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Section A: Airbase Rules

1. If you fly or taxi an aircraft you are not specified to fly, you will be
striked once for every vehicle you fly. Going into the pilot seat is not
good enough for a strike.
2. Using weapons at the airbase is strictly prohibited unless you are
authorized to do so, doing so results in a strike.
3. Using weapons on other planes, without permission of the victim, is a
4. Make sure you have no packages (make your avatar blocky)
5. Reckless flying will result in punishment.
6. Wing hopping is not permitted. You must be in a wing for longer than a
week before joining another.
7. Respect is expected always in all ways.
8. Bombing the Air Base is a strike
9. Exploiting at the airbase is an exile
10.Do not disrupt events using vehicles, guns or any form of weapons or
vehicles or being a pest.
11.Randomly killing members on the ground using guns, or ramming them
with bikes in order to get in the back seat results in a strike.
12.Using any sort of plane weapons on the island the airbase is a strike.
13.You may not drive a plane into events at any cost
14. Use the runway when taking off. Taking off from a taxiway or from your
plane spawn results in a strike.
15.If you have access to moderator permissions at the airbase, you must
follow the Admin Abuse guidelines, listed
16. Nobody is above the rules, you must all follow these rules regardless if
you own a private server or if you are in a public one.

Section B: USMA Rules

1. Guarding the CP is NOT your job, you’ll be striked twice if you guard it,
with valid proof or witnesses
2. You should only use your gun to protect Air Force tryouts, or self defence
in the case of a shooter. Doing otherwise will be classed as “random
killing” and will be given 3 strikes.
3. Mass shooting will always results in a permanent blacklist
4. Do not randomly pull your gun out, doing so results in a strike
5. Do not shoot people unless it is in self-defense. (You cannot shoot
6. Do not disrupt any events.
7. Respect is expected always and in all ways.
8. All regular USAF rules apply about AA, etc etc.

Section C: Discord Rules

1. Cussing is allowed but cuss words such as “nigger, nigga” will be strictly
prohibited. Any racism or homophobia is strictly prohibited.
2. There should be no NSFW anywhere in any channel! You’ll be banned
from USAF and AF if you post any sort of NSFW.
3. Double pinging for events is a strike
4. Do not play any sexual songs or racist songs in the VC
5. Playing earrape in VC will results in a mute, and a strike
6. Do not abuse your ability to send pictures.
7. Do not uselessly tag or ghost tag random people/roles.
8. Do not spam the chat.
9. Respect is expected always and in all ways.
10.Use common sense and don’t do anything stupid.
11.Do not free-rank people if you have the power to.
12. Do not uselessly strike, kick, or ban people if you have the power to.
13. Do not abuse admin if you have it, it will results in a demotion or an
exile, or a blacklist depending on severity
14. Mass mentioning entire roles, or members, will results from a strike, to a
permanent blacklist depending on the severity
15. Bribery is a permanent blacklist
16. Blackmail is strictly prohibited, if caught, you will be permanently
17. Sexually harassing members is a permanent blacklist
18. Disrespecting members will result in a warning or strike

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