. ddE by [E PIiASE 1

dtdr RaF.i wt 16l Juy 26 2O2l Rrl ic.li6t

mp@sFoil ol Wald Syslem
2C2A 8146% 93oC% 93 25%
?cza rula .l d oJ Pdr, D st bul on I no .id Cohnui €lroi Sysrn 9512% 97 C9% $!d N.poda qdr .i$i6 Mrd 25, N21 tuE d
tE o+in! dlru.l o ol A.drdc &l.ri! V Tll
6En bu di,E ro inb d rd r- nltu !i r.
indlrdd to pi6t2. t Dd. C-lr e tut Utidr 6

Th€ sq. ollh€ prq*t h5llrtooiP* D.trbul'm

trrc ad CmmunEds Syslh @. ri.h c
buird ner idudlie c Bu d DC V Th. dirrid .s
iol hddl Ep..ld. nd olhs d€u6 .ii€ ACAD v$ !t
pply .!m o.1 ol lho w, r and lho d.lE r@ ltr lh. 616l

2an Rat$ it t4da.n nic tu'rd'n! r 50 r9x 92 rO!a 4d f,a .rrsd.n du. ro 6rtra Ek ,'d yaitm.
b2c Codr6,6 Vddp.d a,n P
oI Ar6a 2, 32%
^C '5 39%
2C7a C6sl.uc1'6 oJ SFdr CmCd 4292% 92149( dllrucxfi srilhd€ rubl, hl lhs d3 d!

2C11 Csdru.l on ol Mu I -pu.pc. cy6ne um rc0 c0% iun2020

2!,',3 cdrhEia ol Po6tnE,t E-rridry Sy ri{D6O,rd rcom!6 J5 2021, Liq! dal6n D&ac6 r. .lr.dy
YEAR:2021 Status of lnfrastructure lmplementation Projects of the PSHS System
3rd ou.der

Comparm ol Pddhard Fme Phr$ 2lDsOn dd Bu d Son.m6)

mt3 S L od.D{Ml Pne I (D.6isn dtu d Schs.) 90 53% L qu d.l.d 0n4- *a .rGJy mpod Tho ol,&ld

0e9. rt Cd*Et6 ol A<-.ddE Bldoo lV tjquiddd 0- ?. r. ,Bd, hp..d IIE p.q*l hE

dapd ds to llE dc.y n lhs 6dul6 hnmds€y Th. dlr*lor *ill @umo lh. r &!v lld a. ff r
lho n.lriCr *il b. dCiald m dl6

D.o!n -d C6.trr16 ol C-ld -d Sludol r.iinb Crld 9! i6% GfrDl.ld . Ma 2021, cl Das dr u$ bu dm ,s dt.ti

2Ct3 D6s gn $d Cmslrudff ol L brary .nd M n Ald lor !m and 9136% 9261% 93 t0% 94 23% 95 3.4% Liquid.l.d Dam aC6 *s . Grdy ihpo6.n Th. prclel r

S . D.6lopMl (Deoi ,n & o sdft) ro0ocx

2izi c6ihri.n or &i.m Rryd F !rit, (oden -d &ild)

nza Cr6lrucl o or omildy 8u rdiiC I (Da en .nd Build Schmo) 95319{ 9962% 100001( i00m%

S(. D6ldoml Udm oelon sd 8ul d Sd6. 100 001( JsNzl

Slrd lcl Jau.y 25, 2021 l^dr .l o oi tld
melry pl-lrn!, dEtie rn o uhh ne @tr
lh. m{dng &lNll d b lho ed pq-l

2421 Cdrtudio d ydrll REr, F-lity ciir [. o-isn ,'d st 32% Slrid .l Jxu.y 25, m2l Fqel is i*
t,t oElndio ph& 0d3 .t *lrdni d-rr c3
lil.Ek,oiliitEt plumbim wb ad C lhd
trcd.d to b6 .ldf, rE tlE dlgong *l vll6 lo ini n 6.
oi q babG lh. 6mp otro dslo

3.23% rh. Fqd nBo dl @[urd,o pla

,uh[ille rd ulEy ,n mElry Ek6 & 6
2421 Sils Do@ opFml ueig lho D€6 gn and Bu d Sohomo 7565% 3211% 9055% 94 06% isr{l.d larJ.nurry25, m21 Tho prot@l is iff
lho 6slruc1on phe Conoding oi oalhway i€ .dEi
ad dEd *dk i. b6 s Cdig d v16
ol drb pe CE & rn PCCP ,e afiny

Ofllo ol lh. Er-{ih DiRbr Cmpl.lro ol PSHS Sr.h Tr.1,{.ld Adnnlddlo C-li 'ta:a.L Copldd 06rprE Pm'l OlplE. (No ld lo la

n',9 Adt6l -d CotgaB lo h. C6p €t 6 ol PSHS Syulm

Tr31n0 and AP n,sH or Cer:er
mt9 Pahlw and FinishinoWoL
2lt9 mpnilald oi K-12 Prc{r (MTN i6m.hs sy3lm.) cnp 6r.di 06€ by Mrch z02l

ot : SoiF.iilon ol iom p6j-! du b Cdld 19 P.nd.6lc


tepublic ol lhe Philippiner
Deporlmeni ol Sclcnce ond Technology
olllce ol the Execuiive oirector

DOST-IMIF Submisrion Monltoring (OOSI-lnlroinuclure Montioring Ioik torce)

aPr2o21 lun-2021 tul.202t Sep-2021 oct-2021 Nov-2021 oec-2021

Ml N'R
loco5 Res on Camou5 rAc
Cordill.ra Admi.iitrative Retion Camput CARC
Casay.. V.llev C.mput cva
CentralL!zon Campus cLc
MIMAROPA ReRion Campus tvB

Wenern Vr3.yas Camp!s

Centr.lVrs.yas Campus cvira
Eanern Vrr.yas Camp!r EVC
zamboanfl a Penrn5ula Carpus zRc tx
Central Mindanao Canpu! cMc
Southern Mrndanao CamDus 5MC
SOCCSKsARGEN ReBion Campu5 5RC R4ion C.mput cRc

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