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MTV Avenue, Naga City, 4400, Philippines


Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory


Name: ERLAINE MARIE P. ROSELA Lab time/ Date: __22/10/21

Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart

1. An anterior view of the heart is shown here. Identify each structure by writing its name on the corresponding leader

Brachiocephalic artery Left common carotid artery

Superior vena cava Left subclavian artery

Aortic arch
Right pulmonary artery Ligamentum arteriosum

Ascending aorta Left pulmonary artery

Left pulmonary veins
Pulmonary trunk
Left atrium
Right pulmonary veins

Right atrium
Right coronary artery
Left coronary artery

Left ventricle
Right ventricle

Inferior vena cava

Apex of heart

2. What is the function of the fluid that fills the pericardial sac?
To reduce friction during cardiovascular activity.
3. Match the terms in the key to the descriptions provided below. (Some terms may be used more than once.)


Coronary sinus 1. Drains blood into the right atrium Atria

Atria 2. Superior heart chambers Coronary arteries

Ventricles 3. Inferior heart chambers Coronary sinus

Epicardium 4. Visceral pericardium endocardium

Atria 5. Receiving chambers of the heart epicardium

myocardium 6. Layer composed of cardiac muscle myocardium

Coronary arteries 7. Provide nutrient blood to the heart muscle ventricles

endocardium 8. lining of the heart chambers

ventricles 9. Actual “pumps” of the heart

4. What is the function of the valves found in the heart? They make the heart's blood flow one direction alone.
5. Can the heart function with leaky valves? (Consider this: can a water pump function with leaky valves?)
Blood is going retrograde further into the left atrium, therefore no. If left untreated, this can lead to cardiac failure.
6. What is the role of the chordae tendineae? They inhibit blood backflow into the atria by anchoring the AV valve flaps
during ventricular systole.
Pulmonary, Systemic, and Cardiac Circulations
7. A simple schematic of a so-called general circulation is shown below. What part of the circulation is missing from this
The pulmonary circulation is indistinguishable from the systemic circulation.

Correctly draw the diagram as best you can to make it depict a complete systemic/pulmonary circulation, and rename “general
circulation” as the correct subcirculation.
8. Differentiate clearly between the roles of the pulmonary and systemic circulations. The pulmonary circuit is only
responsible for gas exchange; the systemic circuit is in charge of the body's functional supply.
9. Complete the following scheme of circulation in the human body:

Right atrium through the right atrioventricular valve to the right ventricle through the pulmonary
semilunar valve to the pulmonary trunk to the right and left pulmonary arteries to the capillary beds of the lungs to the to
pulmonary veins the left atrium of the heart through the mitral/bicuspid valve to the left ventricle_through the __ aortic
semilunar valve to the _________ aorta_______________to the systemic arteries to the ______ capillary beds__of the
_________venule________ tissues to the systemic veins to the ______ inferior vena cava_________ and __________ coronary
sinus______________ entering the right atrium of the heart.

10. If the left atrioventricular valve does not close properly, which circulation is affected? systemic
11. Why might a thrombus (blood clot) in the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery cause sudden death?
The interventricular septum and the anterior walls of both ventricles get blood from this artery. Damage to the ventricles,
particularly the left ventricle, is extremely dangerous.

12. Add the following terms to the photo of cardiac muscle at the right:

intercalated disc intercalated disc

nucleus of cardiac muscle fiber nucleus of cardiac muscle

cardiac muscle fiber

cardiac muscle fiber

13. What role does the unique structure of cardiac muscle play in its function? (Note: Before attempting a response, Describe
the unique anatomy.)
By virtue of their intercalated discs, cardiac muscle cells create a functional syncytium. This anatomical trait, along with the
unique arrangement of cardiac muscle in the heart, enables the heart's pumping motion to be precisely synchronized for
maximum efficiency.

Dissection of the Sheep Heart

14. During the sheep heart dissection, you were asked initially to identify the right and left ventricles without cutting
into the heart. During this procedure, what differences did you observe between the two chambers?
The left ventricle was harder, thicker, and less compressible, whereas the right was "flabby."

How would you say this structural difference reflects the relative functions of these two heart chambers?
Because the left ventricle pumps blood via the high-resistance systemic circulation, it must be more strong than the right
ventricle, which pumps blood through the low-resistance pulmonary circuit.

15. Semilunar valves prevent backflow into the _____ventricles___________; AV valves prevent backflow into the
__________ atria______________. Using your own observations, explain how the operation of the semilunar valves differs
from that of the AV valves. The AV valve flaps migrated superiorly into the closed position when the ventricle was
compressed, as during systole. The cusps filled and closed the valve when water was poured into it like when blood

16. A remnant of the fetal structure is observable in the heart. What was it called in the fetal heart, where was it
located, and what purpose did it serve as a functioning fetal structure?
Between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta is the Ligamentum Arteriosum or ductus arteriosus. In the atrial septum, there is a
fossa ovalis or foramen ovale. They allowed blood to bypass the nonfunctional embryonic lungs while they were open and

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