(Italiano) Zingiber Officinale - Sistematica, Etimologia, Habitat

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Zingiber officinale Ecological Glossary (327)
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Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, 1807) is a herbaceous plant of the
Zingiberaceae (the same Cardamom family) originating in the Far East. Crops (417)
It is a plant cultivated throughout the tropical and subtropical fascia, is Ornamental plants (221)
provided with fleshy and densely branched rhizome, from which there Preparations (48)
are both long sterile barrels and cables, formed by lanceolate leaflets,
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, (422)
Active principles
and short breeding fertile, carrying yellow-greenish flowers with
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purple spots . The fruit is a capsule divided into three logs
ACCEPTProductions (23) 
Systematic – Datasheet (286)
From a systematic point of view, Zingiber officinale belongs to the Techniques (314)
Eukaryota Domain, the Kingdom Plantae, the Tracheobionta
Subordination, the Spermatophyta Super Division, the Magnoliophyta Nature to Save (148)
Division, the Liliopsida Class, the Zingiberidae Subclass, the Botanical Gardens (9)
Zingiberales Order, the Zingiberaceae Family, the Zingiberoideae Parks and Reserves (112)
Subfamily, the Zingibereae Tribes and then the Zingiber Genus and
Observatory (20)
Species Mr officinale.
World Agriculture (104)
Etymology – Planet Earth (245)
The term derives from the extinct Middle East language that used
Climate (42)
singular expression. When the plant came with the shadows of the
Ecosystem (33)
Asian countryside of Alexander the Great, first in Greece and then
throughout the Mediterranean, the various languages ​changed the Maps (121)
original name according to their own canons, which explains the People (37)
notable difference between the various denominations of today.
Typical products (24)
Geographic Distribution and Habitat – Rural Revival (12)
Ginger is a plant native to India. It is very cultivated in the tropical
Animal species (684)
range, in Southeast Asia and especially in India, China and Africa. For
Mites (8)
its biological characteristics, vegeta well in humid, well-drained and
fertile soils. Cattle (97)
Insects (256)
Mammals (87)
Fishes (31)
Birds (178)

Mushroom Species (247)

Plant Species (1,242)
Arboreal (368)
Shrubby (204)
Herbaceous (651)

To The Future (68)

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Ultimi Articolin of the
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 Thursday  Thursday
December 9th, December 9th,
2021  0 2021  0
Plantago afra Aranesa
 Thursday  Thursday
December 9th, December 9th,
2021  1 2021  0

Guarda il

Scala dei Turchi

Death da salvare
Valley Saguaro
National National
Park Park
 Monday  Monday
November 22nd, November 15th,
2021  0 2021  0

Description –
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a herbaceous perennial herb planted Animali Hypleurochil
with tuberous rhizomes from which the stem is part. It is a perennial us
plant, that is, with gems in the underground, rhizomatic position, from Aranesa bananensis
 Thursday  Wednesday
which every year a new plant is born. The roots of ginger, with their
December 9th, December 1st,
irregular and dull form, seem to be jokes of nature. Rice, which is 2021  0 2021  0
precisely the root of the ginger plant, grows horizontally in the soil and
the plant itself looks like a robust grass. Its “pseudo-stalks” that can
reach a height of one meter are actually so thick and narrow leaves
that seem to stare. Here and there, elongated leaves protrude from Rinascita Rurale
pseudo-stems. They end with a yellow-whitish inflorescence made of Farmhouse
Masseria La
orchid-like individual flowers. Fabulagreen Chiusa
 Tuesday August  Sunday October
Cultivation – 11th, 2020  0 7th, 2018  0
The Zingiber officinale is a herbaceous plant native to the Far East, but
can adapt This website
to our usesGinger
climate. cookies to improve
crops in Italyyour
haveexperience. We'll assume you're ok with this,
become popular
for the properties of but
yourhizome of this
can opt-out officinal
if you wish. plant. Ginger
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Specie VegetaliAbarema

