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A. The Communication Process

 Communication is defined as the “systematic process in which people interact with and through
symbols to create and share meaning”. (Cited by Agustin, et al.)
 It can also define as the process of sharing meaning in any context.
 It is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and even emotion
through speech, signals, writing, and behavior.
 There is a communication process if we send codes to convey message and we receive feedback
from anyone who receives it.
Why is it called a process?
 It’s a process because there’s a procedure that is being followed.
The Process
1. SENDER. The person delivering a message to a recipient
2. ENCODING. Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical and intangible, its further
passing requires use of certain symbols such as words, actions or pictures
3. MESSAGE. The information or the idea that the sender is relaying to the receiver.
4. CHANNEL. Transition on the method of delivering a message. This is the information that is
transmitted to the receiver through certain ways which may be either formal or informal.
5. DECODING. The interpretation of the message and it is performed by the receiver. The person
who gets the message or symbol from the communicator tries to convert the same in such a way
so that he may extract its meaning to his complete understanding
6. RECEIVER. The person who is getting or received the message.
7. FEEDBACK. It is the response of the receiver. Process of ensuring that the receiver has received
and understood the same sense as the sender mean it.
B. Elements of Communication
 Context – the setting in which the communication process takes place.
o Physical context – environment > temperature, lighting, and noise level.
o Social Context – the relationship between and among participants, the way you
communicate from others will be different in communicating to your parents.
Ex: Waving to your Teachers, winking to your crushes, hugging your friend
o Historical Context – similar with social, the way you communicate with them is maybe
influenced from your past interaction with them.
Ex: the way you respond to your close friends
o Psychological Context – it has something to do with your emotion or the way you
communicate to them depends on your mood or feelings.
Ex: when women have menstruation, they are angry when talking
o Cultural Context – communication that includes the beliefs, values, and norms that are
shared by a large group of people.
Ex: Not serving dinuguan to your INC friend in a lunch
 Participants – The people involve or the one exchanging the message and feedback
 Messages – the code or the message being encoded or sent by the sender to receiver.
 Channel – The medium in which the message travels through from the sender to receiver.
 Noise – the factors that interrupts the successful transmission of the message and cause
communication breakdown. It can be Internal, external, and semantic.
o External Noises – around the sender/receiver that may cause from being unable to
encode or decode the message successfully.
o Internal Noises – could be an emotion, thoughts, or state of being that may interfere in
the transmission of the message
o Semantic Noises – refer to the unintended meanings from certain messages that prevent
successful decoding from the receiver.
 Feedback – the response of the receiver which reflects how the receiver decode the message.
1. Why is communication considered a process?
- because there’s a procedure that is being followed.
2. Given that the message was sent successfully but the receiver did not give any feedback, is it still
considered as communication?
- yes & no

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