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Disciplinary Instruction

Discipline Department - State Police of America [USA] - [DI].

This Document is strictly reserved for the Disciplinary Department.

Version 3.0, Documents of the Military Police Disciplinary Department.

The amount of documents included within this State Police Disciplinary Instruction
document are 5 implemented ones:

• [DT] Disciplinary Training.

• [IP] Infractions and Punishments.
• [SS] Suspensions Spreadsheet. (Useless)
• [DDB] Discipline Department Brief.
• [DDJ] Discipline Department’s Job.
There are several sections in this guide explaining how to continue to show the expected
characteristics of an officer on duty, how to host events related to the Military Police
Disciplinary Instruction guide and its documents explanation.
Reviewing any of these documents without qualifying to the limit will subject

[DT] Disciplinary Training.

[LIMITED TO]: Criminal Investigation Division & State Police Command

Regulations and Infractions Guidelines.

[LIMITED TO]: State Police Personnel

[DDJ] Discipline Department's Job.

[LIMITED TO]: State Police Personnel

[DDB] Discipline Department Brief.

[LIMITED TO]: State Police High Command
All of these 5 documents of the Discipline Department serves a high importance within the
proper education and readiness of our State Police Officers’. These 5 guides will gradually
educate and slowly grow our future generation of State Police Officers into great established
and hard working individuals of the United States Armed Forces and the State Police of
America [USA].
These kinds of assessments will let us know whether if PROB's are prepared or need
additional training.

Things to keep in mind whenever wanting to host DT's:

• While hosting an event, it is crucial that you use your best grammar while on duty. This
will show how Military Police have helped to educate you as well as to teach you the
important topics of grammar. If any officer is found using broken grammar I will start a case
on him and punish him.

• Appropriately use an announcement command when needed to.

• Behavior: Be respectful, mature, obedient, honest, etc.

“Probationaries up to High Command are required to show their professionalism while

hosting events. Keep in mind that disrespect, foolishness, and many other negative things will
not be tolerated here in Military Police.”

Created by: Theory_Zerp, Chief of Discipline & Executive Officer of 100th.

Approved and checked by: Former Deputy Director, SAVAGECHECKEN

HellomynameisGrizzly, Deputy Chief of Discipline.
CoastedOperators, Deputy Director.

"Assist, Protect, Defend"

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