are distributed mainly in India, China, Nepal, Indonesia and Nigeria. cochliocarpo
Plantago afra s
Only in 2013 global ginger production reached and exceeded 2.1  Thursday  Wednesday
million tonnes. Different ginger varieties are common in the countries December 9th, December 8th,
of origin. For the cultivation of ginger in Italy we have to rely on the 2021  1 2021  1
cultivars that best fit our climate.
Those who want to cultivate ginger in the garden would be better off
to organize themselves with sacks or vases: ginger has precise climatic Reproductio
Guide Pratiche n of the
requirements and are not always compatible with the climate, Norsecurinin Arizona
especially for those who live in the center-north of Italy. In the south e cypress
 Thursday  Thursday
the thing changes considerably so we recommend cultivating only in
December 9th, December 9th,
these areas.
2021  0 2021  0
The ginger plant does not tolerate temperatures well below 10-15 ° C,
even when it stays at lower temperatures, does not develop a fleshy
and good quality rhizome.
The planting period must be between winter and early spring. Mappe Tematiche
Geographical Geographic
To get started, even in craftsmanship, you buy the classic ginger map of map of
Burkina Faso Ecuador
rhizome that you use in the kitchen or natural remedies, from here  Tuesday  Tuesday
you can get the first sprouts. The only condition is to buy rhizome in a November 30th, November 23rd,
shop that sells only organic products because the ginger roots you 2021  0 2021  0
find at the supermarket are often treated with substances that
prevent germination.
Once you have obtained a biological ginger root, keep it in a ceramic
Typical products
container, at home, at room temperature. Within a few days, a first Salsiccia Trapani sea
sprout should begin to grow. When the germination is complete, with pasqualora salt
a sterile and well sharp knife, cut the rhizome about 3 cm away from  Wednesday  Tuesday

December 1st, November 23rd,

the sprout. From a single root you can get as many ginger plants as
2021  0 2021  0
there are buds!
Ginger can also be grown in pots. Just make up the containers at least
40 cm wide and at least 30 cm deep. In each jar, place two pieces of
June 2017
roots at a distance of about 15-20 cm from each other.
The vessel is filled to 50 percent with a mature compost and the other M T W T F S
half with a mixture of clay-sandy soil (medium dough). If you are not 1 2 3
sure about the drainage qualities offered by the ground, put a couple
5 6 7 8 9 10
of cm of expanded clay on the bottom of the jar: ginger does not bear
water stagnation. 12 13 14 15 16 17
Gingerbread buds are buried at about 5 cm deep with the green tip
19 20 21 22 23 24
pointing upwards. Irrigate the plant a few hours after settling.
Ginger dishes should be kept in a slightly shaded place where the sun 26 27 28 29 30
gets filtered in the hottest hours of the day. The ginger plant will begin
to develop when the soil temperature stabilizes steadily at 22-25 ° C. « May Jul »
Ginger is irrigated daily throughout the vegetative period (as long as
you notice green leaves on the plant). In autumn, when the leaves
begin to fall, it will be possible to collect the rhizome. Harvested
rhizomes canThisbewebsite
eatenuses cookies
fresh to drying.
or after improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this,
On average, the sprouting ofcan
but you theopt-out
sproutsif at
youthe first harvest
about eight or nine months, depending on the seasonal climate.
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Although the ginger is a beautiful blossom, the flower will soon be
eliminated, as it will extract nutrients to the rhizome which will be less
developed and less intense.

