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Nama : Winda Furoidatul Khusnah

NRP : 0519140127
Kelas : D4 RPL K3 IX

The accident resulted by the undisciplined worker which is one of unsafe acts on workers
that cause work accidents

The development of the industrial world is followed by advances in modern technology such as
machines with advanced technology that can facilitate the production process but can also pose a
risk of work accidents. Based on BPJS Employment data, in 2020 there were 177,161 cases of
work accidents. one of the theories stated by Heinrich stated that accidents in general industry 88
% are caused by unsafe acts, 10 % unsafe conditions, and 2 % inevitable. There are many factors
for unsafe actions from workers, one of which is the indiscipline of workers which causes work
accidents. The purpose of this report is to analyze what factors are workers' indiscipline as one of
the unsafe actions in cases of work accidents in the company. Based on data collection, this study
uses observational methods are analyzed analytically. In order to obtain data, the researcher
observed and distributed questionnaires to 41 PT X. The majority of respondents have a service
life >20 years, equal to the age of 43 years, have a good motivation to safe behavior, and have
knowledge about K3 and unsafe action.

Title The accident resulted by the undisciplined worker which is

one of unsafe acts on workers that cause work accidents
Purpose The purpose of this report is to analyze what factors are workers'
indiscipline as one of the unsafe actions in cases of work accidents
in the company
Background The development of the industrial world is followed by advances in
modern technology such as machines with advanced technology
that can facilitate the production process but can also pose a risk of
work accidents. Based on BPJS Employment data, in 2020 there
were 177,161 cases of work accidents. one of the theories stated by
Heinrich stated that accidents in general industry 88 % are caused
by unsafe acts, 10 % unsafe conditions, and 2 % inevitable. There
are many factors for unsafe actions from workers, one of which is
the indiscipline of workers which causes work accidents
Method of Investigation . Based on data collection, this study uses observational methods
are analyzed analytically. In order to obtain data, the researcher
observed and distributed questionnaires to 41 PT X
Scope The majority of respondents have a service life >20 years, equal to
the age of 43 years, have a good motivation to safe behavior, and
have knowledge about K3 and unsafe action.

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