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assalamu'alaikum wr. wb wants to share a little experience, my name is uskan dani I come from the
island of romance, namely Talango island, I graduated from MUHAMMADIYAH SMA, and have been
unemployed for several years because of that I can say I am late for education, and after a lot of input
from my parents, as well as my friends, they said that they said that they would just continue studying,
it's a shame if they didn't continue, and when they thought about it, why wouldn't I just continue, and
after that I decided to continue my studies at the "HIGH SCHOOL OF TARBIYAH AQIDAH USMUNIYAH
SCIENCES" , to study on my own, it turned out It's very nice to have a lot of lecturer friends, some are
fierce but funny, then some are really funny, some are complete, heheh, but besides that, about me
from the Archipelago, you can say a lot, yes, not too much about obstacles or can be explained say it's
sad if it's in the story, so the sadness is when it rains to go to campus, queues for boats, then there's
always something called life or not k, as beautiful as we imagine, sometimes it hurts because the one
who is fixed has disappeared. heheheh maybe that's all I can say about my ups and downs during
college, more or less sorry, if there is a meeting there must be a farewell therefore I personally beg to
say goodbye, w Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb

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