Uses and Traditions –

The Zingiber officinale rhizome contains the active ingredients of the
plant: essential oil (mainly zingiberene), gingerols and shogaoli
(principles responsible for pungent flavor), resins and mucilages, and
presents more pronounced flavor and aroma typical Who see it widely
used as spice, especially in dried and powdered form, or fresh in thin
slices. The same are to a lesser extent also contained in ginger wood,
used for example for skewers, especially fish. In Japanese cuisine,
ginger is usually served in the form of pickle (sour cream) with
Dried rice, generally marketed in powder form, is used as a spice in
the kitchen and in the preparation of liqueurs and soft drinks as a
flavor. It has digestion (stomachic) ​stimulation properties, stimulating
peripheral circulation, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and is
traditionally believed to contribute to the preservation and exaltation
of the flavors of the foods it is usually associated with. The rhizome
has an evident antiinfective action, antiemetic (against vomiting),
antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.
In various Indochinese kitchens it is often also used in the preparation
of soups and dishes with sauces. Fresh rhizome, with boiling, allows
the milk to coagulate like other animal or vegetable substances
(rennet) and is widely used in the preparation of herbal teas. Enter as
mentioned in the preparation of soft drinks such as ginger ale and
ginger beer and in a variety of chocolate modicano. The use of ginger
(“genius”) in the Florentine confectionery of the medieval age is
attested by the sixth novel of the eighth Day of Decameron.
Gingerbread in English is a dough for gingerbread cookies, cinnamon,
cloves, nutmeg, typical of England, the United States and Northern
Europe, especially in Christmas.
Zingiber officinale has several medicinal and therapeutic curative
properties, Zingiber officinale is a plant that is used alone or as a
component of herbal remedies, and has been used for thousands of
years in India and China as a food spice, especially in food-based
dishes Meat, as sauce or sauce, for beer and other fermented
beverages, or for syrups and biscuits, and to prepare a particularly
appreciated Curry in India.
The ginger form has been historically called “Ginger Jelly”. Ginger has
been classified as a stimulant and carminative, and is frequently used
for dyspepsia and colic. In the past ginger was also often used to
conceal the taste
This of other
website usesmedicines. Ginger isyour
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considered Salutary” substances of the US FDA, although it has
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contraindications when used with some medicines. Ginger is not
recommended for people who suffer from gallstones because the
plant stimulates the release of bile from the gallbladder.
A particular use of ginger is to reduce and partly prevent the addiction
phenomenon and morphine abstinence crisis.
Ginger can also decrease the pain caused by arthritis to the joints,
although the studies on the subject are inconsistent; It may also have
anticoagulant properties, and lower cholesterol, which can make it
useful for treating heart disease.
Ginger substances are active against a form of diarrhea which is one
of the main factors of child mortality in developing nations. Zingerone
is probably the active component against enterotoxigenic Escherichia
coli, or diarrhea in its heat-sensitive form and induced by
In many studies, ginger has been shown to be effective in the
treatment of nausea caused by sea sickness, pregnancy, and
chemotherapy. The antiinfected and anti-vomiting effects of ethanol
and acetone rhizome extracts have been experimentally
demonstrated on the dog as a remedy to the side effects of cisplatin
anti-tumor medication.
The uses that can be made of ginger are innumerable, especially in
popular medicine. Ginger tea is a remedy for colds. Three or four
sacred basil leaves, together with a piece of ginger in an empty
stomach, are an effective cure for congestion, cough and cold. Ginger
ale and ginger beer have been recommended as “stomach-absorbing”
for generations, in the nations where such drinks are produced, and
ginger water was commonly used to prevent heat cramps in the
United States. Ginger has also historically been used to treat
inflammation, as confirmed by several scientific studies, although a
specific case of arthritis showed that ginger was not better than a
placebo or hepuprofen. Research on laboratory mice suggests that
ginger could be useful for the treatment of diabetes.
Ginger was already known by Galen describing the root, calling it
“imported from Barbaria”; In the year 1500, Matthioli described this
drug as “commendable in foods and getting ready to eat in
In Western culture, dried ginger root powder is put into capsules and
sold in a pharmacy for medicinal use.
In Burma, ginger and local sweeteners made from palm tree juice
(Htan nyat) are boiled together, and are used to prevent the influenza.
In China, a drink or drink made from sliced ​ginger and cooked in
sweetened water, is used as a popular medicine for colds.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the ginger is crushed and
mixed with the mango tree’s lymph to make the Tangawisi, which is
consideredThis website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this,
a panacea.
In India, pasta gingerbutis applied
you canon the temples
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if you wish. relief from
headaches and is ingested by common cold sufferers. People also use
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ginger in addition to tea, for cooking, and so on.
In Indonesia, a type of ginger known as Jahe is used as a plant
preparation to reduce fatigue, decrease “air” in the blood, prevent and
cure rheumatism, and control bad eating habits.
In the Philippines, a traditional salad called “salabat” is prepared for
breakfast, boiling ginger bits and adding sugar; Is considered a good
cure for inflammation of the throat.
In the United States, ginger is used to prevent seasickness and
pregnancy nausea.
Ginger allergic reactions generally produce eruptions, and despite
being generally recognized as healthy, ginger can cause stomach pain,
swelling, gas production, especially if taken in the form of dust. Fresh
ginger, if not well chewed, can cause intestinal blockage, and
individuals who have had ulcers, intestinal inflammation, or intestinal
blocks may react badly to large amounts of fresh ginger. Ginger can
also act negatively on individuals subjected to biliary calculus. There
are also indications that ginger may affect blood pressure,
coagulation, and heart rhythm.
The main constituents of Zingiber officinale are: essential oil and resin
(gingeroli). In particular we find: 60% starch; 2.5% -3% of essential oil:
sesquiterpenic carbides, such as zingiberene (60%), beta bisabolene,
ar-curcumene, zingiberol (smokers, etc.); Gingeroli (responsible for the
marked taste of the drug); Shogaoli (in the dried drug); Wax, fat,
starch, sugars, resin, organic acids and 5% mineral salts
The main activities of Zingiber officinale are: carminative, aromatic
and absorbent, antiemetic, and cholesterol-lowering.
The therapeutic use of Zingiber officinale is mainly for: dyspeptic
disorders and kinetics prevention.
Zingiber officinale possesses a strong antioxidant activity on fats and
other foods, thus facilitating the preservation. The plant is used as a
flavorant in many mouthwashes and dental care medicines.
Ginger is sold in powder form as whole, to be grated on dishes; The
latter typology, although maintaining the best quality of the product,
has the disadvantage of not staying cool for a long time.
The Ministry of Health’s Decree (December 2010) provides for the
inclusion of plant substances and extracts in the dietary supplements
of this plant, in particular, called rhizoma, oleum.

