Reference: A. (2020, August 27) - 100 Politically Correct (PC) Euphemismslearn English For

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Roberto M. Pacamarra Jr.

October 21, 2021

BSCS 1-3 Purposive Communication


1. List down ten (10) politically incorrect terms and their counterparts apposite them
that are not included in the examples given in the module. Cite your reference(s).


Boring Differently Interesting
Dead Passed Away
Fat Overweight
Idiot Behaviorally Challenged
Skinny Thin
Black Person Person of Colour
Deaf Hearing Impaired
Homeless Residentially Flexible
Midget Little Person
Poor Marginalized

Reference: A. (2020, August 27). 100 Politically Correct (PC) EuphemismsLearn English for
free! PurlandTraining.Com.

2. Provide an answer in not more than 10 sentences: Should politically correct terms
be used for everyday communication? How so?
In my perspective, we actually don’t have to use politically correct terms or
appropriate language at all times, what we need to practice and what is more important,
is the ability to have a proper dialogue with one another, regardless of where they come
from, what they believe in, races, religions, and sexual orientations. Moreover, in my
opinion, politically correct terms do not always mean respectful, it just let us look at them
in it is most literal sense and less offensive to other people in order to live together
easily. However, we should always remember that there are some things that we should
not be ignorant of, and being politically correct on those things are important. At the end
of the day, we are free to say and do what we wish since we are living in a free country,
but do not forget that it has consequences and that is not going to change.
Roberto M. Pacamarra Jr. October 21, 2021
BSCS 1-3 Purposive Communication

3. Put two (2) images that you think are culturally inappropriate then explain why you
think they are so. Explain each image in not more than 5 sentences each

This T-shirt was released by GAP, which is an American

worldwide clothing and accessories retailer. I included it
because of its Graphic Prints which shows the incorrect map
of China, where south Tibet, the island of Taiwan and the
South China Sea were omitted from the print. They use
images that don’t necessarily relate to their own culture and
they should have them checked first before releasing it to the

This guy uses ghutra and agal, which is a traditional Middle

Eastern Headdress. He represents himself as The Terrorist Guy
for a Halloween party which is extremely culturally
inappropriate. Terrorist come in different race and gender and
we should stop using these kinds of things as costumes.

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