Methods of Preparation –
Ginger is a root of a thousand beneficial properties: from digestion to
slimming effects, from good circulation to aid against nausea. The
thing we immediately recognize about this root is its fresh and biting
flavor, which in the kitchen is very useful for re-balancing or giving a
shade to the Thisdishes.
websiteBut let’s
uses see how
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and use ginger in
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the kitchen.
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First of all, let’s start by saying that most of the time you will want to
grind it: as root you will be very good, and it will be much more
practical for you to use it. And for conservation? Fresh ginger will last
very long in the fridge: from 2 to 3 weeks if you repair it from
Here we give you some idea, more or less conventional, about how to
use fresh ginger in the kitchen.
Ginger in the pasta: it is certainly not an Italian flavor of ginger, but
with pasta it is a pity. Take for example a recipe that combines
classical garlic lime and chili peppers with a nice dose of ginger. To
create a ginger cream just boil the cream with chopped ginger and the
game is done. But ginger is also perfect in some recipes that match
the root to the taste of sea urchins.
The fresh flavor of ginger, combined with lime, can give a summer
twist to all dishes, especially delicate fish carpas, which need some
acidity to fully conquer the palate. Ginger can be used in cod
Another recipe is one that uses pumpkin and ginger. An autumn
approach to be taken into account right now. Pumpkin and ginger
together are one of the most interesting pairs of the kitchen, which is
a risotto or velvet.
Another recipe is to use fresh ginger in the kitchen to make a sauce.
Simply grate ginger finely, add some lemon and soy sauce and mix by
adding soy cream (for a lighter effect) or vegetable milk. If you want,
you can also use the eggless mayonnaise directly for a light version of
the sauce, to be used on salads, fish, rolls or meat.
Ginger can be used to prepare candies, surely a healthier alternative
to chocolates or candies. Beware however of what you buy at the
supermarket: it might be full of added sugars. To be sure it’s healthy
and good, it’s okay to do it at home.
Among the most famous recipes with ginger are definitely Christmas
biscuits. Fresh ginger in general can be used in many cakes and
Always with the ginger you can prepare the centrifuges, including that
with carrots, apples and ginger, but the root is great for all recipes,
including smoothies.
Still, ginger in cocktails; In summer (or winter) cocktails is just perfect.
Finally, among the countless uses we recall ginger tea. It’s a tadpole
especially after exaggerating a little at the table: a ginger herb helps
digestion and is especially enjoyable to taste hot. Prepare it is easy:
just boil 3 pieces of fresh ginger in a pan and let it rest and cool a little.

Guido Bissanti

– Wikipedia, website
the uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this,
free encyclopedia.
– Treben M., 2000. ThebutHealth ofopt-out
you can the Lord’s Pharmacy,
if you Tips and
wish. Cookie settings ACCEPT 
Experiences with Medicinal Herbs, Ennsthaler Publisher
– Pignatti S., 1982. Flora d’Italia, Edagricole, Bologna.
– Conti F., Abbate G., Alessandrini A., Blasi C. (eds.), 2005. An
annotated checklist of the Italian vascular flora, Palombi Editore.

Caution: Pharmaceutical applications and surgical uses are indicated

for information purposes only; they do not represent any prescription
of a medical type; Therefore, no responsibility for their use for any
curative, aesthetic or food use is considered.

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